Leo: History

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Author's Note: Hello everyone, last chapter might come as a shock to all of you. I thought the best thing was to resurrect Luke :) and make him seventeen :D thank you for reading and appreciating my work.


I stare at my wrist, crimson blood leaks from the cut on it. All because of that Aphrodite Counsellor. Man, she has really sharp nails, I think 2 inches. Girls are tough people. But I've never seen Piper do a lot of makeup, Sienna? I barely know her.

But when I'm with her, everything seems so normal as if we knew each other for ages. Everything about her makes me feel strange, her deep blue eyes and the rare smile she sometimes gives. It's hard to believe she doesn't wear makeup, her look is so natural and beautiful.

Woah, I clear my head and glance at my bunker. Drew dropped me here shortly after talking bad about Sienna. Hon, she is such a nerd, you shouldn't hang out with her. If you want any company or... you can come to me . These words made me even sure not to go to her the other time.

All I thought was about the sour face Sienna gave Drew when she took me along. Why was she that sour to Drew. Did something happen between both of them? Or was it some kind of old hatred between them? Hard. But the thing I am most surprised is that how this whole circle works.

Girls are typical.

Right now, the thing which is bothering me the most is, Coach Hedge. I think Jason and Piper also feel the same way. Guilt. He was captured because of us and we will bring him back soon.

I lie down on the bunk, they say this was the bunk of Beckendorf, their former counsellor and head who died during The titans war. He died like a hero, everyone said that.

I yawned and dozed off. Ah.


"Get up, Valdez." The voice of Jake, the head of cabin, says. I grumble, it was such a beautiful dream. I was flying on a Golden metallic dragon, and it was so not real.

Stretching my arms, I yawn, rising up from the bed, looking straight into the sour face of Jake. I raise my eyebrows at him.

"What's up?"

"Valdez, you've got to come, there's something you'd like to know."


Following Jake, I got the idea that this wasn't something to joke about, the other cabin members outside were laughing at Jake, including the Aphrodite girls who were cackling loudly. Jake turned to a halt at the Hecate Cabin.

The cabin door was decorated with fairy lights and crystal orbs hanging, it looked kind of misty, if that's the right word for it. On the top, was a chalkboard plate hanging, bearing the words Everything is Magic. There were also little white ghosts hanging with strings.


Jake knocked on the door, after a few minutes a boy opened, he looked real crazy, with those crazy grey eyes and ombre blue hair, he wore a light blue T shirt and brown khaki shorts. Seeing him, I got the Impression of those Kpop singers.

"What do you want?" He asked, raising his eyebrows at us, making a confused face.

"Can we see Lindsay? It's urgent." Jake answered, looking at his feet, did I just see a red blush creeping on Jake's face? Oh Man I must Be bluffing. The guy narrowed his eyes on Jake.

"Oh please. Confide in me."

"We just want to meet-"


"Please let us talk-"


"What is it, Chris. Stop shouting like that."

A girl appeared at the door, she had golden hair, pushed back into a ponytail, she also had grey eyes like Chris. She wore some jeans and a jumper.

"Lindsay, go inside." Chris scowled at his sister. Oh so this was Lindsay, the girl who made Jake blush.

"What do you want, Jake? And who are you?" Lindsay retorted, comprehension dawn over her face.

"Lindsay, this is Leo Valdez. My half brother." Jake introduced me to Lindsay. She smiled politely at me and looked back at her brother who was scowling.

"Hi, Kid. Anyways What is the matter?"

Kid? A fifteen year old boy, a kid?

"Sienna is. I wanted to talk about her to you. Can you come outside?" Jake said, worried. Lindsay's face fell and she looked down, nodding. I looked from Jake to Lindsay, there foreheads were lined with concern. Chris, who was here a few minutes ago slammed the door and went inside. Lindsay ignored him.

"Sure. But Why is Leo here? He doesn't even know about her? Why bring him?" Lindsay questioned, raising her eyebrows. Same here. I don't even know much about her. Except her excitement for Water.

"Um he was with her for a few time when the incident occurred, he might have a clue what happened to her.." Jake scratched the back of his neck nervously. I looked suspiciously at him.

What happened to her?

"Let's talk. Come on, there." Lindsay pointed at the abandoned benches, well who would fancy sitting there at a sunny day. We all walked there and sat.

"Leo, did you see Sienna acting what you would call weird?" Lindsay asked. Jake fidgeted with his fingers.

"Um not exactly. But she was acting funny around the water, she was ecstatic about it.. said she loved water..." I retorted. Lindsay widened her eyes and gasped, Jake looked horrified.

"B-but she never neared water s-since. ....."

"Could this mean?....." Jake stammered, looking at Lindsay.

"Woah. Chill? What's the problem?" I asked.

"Should we tell him, Jake?" Lindsay whispered, Jake nodded.

"Um, Leo. We shouldn't tell you this but... since you're a part of this conversation....." Lindsay stuttered.

"Two years ago. There was a son of Hermes in this camp, Luke Castellan, who started dating Sienna. Even though Luke was fifteen and she was thirteen, they got well together. They fought with armour and had a lot of fun with camp games. Sienna developed love for him and he... well it was complicated. Then Luke was possessed by Kronos, the Titan God who controlled him, Luke helped him to it. Then Kronos ordered Luke to drown Sienna since she was a threat to Him, I mean Kronos. Luke drowned her, but she was alive. When Luke died, he apologised to her, she forgave him and promised herself to never trust any boy ever again... that's the story..." Jake sighed.

Lindsay was on the verge of tears, Jake simply looked terrible. I couldn't believe this.

Sienna, she had such a horrible past.

"Why are they all laughing at you, Jake." I asked him.

"They found her unconscious at the benches, and now she when she was supposed to be in the healing tent, she lay on the shore of the river. And she's never neared water since Luke tried to drown her. They all laughed because at sometime I was Sienna's best friend but now she doesn't talk much... And...." Jake said but Lindsay stood up.

"That's enough. I'm leaving." She announced, walking back to her cabin.

My heart sank, this was terrible.


How was it? There are some changes in the plot. I admit.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2016 ⏰

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