Chapter 1

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Fixing you

It's been a week since Gray and everyone else had almost lost their friend, Natsu. Said dragon slayer had almost given Gray a heart attack when he found him by that lake, that knife so close to his neck. He still cries thinking about that experience.

Natsu had been with him ever since, there's been improvement but the teens heart will never be the same and the ice mage was determined to fix it as best as he could.

Natsu still thought about the words that the ice mage said to him a week ago 'Don't leave me!' that day was way too emotional for the dragon slayer and he had almost took his own life for it. That day was the day Igneel died and with that on top of everything else he just couldn't handle it anymore.


Today was the anniversary of Igneel's death, Natsu didn't even show up to the guild that day, for sure everyone was worried sick for him, they had been constantly asking questions when he did actually show up at the guild, wondering what was going on with him, he could also see in Gray's eyes that he was worried as well but he pushed that away as just a friend worried for a friend of his friends, cause for sure Gray didn't think of him as a friend anymore after what he had done.

He was a broken mess, and he wanted out of all the pain, he was sick of everything, and all of the questions were getting annoying as well. he stopped thinking and grabbed a knife, his state of mind was so gone he didn't know what to do anymore. He left his house and walked to a lake.

Natsu probably sat there for an hour, tears running down his cheeks before he finally brought the knife up to his throat. He never got the chance to do anything before he felt strong arms wrap around him from behind, he then felt something wet hit his shoulder. "Don't do it Natsu! Please! I'm sorry! I'm sorry you've been through so much and i'm sorry i've put another hole in your heart! But please don't do this! I didn't mean what i said! I love you! Don't leave me!" Gray... He felt the grip on him tighten before dropping the knife from pure shock. Gray had come looking for him...

He started crying once more but this time from relief. Gray didn't let go, Natsu covered his face with one hand and held onto Gray's arm for dear life. "I love you so fucking much Natsu!"

Natsu's heart ached for Gray's words, he needed to hear those three simple words for so long, he needed him to make him sane again, he didn't know how much until now.

"Gray...Don't let go...not yet...please..."

"I wont, Natsu, I wont let go, not now, not ever!" Gray was still crying, Natsu could feel his tears hitting his neck, since that's where Gray's face was buried.

He had yet to notice that everyone from the guild had followed Gray and watched in tears how Gray had saved their friend from being lost forever, they watched as Gray rocked him back and forth, trying to sooth the broken teen.

Natsu leaned on Gray for support, he couldn't keep himself in a sitting position any longer, Gray rocked him back and forth as he cried. "Gray..."

"I am not going anywhere Natsu, Not now, not ever, Just please don't do this again... you scared me so badly!"

"I love you Gray..."

-End of Flashback-

Natsu sighed as he wiped more tears away from his eyes. He had moved in with Gray yesterday and was slightly improving on his mental state, he now had Gray by his side to help him, and Everyone in Fairy tail was there for him as well. He got up off the bed and made his way to the bathroom, splashed a bit of water on his face and checked his eyes in the mirror, no redness this time.

"Natsu? Do you want something to eat?" Gray yelled from the kitchen.

Natsu headed down to the kitchen and hugged Gray from behind. "Yeah, i'm starving!"

"Haha, alright, by the way, how are you? " he looked down at Natsu.

"I'm okay. I promise. " He smiled up at Gray but it wasn't as cheerful as his usual one, Gray had expected that, it's only been a week since the incident, but Gray believed him if he said he was doing okay, then he may actually be doing okay.

Gray place a kiss on top of Natsu's head before he sat down, he then placed a plate of food in front of Natsu piled so high you almost couldn't see Natsu's head. That didn't stop him from devouring it all which caused Gray to chuckle. 'At least his appetite came back aha' Gray sat down with his own plate, which was filled with a normal amount of food, he ate in silence as he watched Natsu.

once they finished eating they both got ready and headed out to the guild. "Are you sure you want to go today?" Gray questioned Natsu.

"Yeah, I'll be fine, I want to go. i haven't been there in the past week anyway.. " He looked down sadly, he regretted avoiding the guild but he wanted to feel better before he faced everyone and he truthfully was feeling better then what he did, but that was only the part where Gray had hurt him. The rest of the pain was still there.

once in the guild everyone smiled at Natsu and waved, no one want to overwhelm the dragon slayer with questions on his health and what the hell was he thinking about doing.

Him and Gray sat down at the table where Erza, Lucy, and happy sat.

"hi Natsu! Glad to see you back!" Lucy beamed at the dragon slayer "And you too Gray!"

"Indeed! It is great to have the rest of the team with us." Erza Smiled at them both.

Gray had taken the week away from the guild to help Natsu so this was the first day back for him as well.

He was happy to be back and so was Natsu, he knew it's going to take a while, but Natsu was going to get better, Gray was going to mend that broken heart.

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