Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

The next day everyone started to rebuild the guild once more. Gray had been discharged from the hospital along with Lucy, Gray decided to help the guild members before he went to get Natsu.

When the guild was about halfway to being done, Gray took off in the direction of Natsu's house, he knocked once before opening the door, he then made his way to Natsu's bedroom when he didn't see him in the other rooms. He opened the bedroom door slowly in case it creaked and startled the dragon slayer.

Natsu was curled up under the blankets with Happy snuggled up against his chest. Gray grinned at the sight but as he got closer his smile faded, he noticed tear tracks on Natsu's cheek. 'He must have been crying all night..' he sighed and decided to let him sleep a little longer. Gray sat down on the edge of the bed and placed his hand on the fire mages cheek to wipe away a stray tear that rolled down his cheek. 'What's he dreaming about...whatever it is it can't be good...'

Happy stirred awake, he crawled out of Natsu's grip and yawned. "G'morning Happy" The exceed jumped a little at Gray's voice.

"Oh, Good morning Gray, I wasn't expecting to see you.." He smiled at the ice mage.

"Yeah I came to check on Natsu"

"Oh, Yeah he seemed pretty upset last night I heard him crying."

"Yeah...I could tell he was"

Natsu stirred awake at the voices and sat up. "Morning Natsu" Happy said to the dragon slayer.

Natsu didn't say anything he just looked at the exceed and gave him a small smile, he then looked at Gray who was smiling at him. Natsu's eyes showed pain and sadness.

Gray sighed and hugged him. Natsu didn't do anything, he just stayed there. Gray sighed and let go, "What's wrong?"

"Nothing Gray." He turned his head away.

"that's bull, there's obviously something wrong." Gray's voice rose a little.

"It's nothing different then what you already know, it's about yesterday..."

"Yesterday is in the past. It doesn't matter anymore." Gray tried to reassure him.

"It still happened."

"Quit blaming yourself, you did nothing wrong... you were being controlled, Blaming yourself only leads to you falling deeper into this depression I know you don't wanna be in, Stop blaming and just forget about it! Where's the lovable, up beat guy we all know and love?" Gray snapped a bit and Natsu flinched a little.

"Right now, it feels like you're gone. You're changing." Happy chimed in.

Natsu didn't say a word he just sat there and looked down. Happy sighed and jumped off the bed, "I'm going to the guild, Maybe they could use some help". with that he left.

Gray sat closer to the dragon slayer and Natsu leaned on him. "Are you hungry?"


Gray was taken aback by the blunt reply. "Well do you want to do something then?"

"Like what?"

"I don't know, we could go to the market, the park, we could go to the river and maybe duke it out for old times sake?"

Natsu thought about this for a moment before speaking. "Would you mind letting me take some frustration out on you?"

"Nah, Not like you could land a hit on me anyway!" He jumped up to avoid getting punched.

"What are you talking about frosty! I so could land a hit on you!"

Gray ran out of the house with Natsu following behind. Gray chuckled at how easily Natsu got riled up, even when he was sown in the dumps. Soon enough they were at the river side, Gray was on one end and Natsu on the other. They charged at each other, no magic was used in this fight, it was just an ordinary physical fight.

About and hour or so later Gray and Natsu were both panting, Gray let Natsu take a few hits on him and he held back a little as not to actually hurt the dragon slayer, he'd never admit it but they were equals when they fought for real.

Natsu fell to his knees and Gray did as well. "Ah, I'm beat!" Natsu shouted

"Yeah, I know how you feel!" Gray sighed "Feeling any better?"

Natsu took a moment too long to answer. "Natsu?"

"Oh, uh, yeah i'm feeling a bit better"


Natsu crawled over next to Gray and leaned on him once again. "I'm glad I never actually hurt you, or worse."

"Yeah me too aha" Gray put his arm around the dragon slayer and they stayed like that for maybe half an hour. "You want to do anything else?"

"I don't know, I wish we could finish that vacation we were on before we got interrupted!" Natsu sighed

"Me too, I was glad to see you happy again" Gray smiled a little. "Maybe we could once the Guild is rebuilt, Erza and Lucy, Happy too could go back and finish the vacation."

"I'd like that"

"You wanna go see the progress the guild is at?"

"ah...Yeah, lets go." He got up and Gray did too.

They made their way to the guild and saw that it was already almost finished. 'Man they work fast' Gray thought.

"Natsu!" Lucy ran over to the teen and hugged him tightly. Natsu hugged back slightly.

"Hey Luce, How are you?"

"I'm A-Okay!" She smiled at him.

"Let me help you guys." Natsu and Lucy walked over and helped drag some boards over to some of their other guild mates.

Gray watched as he helped the other members and how they all welcomed him back as if nothing happened. Of course they wouldn't think any differently of him, they didn't blame him for anything, they still loved and cared about him.

'We all will get the cheerful dragon slayer back. I'll make sure he returns to normal'

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