Chapter 1:Class Calamity

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Here you was, sitting in maths class, tapping your pen on your notebook. Your attention was on Kageyama, who sat in front of you. You stared at his hair-his gorgeous raven locks that swayed easily in the soft breeze. You could look at his hair for hours...

And so, your pen decided to fly out of your hands,falling onto the floor and rolling towards Kageyama's chair. "Nooooo" you whispered as the pen stopped by the leg of his chair. You looked at Kageyama- his back hunched. You guessed he hated maths as well.

Hesitating, you tapped his shoulder softly. He turned instantly, startling you. You were surprised that he actually felt you tapping his shoulder. "What do you want?!" He asked in a harsh whisper. This broke your heart a little. " My pen fell by your chair... Can you please..?" You asked in an almost inaudible voice.

He sharply turned his head, spotted the pen and picked it up. He turned and you took the pen from his hand shakily. "Next time,pay attention to your work!" He said huskily. "Kageyama Tobio!" The teacher boomed. Kageyama froze,and was still facing you. You began to sweat. Your crush just got into trouble, all because of you.

Kageyama turned around slowly, face to face with the irritated teacher who was in front of him. He flinched. You couldn't watch, so you covered your face a little. "So, what do you have to say for yourself, Tobio?" You heard the teacher say. The room fell into a dead silence. The intensity was unbearable.

"Sir... I... I'm sorry!" He managed to blurt. You were shocked. He didn't tell about you... Maybe he was a gentleman and took the blame? Or was he going to get payback? You were gobsmacked. You were going to tell your teacher, but he spoke again, leaning on top of Kageyama.

"Oh, I know you are. Which is why you will allow me to dismiss your practice, hm?" The teacher said, his cold gaze fixed on Kageyama. "This teacher isn't human!" You thought. "B-But sir! Practice is vital for our team!" Kageyama protested. The teacher banged on the desk, making everyone jump.   "But, my boy, are you the captain?" He asked coldly. Kageyama felt like crying a river.

"...N-No, sir. I will skip practice, and I will pay attention from now on" he said, sighing. He held his head as the teacher went to the front of the class. You saw him pulling his hair. You felt sorry for him, but you also feared him. Kageyama will probably kill you after class.

After class, you quickly ran to your friend,Hinata Shouyou, with no sight of Kageyama. "Hi, (name)-chan!" He waved while flashing a toothy grin. "Oh, Shouyou, I did something terrible!" You hugged him tightly. Hinata frowned. "What's wrong? Is it with Kageyama-kun?" He asked, patting your back.

Hinata surprisingly knew you well, yet you only met him a few months ago. "Yes..." You say softly, parting from Hinata. "I got him... Into trouble..." You hung your head in guilt. Hinata gasped. "He's not coming to practice... Its my fault... Why didn't he-" you stopped when Hinata made a sound, and you looked him. He was on the floor. "Shou-chan!" You knelt beside him.

He got up slowly. "Who is gonna toss to me???" He squealed. You smiled. "If you want, I will toss to you" you say sweetly as you help him stand up. "Really, (name)-chan?!" He hugged you, rubbing his cheek against yours. "Yes, Shou-chan" you smile and Hinata happily drags you to the volleyball court. Kageyama was still in your thoughts. You felt ashamed for taking his place after getting him in trouble.

At the court, everyone was waiting for Kageyama, but were surprised to see you being dragged in by Hinata. You knew everyone, they knew you, but you tried to hide your face. The King of the Court was not there, because of you. Tanaka and Nishinoya sprang in front of you, hugging you. More like, squishing you.

"(Name), we missed you!" Nishinoya and Tanaka sprang. "Um... Me too guys but if I could just-" They quickly let go of you. "Sorry if we overdid it!" They said in unison and bowed a perfect 90 degrees. Catching your breath, you walked over to Daichi.

"Hello, Daichi" you say, bowing down. "Hello (name). Haven't seen you in a while, eh?" He laughed. "Yeah" you laugh nervously. He picked up a nearby volleyball that was rolling toward him. "So, where is Kageyama?" He asks,a serious look plastered on his face. Sweat forming on your palms, you hung your head low. "He got into trouble..." you say softly. Lifting your head a little, you saw Daichi frown. "Ah, its ok" he sighs.

"(Name)-chan!!" Hinata yelled across the court. "Oh, right. Tosses. I nearly forgot" you say sprinting over to Hinata.

Hey! It's my first time writing! I hope the story is enjoyable so far. Sorry if it lacks detail- I'm so lazy lolol. But, I will give it my all in the up coming chapters! :)

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