Chapter 4:A Promise

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Yesterday your parents got the shock of their lives when they saw your eye,they took you to the doctor immediately. The doctor recommended that you stay at home for a few days,as your eye was quite severe and painful. After taking the disgusting medicine that was prescribed for you,you lay in bed playing with your phone while munching on potato chips. It was boring,to be honest. But the pins and needles in your eyes kept you busy.

Ever since Kageyama hit your eye with the ball,you began to think less of him. "I wonder why..." You said to yourself. Not that you lost interest in him,you still loved him. Maybe he got all those thoughts out with the ball? But honestly,you wouldn't want to think of someone who gave you a serious injury, even if it's your crush.

But it happened anyway. You closed your left eye (as the other was still shut and under an eye patch) and began to imagine things. Him smiling, Him laughing, Him talking to you sweetly, Him loving you. Smiling like a little girl,you blushed a deep red. "Who am I kidding?"you chuckle. "I can't stop thinking about that blueberry" you smile again. Then,your phone buzzed. You quickly switched your phone on and saw a message from Kageyama. Fingers trembling, you went to his message.

Tobio Kageyama:
Hey u didn't come school,r u ok -_-'

You replied quickly, and began to have a conversation with him.

(Name) (Surname):
Yes cuz my eye is bad... Like really bad ;( I got diagnosed with Subconjunctival Hemorrhage

Tobio Kageyama:
Aw man I'm so sorry :'( and what is that thing you're diagnosed with?

(Name) (Surname):
It's ok... It's basically bleeding of the eye DX

Tobio Kageyama:
That bad? Wtf did I do...

(Name) (Surname):
I said it's ok!! And don't be so vulgar!

Tobio Kageyama:
I didn't say the whole thing don't be irritating pls

(Name) (Surname):
Whatever. But can you please come over? I need to know what 2 do

Tobio Kageyama:
Yea but after that I'm going home

(Name) (Surname):
Thank you!

Tobio Kageyama:
You're welcome or whatever that is

(Name) (Surname):

Tobio Kageyama:
Oh and Suga is here he wants to know how you are

(Name) (Surname):
Tell him I'm fine,recovering slowly :)

Tobio Kageyama:
What a liar. Anyway I gotta go loser the bell rang

You smiled at the fact that Kageyama knew you weren't ok. Putting your phone to charge,you were going to take a nap,as the medicine made you drowsy. Snuggling under the blanket,you got into a comfortable position,closed your left eye and dozed off slowly.

After a few minutes of heavenly sleep,your mother opened the door,which woke you up. Your mother carried a plate of (favourite food) over to you. "How are you feeling,(Name)? Does your eye still hurt?" She asked,placing the plate on the nightstand next to your bed. Sitting on the side if the bed,she touched your forehead. "No,mom. And I don't have a cold!" You try to swat her hand away. You loved your mother with all your heart,but you were unusually cranky today. "But you do have quite a high temperature... I'll leave you to rest. Do try and eat" she kissed your forehead before leaving. Sitting up,you took the plate and began to eat.

Halfway through your meal,your phone began to vibrate continuously, meaning you had a phone call. A little irritated, you dusted your hands on your clothes and took your phone off charge. You looked at the screen. Oikawa. Sighing, you decide to answer his call. Frowning,you hold your phone close to your ear. "Oh,(Name) you answered!" You heared him cheer. "What do you want?" You ask,cutting off his cheers. "Oh come now,(Name). You think I wouldn't know about your eye? Tobio-kun has lost it for sure!" He spoke. "It was my fault I got hit. I didn't move out of his way" you say,eye twitching.

"Uh huh,ofcourse it was" he replied in a sarcastic manner. "I know Tobio-kun better than you. He must have done it on purpose" Keeping your calm,you tried to tell him what really happened. "Please just believe me! Kageyama is not at fault!" You cried. "Ok,as for your health, I'll agree for now. I'll come visit tomorrow, take care!" Oikawa said cheerfully,before hanging up. "But..." You pause for a moment. "Ugh,never mind. He's just going to visit once,and that's it" you assured yourself before grabbing your plate and finishing your food.

After a few hours of rest,there was a knock at your door. Grabbing your phone and sliding it in your pocket,you walked up to the door and opened it. It was Kageyama. Pink coating your cheeks,you let him in. Closing the door without saying a word,you remembered something. "How did you get in?" You ask. "Your mom opened the door,and left to go shopping. She told me to take care of you" he said lazily,dropping his bag on your messy bed. You began to sweat. Your mother trusted Kageyama to look after you? That was surprising. Ignoring that thought,you walked over to him. "Ok,and what about the amount of work today?" You ask,looking up at his tall form. He was intimidatingly tall for his age,being 15. Sighing,he sat down on your bed,next to his bag. You sat next to him.

"It's not a lot,mostly textbook work" he said,taking out the textbooks and showing you what was being done. "Oh..." You say,and then a yawn came out of no where. Kageyama looked surprised, looking at your white eye patch,only noticing now. "Did you get enough rest?" He asks sternly. "I'm not sick,I don't need rest! And I just slept for 2 hours!" You protest. Suddenly, the torturing pain of your eye began once more. "Ah! Owww!" You squeal,holding a hand over your covered eye. Kageyama got a little scared,as he had no idea what to do. Jumping up,he quickly held your arm. "Are you ok,(Name)?!" Kageyama panicked. Holding both your arms,he shook you gently,as you seemed to be getting unconscious. "How is this possible?... (Name),please don't!" Kageyama stumbled upon his words. You were still awake though,but you felt irritation in your throat,and your head felt heavy. "I-I'm ok,Kageyama. I just need to rest" you croaked. Sighing out of relief, he gently helped your now weak body to sit on your bed.
Face flushed,you began to cough. "You sound like you've got a cold or something" Kageyama pondered,touching your warm forehead. "Looks like I was right..." He said softly. You had your head tilted down,the coughs making your throat more dry and itchy. "W-Water,Kageyama..." Your voice creaked. He quickly went out to bring you a glass of water. You gulped the cold liquid down,but it did not ease the irritation. You coughed once more. "Should I call a doctor or-" Kageyama stood up,but you grabbed ahold of his arm. "No... I don't need a doctor..." You coughed once more. "I have you... Don't I?" You smile before coughing again. Kageyama began to blush. No one trusted him easily. You hung your head low,hands on your lap. Then,Kageyama went down on his knees before you,taking your hands in his. "I...I promise to take care of you... And protect you..." He began shed a few tears.

Your face was even more red than before,and you smiled at him lovingly, and you were very lucky to see this side of Kageyama. "Thank you..." You croak,leaning forward and kissed his forehead sweetly.

He was surprised by this action,his face a deep red. Instead of rushing out of the room embarrassed, he just squeezed your hands as a sign of affection.

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