Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

After Natsu and Gray left the guild last night, Lucy ran after them, "Wait!" Natsu turned to face the blonde.

"What is it Luce?" Gray turned to face Lucy too.

"Yeah, what's up?"

"Me and Erza forgot to bring this up, we are taking a job tomorrow and would love it if you both could come along! I mean if you're up to it. I know Erza would love to have the team back together and me as well but we're not rushing you or anything" Lucy was looking mostly at Natsu as she said the last part, but she still smiled at both of them.

Natsu thought it over and nodded, then he looked at Gray for his answer. Gray nodded as well, but looked at Natsu and asked "Are you sure?"

"Yeah, i'm been missing going on jobs lately aha" He smiled a genuine smile at the celestial spirit mage.

"That's Great!" She hugged both teens and gave them the details, then she said goodbye and running back into the guild to tell Erza.

"Well let's go home and try to get some rest, we have to leave early tomorrow." Gray grabbed his hand and led them back to their apartment.

-Next Day-

Natsu awoke to find that Gray was not next to him, he panicked a little before he heard noises coming from the kitchen. He got up and made his way downstairs where he smelled bacon, eggs, pancakes and toast. Much to his dismay his stomach growled rather loudly as soon as he entered the kitchen.

Gray turned around and grinned at him "Well good morning to you too" he chuckled before moving towards him.

Natsu blushed from embarrassment and looked away, but Gray pulled his face back to look into his eyes. He kissed him and he wrapped his arms around the fire mage, which resulted in Natsu to wrap his arms around Gray's neck.

When they parted Gray told Natsu to sit down, Natsu did as told and Gray gave him his breakfast before sitting down with his own. "So how did you sleep?"

"I actually slept great. I slept through the night." Natsu spoke in between forkfuls.

"That's great. Well let's hurry up and finish eating so we can go pack and meet Erza and Lucy at the train station, Happy's not coming this time, he told me to tell you that Carla and Wendy invited him on a mission with them. "

"Oh, alright." Natsu finished eating before Gray and went upstairs to pack his bag. Gray came up shortly after and packed his own, they both then headed for the train station with Natsu grumbling on how they had to take a train.

When they got there, Gray had to basically drag the dragon slayer onto the train. once they were seated, Natsu instantly go sick so Gray laid Natsu's head on his lap and ran his fingers through his hair, this cause Natsu to fall asleep.

The mission they were going on was to defeat a couple of thieves and bring back everything that was stolen, it shouldn't be too hard. Or so they thought.

The train stopped and the team got off, with Gray carrying Natsu on his back from not having the heart to wake him. He may have gotten a full night's sleep last night but he was still missing almost a week of sleep still.

They made their way to a inn and got two rooms, one for the girls and one for the boys, the girls knew that Natsu never wanted to leave Gray's side, and that Gray wanted to be near him all the time as well, but who could blame them, especially gray, after what Gray witnessed.

They all got settled into their rooms before heading out to their mission. Natsu had now woken up and was walking with Gray while the girls had slip off in a different direction to look for the thieves.

They were walking through a forest and Natsu picked up on someone's scent, no scratch that, a lot of scents from many different people, more than he thought. That was when they got jumped.

"Fire Dragon's Iron Fist!" Natsu shouted as his fist collided with an enemy, knocking him back into a couple more.

"Ice Make Hammer!" Gray threw a hammer down on a couple of the thieves.

Turns out the thieves were mages and they were pretty powerful. Natsu got knocked down quite a few times and he looked so beat that Gray started getting worried.

One of the thieves cast a spell at Natsu that sucks the life force out of the person targeted. Gray knew that spell, before Natsu could get hit, Gray pushed him out of the way and the spell hit him instead. Gray didn't plan on getting hit but he was almost too late in saving Natsu that it was unavoidable. Natsu screamed "GRAY!"

The girl's showed up at that exact moment and Erza threw a sword which hit the caster attacking Gray, Natsu was told to go help him as they took care of the rest of the thieves.

Natsu ran to Gray who was now laying on the ground looking lifeless. He shook the ice mage "Gray! Gray wake up! Please wake up! Don't leave me!"

Gray had a heart beat, Natsu could hear it, but it was slowing. Natsu let tears slip free.

Lucy noticed that Natsu was crying and grabbed Erza quickly to go help the ice mage, if they lose him, they may as well just lose the dragon slayer too.

Erza returned the stolen items, grabbed the reward and took a train back to magnolia, the rest of the team had already left before her. Luckily Wendy returned a few hours before Natsu and Gray got there.

Wendy did all that she could for the ice mage, but it was now up to Gray to come back into consciousness. Natsu never left the bedside. 'I need you Gray, Don't leave, You're the only thing keeping me sane...'

Gray woke the next day to find the tear stained face belonging to Natsu... 'He's crying again...It's my fault...I was careless and got myself hit' he ran his fingers through the pink locks and Natsu bolted awake and looked at Gray's face, those open blue eyes. Natsu jumped onto the bed and straddled Gray with his legs and placing his head on his chest, he cried again but from relief. Gray wrapped his arms around the fire mage tightly.

"I thought you were gunna die!"

"It's okay..I'm alive, I told you i'm never leaving, and I never will. I promised you, I intend on keeping that promise." Gray kissed the top of his head.

"I need you Gray..."

"I'm here Natsu"

'Looks like there's a lot more time needed then I thought, but I will help him, I love him'

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