Chapter 18

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I like this song so I put it in. Is it just me or the girl and boy in the vid look very strange.

"What should we do with her?" Liam asked looking around

In the room was just me Liam Zoe and my dad. I shrugged and looked at the ceiling.

"She wasn't lying to us and she didn't do anything wrong" Zoe said

"Only accused for being a creep!" I murmured

Liam glared at me. I looked at him annoyed

"Oh come on! She was watching us through the trees. And who knows how long she was watching, what if Zoe was busy picking her nose and she saw!" I growled

Zoe totally face palmed and shook her head, "I do not pick my freaking nose!" She yelled annoyed

I rolled my eyes and walked out of the room. I honestly did not care what they did with her. As long as I don't have to see her. I stormed up the stairs but stopped by Noah's room. I leaned my head up against the door and took a deep breath. I put my hand on top of the door knob and turned it slowly. I opened it and looked around. Just a normal boy room but just cleaner. There were like 10 pictures on the wall, of his family.

I took a closer to them. A family picture, him and his mom when he was about 13 at a dance, also one of him and I think his little cousin. It's nice to see his face smiling for real.

I was just about to leave when I heard a non stop beeping noise. I had no idea where it was from but it was very annoying!

I started to look around and it led to his night stand. I opened the drawer and saw his phone beeping. Someone was calling it but it was a random number. I declined it and set it on top of the nightstand. I gained sight of a little picture behind his lamp. I picked it up and scanned it.

It was a picture of him and I laughing. It was on his 17th birthday. There was little reading on the bottom.

Only you can put a smile on my face when I'm sad

He was sad that day cause he broke his leg and wouldn't be able to go on the pack run which was a tradition for practically every pack.

I wiped away my tears and set it back down. I tried to stop my self from exploding and totally breaking down. I slumped down onto the soft carpet and cried.

"I can't stand not being with you" I sobbed  

"I missed you to" a soft voice whispered

I looked up and saw him leaning on the doorframe. I jumped up and grabbed his head and pulled it to my level

"Don't you ever leave me EVER again" I growled

He chuckled pulling me into a hug. I pulled away and turned to the picture in his night stand.

"Why do you have that?" I said

"Oh I loved that picture and put the quote on it" he said slightly embarrassed.

I laughed and kissed his cheek and ran out and down to where everyone was.

Hey. Do I even have to ask the next question? I say it every time so just talk. Sounds good! Well I hope you liiiiiikkked it. Well, I'm tired so I'm going to leave now. Go to sleep friendz, it doesn't matter if it's morning I'll wait until your in bed. Did you do it yet? I'm proud if you guys. I'll see you later. Don't talk to strangers and
Bye bye😴

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