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It's all he knew.


A new thought entered his mind.

Trust no one.

He kept running from the beast, but a claw scratched him.

He felt pain like none before.

He smelt burnt flesh and knew it was his own, that the beasts claws had burned him and opened a new wound.

Adrenaline pumped through him, more than before.

He outran the beast.

Dipper awoke in a cold sweat, panting like he had actually been running. Suspiciously, he glanced at his arm. His eyes registered it as normal...

But then...

Dipper looked back at his arm and screamed.

Mabel and Stan came rushing into the room.



They asked, panicked.

Dipper's POV

All I could do was stare at my arm.

It...was real...


That's crazy!

It was just a dream... Was it?

I ran my hand through my hair, and ended up pulling a leaf out of my hair.

It was real.

"Dipper...did you sneak out last night?" Stan asked suspiciously.

"No...well...not that I can remember. I only dreamt it...the beast..."

But the cut.

I got up, well...Mabel left first. And Stan next so I could change.

I bandaged my right arm, still confused.

I went downstairs, cradling the wound.

"So...about my arm..."I started.

"It's okay." Stan stated. He was waiting for Mabel to finish cooking.

Mabel brought a giant tray of non-glitter pancakes to the table, as Stan had lied and said he was deathly allergic to the stuff.

My pack was on my back.

" guess you gotta leave today..." Stan said awkwardly.

We ate up our pancakes.

"Yeah, Mabel's gotta leave," I said nonchalantly.

"What?! BRO! You're not going with me?!" Mabel panicked.

"I can't. I don't think...I'm going to the border today before the bus arrives to test a theory. It'll tell me if I can go with you or not."

"I'll go with you!"

"It's too dangerous."

"I'll be fine!"

"The beast I dreamt about, that did this to me," I said holding up my arm, "is real. I've dealt with him. He's worse then the gremoblins!"

"It'll be fine! We've dealt with a demon!"

"The Beast is a demon. Worse then my mentor. He's not quite a dream demon, not quite a fire demon, not quite a consciousness demon, yet far worse then dealing with all three at once!" I told her.

"A...consciousness demon? Fire demon? What're those?"

"Things slightly less powerful than Bill. The only good thing about the Beast is that he doesn't have ambition. Otherwise, not even an army of heavenly beings could save us. That's why I don't want you going." I stated firmly.

"It's too dangerous for you than either!"

"I'll be fine! I control armies of the forest!"

She gasped. "Control?"

I didn't mean to say that. My voice immediately quieted. "Y-yeah...the manotuars...gnomes...gremoblins...and a few others..." I trailed off.

"Oh..." She said. She gave me a puppy dog eye look.

"Okay Bro-bro! I'm over the large tree! Let's go!" Mabel shouted quite cheerily.

Why did I let go with me?

I lead her to the border of Gravity Falls.

"Okay, how many times have you used magic again?"

"Twice. Once on accident and the other on you! Boop!" She said, bopping my nose.

"Ahck! Stop that!" I scolded her, swatting her hands away from me.

She complied.

"And what were the spells?"

"Weak joint repairing ones. Both times."

"That's not enough to take life away or stain your soul...anymore magic though..." I trailed off, worried and thinking.



"Why does magic matter?"

" see...when your soul-"

"Oh yeah! What's staining a soul?" She asked unnaturally cheerfully, especially in the situation.

"It's when a human soul, which are white, start turning black." I left out the fact that demon souls were black. Enough magic'd turn into a floating symbol. Exactly how Bill did it.

"Is it bad?" She asked innocently.

"Very. Anyways, try leaving Gravity Falls through here." I told her.

She passed through with ease. She entered Gravity Falls once again.

"My turn," I said. I started to walk towards the nearby town, named Boring.

I was right in front of the border.




I took it. I banged my head into a barrier that light up a little and looked like an oil spill.

I fell back on my ass.

"See? My soul's been stained. I can't pass."

" you have to stay here?"

"Y-" I was cut off by a twig snapping.

"Mabel. Leave. It wants me."

She wouldn't leave me.

"Go Mabel!"

She still wouldn't.

I decided that my life was already wasted, and teleported her into Boring, and trapped her there for the next fifteen minutes.

I light myself up in a red attack flame. It didn't harm me though.

"C'mon...Beast," I muttered. "I know you're here somewhere..."

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