Chapter 16

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Devin woke me up.

"Goodmorning sleepy head, Breakfast is ready." Devin said.

"Oh, goodmorning." I said smiling.

"I made some pancakes for you guys, lets eat?" Devin said, we sat and while we are eating we had some conversation.

"So, what are you two planning" Angelo asked.

"We'll go to Legolas park." Devin said.

"What's in Legolas Park?" I asked.

"Its the best park around here, there are some Wedding booth, some maze, playground, some store, some swimming pool, party clubs, stripclub,  and a large garden." Devin said.

"Sounds fun!" I said.

"Its more fun if we'll bring a swimsuit." Angelo said.

"Yeah, dont worry Nessie I'll buy you some." Devin said.

"Okay!" I said with excitement.


Im preparing myself and Nessie was preparing herself in the bathroom, I will bring my bag, and I'll bring some swimshorts, also a sunblock, I dont wanna get sun burn, also I'll bring some extra tshirt and some pants, also, dont wanna forget my money.

I saw Nessie came out of the bathroom, she is wearing her red dress, she is so hot.

"Nessie you look beautiful." I said.

"Thanks, are you done?, can you put this in your bag?" She asked.

"Yeah sure, is Angelo done preparing?" I asked.

"I think? He didnt prepare at all" She said, then we went to the living room to check on Angelo.

"Lets go?" Angelo asked.

"Yeah, but where's your stuff?" I asked .

"I will not going to swim or what, I'll just gaurd you two" Angelo said.

"Thank you Angelo, lets go?!" Nessie said with excitement, by the way im wearing a yellow jacket, and some black pants, and some nike, Nessie pulled me. We went to my car, 1 hour later we arrived at Legolas park.

"Woah! awesome! Look at their pond! And look at that shiny house! Oh look! Look! Look at those,,,, I dont know?" Nessie said.

"Those shiny house are strip and party club, that pond is a pool, that small building, it has a large maze in it." I explained.

"You guys go on, I'll just go this way" Angelo said.

"Ok keepsafe." Nessie said, and Angelo walked away.

"Lets buy something in the store." I said and I pulled Nessie inside.

"Wow this store has many decorations." Nessie said while look around.

"Nessie what kind of swimsuit do you want?" I asked Nessie and she picked one.

"Large bust sweamwear? Seriously?." I asked.

"Yes why" Nessie asked.

"Nothing its just that, boys might look at your precious body."

"Nah they wont" she said.

"Okay?" I said, I was confused, If anyone disrespects her I'll make sure they'll burn in Hell, I sneakly buyed some expensive wedding ring and we went to the changing room, I changed my clothes into a swimshorts, and I waited for Nessie, Nessie came out of the changing room, she's damn hot! Boys we're staring at her and checking her out, Im trying to be patient.

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