Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Gray looked at Natsu and thought 'I need to talk to him tomorrow.'

The next morning Gray woke up before Natsu. He looked down and found the dragon slayer sprawled out on his side of the bed, snoring away. He smiled and got up, showered, and got dressed. When he came out of the bathroom Natsu was sitting up in bed rubbing the sleep from his eyes and yawning.

Gray strode over and placed a sweet kiss on the fire mage's cheek. Natsu sighed in contentment and smiled. "Morning Gray"

"Morning" Gray sat down on the bed as Natsu got up to shower. He got dressed in a red t-shirt and his regular white pants, He finished wrapping his scarf around his neck as he walked over to Gray.

"Lets go get some breakfast"

Natsu nodded and they headed down to the Inn's cafe. Gray managed to shed off his jacket already, it was his white one with the blue trim. Natsu picked it up and put it on instead of giving it back to the ice mage.

Erza was sitting at a table in the cafe eating a piece of strawberry cake, Gray got a coffee and sat down across from her while Natsu came and sat next to Gray with a plate of food piled so high his head was hidden from Erza's view.

Erza took notice that Natsu was wearing Gray's jacket almost as soon as they walked into the cafe with each other and grinned. "Morning boys"

"Morning Erza" Both teens said.

"I see that Natsu stole your jacket." She grinned at Gray.

Gray looked at Natsu and blushed. The fire mage was indeed still wearing Gray's jacket, and Gray thought that it looked damn good on him too. He also noticed that Natsu was still wearing the necklace that Gray gave him. He smiled and turned back to his coffee.

Erza finished off her cake and looked at the two boys again. "So what are you two planning on doing today?"

"Not sure yet. " Natsu answered.

"A few people decided to go check out the water and theme park they had here, its all in one so there's multiple activities to do. You should come." She got up "Also Wendy gave me these to give you." She placed a bottle containing small white pills in Natsu's hand. "There troia pills, they are more powerful then her spell so they should work on you, that way you can go on the rides. anyway, I'm off to find Lucy." She smiled and left.

Natsu grinned "These would be perfect. I think we should go Gray!"

"Yeah, it sound like fun" He smiled and finished off his coffee.

Natsu had already finished eating and was getting up. Gray got up as well.

"We should go get our swim clothes in case we go on water slides as well." Gray suggested.

Natsu nodded and they headed back up to their room. They each packed a small bag and made their way to the park Erza mentioned.

Natsu's eyes lit up when he saw everything. Gray chuckled and pulled him over to a change room. They changed into swim clothes but kept on their shirts. Natsu wanted to go on the roller coaster that went under water on a loop so he took one of the trioa pills and dragged Gray to the lineup.

They got on the ride in the very front so they'd hit the water first. Natsu grinned widely and Gray chuckled. 'I still need to talk to him' Gray thought to himself. As the roller coaster went under water Natsu had his mouth open and ended up swallowing a mouthful of water and spitting out what he couldn't swallow. Gray laughed a little when Natsu started laughing.

They went on many rides and played a few games. Natsu was now hugging a plush that looked kinda like Happy, he carried it back to the dressing room and placed it in his bag and then dragged Gray over to a water slide. They had both already lost their shirts, Gray lost his shirt faster than Natsu though. Natsu had dragged Gray to the tallest slide they had, it was probably 100 ft high, it also had a bunch of turns. They climbed the tower of stairs, and Natsu sat down and gestured Gray to sit behind him. Gray sat down and wrapped his arms around Natsu as they both went down the slide together, both laughing loudly.

When they hit the water Gray came up first but Natsu was no where to be seen. Gray panicked and looked around for him, little did he know that the fire mage was sneaking up behind the ice mage. When Natsu was close enough he Grabbed Gray's waist causing a yelp to escape the ice mage's lips.

Gray heard the familiar laugh of the fire mage and couldn't help but smile, although when he turned to look at Natsu the smile left his face and was replaced by a glare. "Baka!!"

Natsu shrugged and laughed again. This time Gray joined in on the laughter. They raced each other to the other end of the pool, there was no winner, just a tie, but they sure did argue over who won. Their argument turned into a splash war once again and there was also no winner for that battle either.

They both got out of the pool and decided to go change and get something to eat. They headed back to the change rooms. Natsu changed into his white pants and now a black t-shirt he secretly stole from Gray's drawer when the ice mage was in the bathroom. He then put on gray's jacket once again. Gray changed into some black pants and a blue t-shirt. They both walked out of the park and went to find a restaurant to eat at.

Natsu had his scarf in his hand and seemed to forget about it until Gray looked at him. "Hey Natsu, Why aren't you wearing your scarf?"

"Oh! I forgot!" He stood in front of Gray and wrapped the scarf around the ice mage's neck. Gray looked shocked at gesture but smiled. "I want you to wear my scarf Gray, at least for now." Natsu smiled "Cause i'm not giving you back this jacket anytime soon!" Natsu chuckled.

Gray laughed "You can wear my Jacket as long as you want, It looks good on you" He grinned.

They came across a restaurant and went inside, of course Natsu ordered almost everything on the menu. After eating they went to a small but peaceful park and sat down on the ground by a tree.

"Hey Natsu?"

"What is it?" Natsu looked over at the ice mage.

"I got to tell you something." Gray stared into those brown eyes of the dragon slayer.

Natsu nodded to let Gray know he can continue.

"Well...Every time we go on a mission and I or anyone else gets hurt you blame yourself and then after that you get all sad, I know you don't want me to bring it up but what happened that one day at the lake a few weeks ago..that scared the shit out of me Natsu. I really don't want to see you do that again...or attempt it...You really need to stop blaming yourself, when we get hurt it's not your fault. It will never be your fault no matter what. I really just wanted to say that. None of us are leaving and we are all here for you, we just want you to be you again, no one wants to see you unhappy." Gray Watched Natsu.

Natsu had looked away and put his head down. He understood what Gray was saying. If Natsu was unhappy, Gray and everyone else was unhappy. He unknowingly caused his family and friends pain just by being sad. He sighed and Gray wrapped his arms around the fire mage.

"Lets go back the Inn, Okay?"

Natsu nodded and they got up. Once back in their room at the Inn Natsu curled up on the bed with Gray, neither of them bothered to remove their clothes, they just stayed like that and fell asleep.

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