Chapter 6:Texting

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Kageyama took very good care of you on that Saturday, but your cold got the best of you and had to visit the doctor again,but for an injection. Your health improved and your eye didn't pain as much as it used to.

It was a chilly Sunday evening, and you wasn't looking forward to Monday,as you had to go to school again. You were bored out of your mind. Laying down on your bed,you began to think. You were so lucky to get close to Kageyama. Sure,none of the other girls liked him,but he was unique in your eyes. And yes,he was harsh on the outside,but he's soft and sincere on the inside. He didn't show this side of himself to anyone except you. There's a bond between the both of you,you know it,but Kageyama is unaware. A strong,unbreakable bond.

Taking your phone in your hand,you decided to text him,as you had nothing else better to do.

(Name) (Surname):
Hey Kags :P

He then replied instantly.

Tobio Kageyama:
Hi... Um... (Nickname)? How are you? Still sick? Does your eye hurt?

(Name) (Surname):
Don't worry I'm fine. The cold is gone,well kinda... My eye is healing quick too so please don't worry about me too much,ok?

Tobio Kageyama:
Ok,but you still need to take care of yourself. And I hope you aren't lying to me...

(Name) (Surname):
No I'm not. U don't believe me? :'(

Tobio Kageyama:
Yes I believe you!

(Name) (Surname):
Don't think so...

Tobio Kageyama:

(Name) (Surname):
Ok ok I won't bother you anymore. Bye,Kags

Tobio Kageyama:

His reaction gave you a surprise.

(Name) (Surname):

Tobio Kageyama:
I... Want to chat more with you...

(Name) (Surname):
Kags,are you ok?

Tobio Kageyama:
If you're ok then I am. Which I'm sure you are???

(Name) (Surname):
You're doing it again...

Tobio Kageyama:
Sorry,I believe you!

(Name) (Surname):
Now how do I believe you? That you believe me?

Tobio Kageyama:

(Name) (Surname):
Nevermind... You're so funny tho :'D

Tobio Kageyama:
You confuse me so much...

(Name) (Surname):
Whatever. You looking forward to tomorrow?

Tobio Kageyama:
Why? What's tomorrow?

(Name) (Surname):
Monday!!! DX

Tobio Kageyama:
Oh... Yes I do. Practice,that's why.

(Name) (Surname):
Can I come with you to the court? I mean if it's ok with you... Plus,I like watching you guys cuz you all are amazing!!!

You began to blush again while looking at your phone screen. If you had a dollar every time you blushed,you would me a millionaire. Then,he replied.

Tobio Kageyama:
Sure,I'm still taking care of you,so won't it be rude of me to say no?

(Name) (Surname):
Omg thank you! :*

Tobio Kageyama:
No problem. What's this :* thing?

(Name) (Surname):
It's a kiss...

Tobio Kageyama:
Oh... Well then,I gotta go. See you tomorrow :*

That message broke you-in a good way. You were so red,like a tomato. You hugged a nearby pillow and began to giggle like a little girl. But then,you felt down. "If only it were a real kiss..." You buried your face in the pillow. A few seconds after,your phone buzzed. You got up and looked at the screen. It was a message from Hinata. You opened your messenger app and replied.

Shouyou Hinata:
Hey,(Name)-chan! You awake?

(Name) (Surname):
Hello,Shouyou! And yes I am awake

Shouyou Hinata:
Great! I want to talk to you,if it's fine

(Name) (Surname):
Ok,let's talk

Shouyou Hinata:
When are you going to make your move?

(Name) (Surname):
Make my move?

Shouyou Hinata:
Make your move with Kageyama!

(Name) (Surname):
Um,that,I do not know... You know how shy I am!

Shouyou Hinata:
Yes I know,but (Name)-chan,I want you and Kageyama to get together. It's sad that both of you are not. You should date him,he is a real nice guy! Maybe even get married later on and start a family! :D

You nearly fell down your bed. Again,you were blushing. Blushing all the time was like your flaw.

(Name) (Surname):
Shou-chan!!! It's too early for all that!!! >///<

Shouyou Hinata:
Ok I agree XD but you should do something, you know you want him ;)

(Name) (Surname):

Shouyou Hinata:
Just kidding. But if you want help,I'm all yours!

(Name) (Surname):
Ok,thanks :)

Shouyou Hinata:
Np :D
And are you coming to watch us practice tomorrow?

(Name) (Surname):

Shouyou Hinata:
Just asking :3

(Name) (Surname):
Oh ok. Bye!

You switched your phone off. Your head felt as if it were going to burst. Shakily waking up,you went to take your medication and a headache pill. After swallowing the pills,you decided to accompany your mother in the lounge,and watch some TV. You sat on the sofa opposite her.Your body felt as if it weighed a thousand tons. And you still had a temperature, but not as bad as before. Your mother's attention fell on you. "(Name),you ok?" She asked. "Yes" you answered lazily. "I need to ask you something" she closed her eyes for a few seconds,before opening them. "That boy... Kageyama Tobio,is it? Do you like him?"

That question made your heart beat faster,and yes,you began to blush while looking at your mother with wide eyes. "Well? Do you?" She asked once more. You had to answer her and try to lie to her,or she won't leave it aside. "No,mom...I-I just see him as a friend!" You stammered. To your mother, it was very evident that you were lying. She just chuckled and then smiled at you,confusion written all over your face. "Come on,I know you're lying. Besides,it's only natural for a teen. I'm not against it,as long as you don't get too close until you're older. You can hang out with him,if you want" she said warmly. You nearly fainted. Face red again. Fast heart beat. Then,your mother spoke again,sounding stern.

"But I advise that you be careful. Not all boys are decent as they appear" Your blush instantly faded. "Yes,mom" you answered instantly. "Good" she smiled once more. "You should rest,you have school tomorrow" she kissed your forehead before putting the TV off and heading to her room.

"I know what she meant" you thought to yourself. "But I trust Kageyama..." You got up from the sofa and went to your room. You got in bed,ready to sleep. Your phone buzzed. Grabbing your phone,you saw it was a message from Kageyama. "I thought he was sleeping...?" You whispered to yourself as you opened the message.

Tobio Kageyama:
Omg I almost forgot to wish you good night... Good Night! Can't wait to see you tomorrow :)
(Don't reply,going to sleep rn)

You smiled widely at your screen. Then and there,you noticed that his texts were very different from when you first had a chat with him. Could you be changing his behavior? You could only find out tomorrow, at school.

Sorry I take long to update! Yes I'm so lazy,it's not even funny. Next chapter coming soon! :)

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