Chapter 11 - Final Chapter

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Chapter 11

Two months had passed, Everyone in the guild had gone back to the guild before Gray and Natsu, That included Erza, Lucy, Wendy and Carla. Happy stayed because he wanted to stay with Natsu.

Over the past month Natsu was getting better. He was feeling happier and less down, sure he still has his down moments but they weren't as bad anymore. If anything his temper sure came back at full capacity. This irked Gray a bit, sure he was happy Natsu was returning to normal but his temper was one thing Gray was not too fond of.
"Gray! Fight me!"
Gray groaned. "Got some energy to burn fire breath?"

Natsu nodded and grinned.

Gray dragged Natsu to an open field and shot some ice spikes towards the dragon slayer who eagerly crushed them with a fiery fist. They probably fought for a good two hours before they were both tired and bruised.

Natsu layed down on the ground and Gray layed next to him when he found the energy to make his way over to the fire mage.

"That was fun." Natsu laughed but coughed as he held his stomach. Gray had landed a punch to his stomach not long before the battle ended.

Gray looked at Natsu "You alright?"
Natsu looked over at Gray as well "I'm okay.. I think I got you back pretty well anyway considering the bruise that's already forming on your stomach as well" He grinned.

Natsu also hit Gray smack in his stomach as payback for punching Natsu in his stomach.

Gray groaned, Natsu was right, he probably felt just as bad as the dragon slayer right now.

After they got the energy to get up they both made their way back to the Inn. Natsu decided to take a shower and Gray just wanted to lay down.

Natsu exited the bathroom in only a towel. Gray looked over and blushed deeply, sure he's seen Natsu naked before when they would share a room on missions or in the hot spring they had at the Inn so he had no idea why his face was heating up so much. The ice mage turned away quickly and lid on his side.

Natsu put on some boxers and sweatpants and crawled over next to Gray, he wrapped his arms around the ice mage. Gray turned around in the embrace and grinned. The ice mage rolled so he was towering over Natsu, The fire mage grinned and lid on his back while placing his hands on the ice mage's chest. Gray looked over Natsu's body, his eyes scanned every curve and ridge, he scanned Natsu's abs and arm muscles but he noticed something sticking out from that wristband the fire mage always wore.

Gray grabbed a hold of Natsu's wrist before the fire mage even knew what was happening, Gray removed the wristband and stared in shock at the fading scars still visible on the tanned skin, along with a fairly fresh one. "Natsu...What?" Gray couldn't find any more words at the moment, he just sat there and stared at Natsu's wrist.

Gray's instinct kicked in and he checked Natsu's other wrist, there were no marks there considering he doesn't cover that one. The ice mage checked everywhere Natsu possibly could have marked. "Natsu are you still doing this?"
"Gray...I...No not anymore. " Natsu put his head down and shaded his eyes with his hair.

"Baka! You better not! Why would you do this?!" Gray looked at Natsu with a pained expression.

How could he have missed this. He's been with Natsu every night. There were fresh scars...The only time Gray was never near Natsu was when Natsu or him went to the bathroom. 'Oh Natsu...'

Tears threatened to fall from the dragon slayer's eyes but he forced them shut. "I did this to feel that I am alive, I wanted to feel the pain to know I'm alive. I'm sorry.."

"And you don't do it anymore?? Right??"

Natsu shook his head to signal a 'No' and Gray wrapped his arms around the trembling mage. Natsu calmed down after a few minutes but Gray hadn't. Natsu decided to kiss the ice mage's neck, he kissed all the way down to Gray's chest and then back up to those icy lips. Gray was finally starting to calm down so Natsu kept kissing him. Gray pulled away with a small protest from the dragon slayer. "Natsu, tell me the truth."

"Gray..I'm fine. I promise you I stopped and I promise you that I am actually okay!"

"Alright. I believe you"

Natsu smiled and resumed what he was doing. (I'm not writing it because it will suck! Let your imagination take over hehehe)

The next day they got ready to head back to the guild.

-2 Years Later-

Natsu and Gray were coming back from a job, they both had no scrapes,cuts or bruises so the job must have been pretty easy.

"Hey popsicle! Race ya!" Natsu grinned deviously at the ice mage and took off running in the direction of the guild.

"Hey, Flame head! Get back here!!" Gray sported a smile of his own and chased after the dragon slayer.

Gray soon caught up to Natsu and they both burst through the doors of the guild hall at the same time. Members looked towards the loud crash with annoyed glares, while other members just paid no mind to it or were grinning at the duo who crashed through the doors.

Natsu was on the floor wrestling Gray until Erza came and broke up the fight. Both boys scurried away from the glare they were receiving.

Natsu and Gray were still together as a couple but that doesn't stop the constant fighting, more so now that Natsu was feeling like himself again. Gray smiled to himself, Natsu was now laughing with the others and Gray felt a sense of achievement and tenderness at the sight.

The ice mage was happy that Natsu was back to being the happy, loud and childish person, He loved that part about the dragon slayer.

Natsu was surrounded by Lucy and Erza and they were squealing. 'Damn they must have spotted the silver band on Natsu's finger.' Gray thought to himself and chuckled, he then took a look at the dragon slayer and noticed the face that clearly screamed 'HELP ME!'. The ice mage grinned and pulled his fiance away from the screaming girls. Natsu jumped onto the ice mage's back and they both made their way to their apartment.  

AN- Thanks for reading!~

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