Chapter 3:By Accident

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After Suga's visit yesterday, you had decided to gather your strength and talk to Kageyama after school. Yes, you were nervous and shaking like a leaf, even though it was still the start of a new school day.

He was all you ever thought about. You would even kill for him, but thank god you were not yandere. You were the shy,quiet types,the 'observers'. You were not a fan of speaking and socializing. You slapped yourself to get Kageyama out of your thoughts. You really needed to focus today as you had a test, which you studied for after Suga left.

After school,you gathered your wits and strength again as you slowly made your way to the volleyball court. Suga was already at the entrance,glad to see you there. "If you need any help,come straight to me and the others" Suga said as he smiled and ruffled your (h/c) hair. "Thank you" you did softly as he watched you step in the court.

There were volleyballs littered everywhere on the floor, and the sound of sneakers screeching and bouncing balls filled the area. You were still standing by the entrance.

There he was-practicing all by himself. Setting all of the balls beautifully and strongly. He didn't notice you as yet. Frowning, you hesitated to walk to him. Fortunately, Suga gave you a little shove from behind which made you walk along the edge of the court, you were on the other side of Kageyama.

You waited for him to finish setting, and he still didn't notice you, clutching the strap of your bag and legs shaking like jelly. He was going to set another volleyball, but this time he furrowed his eyebrows even more and you could see that he was going to make the last shot his best. You began to blush again and your insides felt funny. Then, you felt uneasy and decided to walk back to the entrance.

Halfway through, Kageyama jumped up. He was going to hit the ball with all his might, which made you stop in your tracks. Pupils diluting, he hit the ball with a strong force. The ball thudded harshly on the floor-almost deflated-and shot up,flying in your direction. "(Name)!" You hear Kageyama scream,a signal telling you to get out of the way.

But you were paralysed,as you watched the ball nearing you lightning fast. Then,it happened. The ball hit you hardly on your right eye,and you fell backwards from the force Kageyama put in the ball. Suga quickly rushed in,kneeling down beside you and Kageyama rushed beside you as well.

"(Name) are you ok? Can you hear me?" Suga asked with a shaky voice. You slowly opened your left eye,unable to open your right one,it felt painful as hell. You were sure that ball knocked your eye right to the back of your head. Vision a little hazy,you looked up at Suga. "I-Is it bad?" You whisper,placing your hand over your now swollen,black right eye. Suga chewed his bottom lip and nodded slowly. "I'm so sorry,(Name)!" Kageyama cried. "I'm fine,Kageyama" you lie. Your eye throbbed with agonising pain,as if someone impaled your eye with a dagger.

"No you're not" Suga scolded. "But her eye is not bleeding" Kageyama said with a straight face. Suga poked his stomach. "Shut up. You're the one who did this. She could have lost her eye" he said with a serious tone. Kageyama held his head low. Suga helped you to get up.

"You need to rest,(Name)" Suga suggested and you nodded. "I...need to get home..." you sighed. "Kageyama!" Suga called for him. Kageyama quickly got up and stood beside Suga. "(Name),this idiot is going to take care of you,and walk you home until you are better. If he doesn't do what's expected of him,then come tell me" Suga pushed Kageyama next to you. You blushed once more.

"Idiot? Do I look like Hinata now? You need glasses, Suga!" Kageyama said,folding his arms. You slapped his arm lightly which made him flinch. "Don't say that about Shou-chan!" You say,voice a little creaky. He quickly gave you a death glare which belittled you instantly. Suga then slapped his head-hard. "I won't argue with you. But right now,(Name) is injured. Just take good care of her" Suga said, widening his eyes to itimidate Kageyama. It seemed to work,since he sweat dropped.

"Yes,I will! Promise!" Kageyama said. "Good. I have to get home now,Kageyama please see to all of (Name)'s needs" Suga smiled as he left. "And (Name),do look after yourself, okay?" You nodded slightly, still hiding your right eye. After Suga left, Kageyama turned to you. "Let me see it" he said with a serious tone. Blushing,you shook your head furiously. "Don't be so stubborn! You're just like Hinata boke!" He yanked your hand,the one that was covering your eye. He had a firm yet harsh grip on your tiny wrist. He then brought himself to your eye level,cold midnight blue eyes examining your swollen eye.

"It's worse than I thought..." He began to sweat. Without knowing, his grip on your slender wrist became more painful. "Kageyama,you're hurting me!" You cried,tears forming in the corner of your eye. Eyes wide from realization, he let go of your wrist. "T-There I go again" he whispered to himself,looking at his palm. "These hands... Have hurt many people... But me hurting a girl... Twice" he wept. Holding your now numb wrist, you looked at Kageyama. He was shedding tears. It was obviously all your fault. "Kageyama,it's fine. Let's go home now" you motion for him to come outside. "Are you sure,that it's fine?" He asked,wiping his few tears away. "Yes,now let's go!" You try to ignore the pain in your eye and dragged Kageyama outside with you.

Walking home,you couldn't let anyone see your eye,so you let your (h/c) hair fall over the right side of your face. Kageyama was walking silently beside you,not saying a word. He still looked shocked and surprised. "Kageyama? You ok?" You ask shyly. Kageyama didn't look at you. He just looked up at the orange sunset sky. "Maybe..." He mumbled.

You heard him say something, but couldn't make out what. Kicking a few stones on the concrete path,you let your mind wander. "There's your house" you hear Kageyama say,which made you jump. "Guess I'll see you tomorrow" he said,about to turn,but you stopped him. "I know I may sound a little forward,but can I please have your number?" You ask, blushing 50 shades of red. "My number?!" Kageyama exclaimed. "Yes. I may or may not come tomorrow, so I need you to send me the work if I'm absent" you explain. Kageyama sighed and rolled his eyes. "Sure..." He took out his phone and you took out yours, exchanging numbers. "Just don't text me for nothing. I will block any irritating idiots" he said coldly.

He just left you there,going his own way. "Irritating Idiots?" You ask yourself,confused. Eye throbbing again,you quickly rushed home to put some ice on your eye.

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