Chapter 8:Trust

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The next morning, Kageyama greeted you with a big hug and spun you around. He looked so happy... Were you dreaming? Surely this can't be real! Kageyama and you becoming one,seemed to good to be true all of a sudden. You needed a reality check. "Kag- I mean- Tobio,pinch me" you demanded, looking childish in his eyes. "Why?" He questioned,tapping his chin. You took his hand in yours,looking deep into his midnight blue eyes. "I can't believe we're together... Yet,I had thought that you would go for someone more attractive... More athletic... More confident... More... Stronger..." Tears were blurring your vision. You held your head low,no longer looking him in the eye. "(Name),listen..." Kageyama placed a finger under your chin and lifted your head slowly. This time,he wiped away your few tears. "No one could ever be more perfect for me than you. And you're gorgeous in my eyes,inside and out" he said before he planted a soft kiss on your forehead. Face a little pink,you lightened up. "You think so?" "Oh,I know so" he quickly answered. You were so bashful,you tried to hide your face from him. He laughed,leaning closer to you,attempting to get a glimpse of your face.

"Hey,don't hide your face from me!" He said,still trying to look at your pink face while both of you were walking. "Why?" you replied, still facing the other way. He then looked ahead of him. "Because that face is the most cutest, beautiful thing I have ever seen. It would really hurt if I don't see that face" Face now red,you slowly turned your head toward him. He had a way with words that really moved you. Surprising, knowing the type of person he normally is. "Much better" he smiled at you. You couldn't help but smile back.

At school,everyone wasn't surprised to see you and Kageyama holding hands. "Looks like our plan really worked! They're together!" Hinata cheered. "He can actually date (Name)?! I'm impressed..." Tsukishimi snickered. Nishinoya heard him. "Hey, you're just jealous that Kageyama got a girlfriend before you!" He stole Tsukishima's glasses and ran around the school with Tsukishima lamely chasing him. "Go Noya!!!" Tanaka yelled as the two disappeared behind a class. "Don't encourage him" Daichi warned,seriousness in his voice. Kageyama and you walked up to the group. "So it's official then?" Suga walked in front of both of you. "Yeah..." Kageyama shyly scratched the back of his neck,while smiling and blushing at you. You did the same. "So when is your first date with (Name),Kageyama?" Tanaka appeared behind you two,resting his arms on your and Kageyama's shoulders. "Date..?" You asked shakily. "Uh yes,this Sunday... That's if you're free" Kageyama said nervously, thinking that you might decline. "Unbelievable, Kageyama-kun!" Hinata facepalmed. "Y-Yes,you can't make last minute plans..." Asahi added,pulling back a few strands of hair that fell on his face.

The others commented on this as well,with Kageyama sulking. Suga then came up to you,hands behind his back. "Are you okay with this,(Name)?" Suga asked. Kageyama quickly turned his head. "Hey! I'm supposed to be asking her that!" Kageyama half shouted,his hands now fists. Suga turned on his heel to face Kageyama. "Calm down! You'll be asking her a lot of questions in the future,so don't worry!" "Oh really? Like what questions?" Kageyama bobbed his head to the side. "You'll ask questions like: Why are you hanging out with other boys? When are we going to go out again? Should we take this to another level? When am I going to become a father?" Suga smiled sheepishly. You were red again,so was Kageyama. What's with the whole family thing? You were only 15 after all.

Then,the bell rang. "We'll see both of you during the lunch break!" Suga waved as he and the rest went to their classes. You were in the same class as Kageyama,so you didn't have to worry about not seeing him until the break.

It was finally the lunch break and you sat at a bench,Kageyama and Hinata sitting beside you,eating from their bento boxes. "So,how was class,Shou-chan?" You asked,digging through your bag to find your lunch. "I couldn't even sleep last night,so things didn't go well for me! I literally fell asleep!" Hinata said while munching on rice balls. You giggled at Hinata's story,which sparked a bit of jealousy in Kageyama. But,he just kept his mouth shut and drank his boxed milk,and decided to watch you rummage through your bag. "Oh no..." You whispered, and zipped your bag up. "What happened, (Name)-chan?" Hinata asked,chowing down the last bit of his lunch. "I think I forgot my lunch..." You rested your head on your palm. "Well, it doesn't matter anyway" you said,closing your eyes. Kageyama put the milk down beside him and handed you his bento.

You opened your eyes,surprised to see Kageyama holding his bento in front of your face. "You must. Don't make me mad" he said bluntly. The old Kageyama was back. You didn't want to be on his bad side,so you hesitantly took his bento box. He had hardly ate anything. "Yes sir" you chuckled and slowly began to eat. There was a faint smile on his lips,which then made you smile back. You eventually ate the remainder of Kageyama's lunch and gave him his empty box back. "You can see through my lies,huh?" You asked him,wiping your mouth with your arm. "Yes,because you're a terrible liar" he remarked,shoving the bento box in his bag. You folded your arms and pouted at his response. "Are you guys really going on a date on Sunday?" Hinata interrupted. You turned to Kageyama,nudging his arm. "Are we?" "Yes we are"
"Ok... But why not Saturday?" you asked. "Oh no,we can't go on Saturday" he stated. "But why?" You whined. "We have a match with Aoba Jousai High on Saturday" Hinata answered your question. "Thanks for answering,dumbass..." Kageyama gritted his teeth. "Aoba Jousai?" You nervously questioned. "Yes,and you're coming to watch us" Kageyama ordered. You nodded slowly. You couldn't say no to him,but you were scared of a certain someone. You stood up,startling Kageyama and Hinata. "He's going to take me away from Kageyama... My Kageyama Tobio..." You thought,wanting to cry and your eye began to ache after a long time. You were about to run to the classroom, but Kageyama wrapped his arms around your waist and brought you to his lap. Hinata's nose began to bleed and your face golwed bright red like a ruby. Yet Kageyama had a chilled look on his face.

"What are you doing? Everyone will see!" You squealed as you tried to push his arms off your waist,but failed. "Let them stare and be jealous" he said in a husky voice. "Tobio?" You were confused. You discovered new sides to him almost everyday,but this one was a shocker. "I gotta go!... Bye!" Hinata covered his overflowing nose and ran off. "You are mine,and mine only. Don't worry" he whispered,loosening his grip. How did he know about Oikawa? Did he read your mind? You shook it off,he is your boyfriend after all. And a very special one at that. He knew you like the back of his hand. "I know" you got up from his lap and kissed his cheek. "And I put all my trust in you. I'm looking forward to the weekend, because I'm spending it you" you told him sweetly and sat next to him on the bench,linking arms. Kageyama was speechless, but he did say something. "I love you,(Name)" "I love you too,Tobio" you rested your head on his arm.

Many apologies for taking my time to update,but I'm being slowed down. I will write the next chapter soon!

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