Chapter 10: Sibley

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     Some days after their meeting with Bryan Mills, Nicky and Bourne search for Eric Byer. Bourne hacks into every facial recognition software he can think of, from multiple law enforcement agencies to government agencies.

"He's like a ghost," Nicky says to Bourne. 

"So am I, yet they manage to find me. We'll find him," Bourne reassures Nicky. 

"You told me the other day about an Outcome agent named Aaron Cross. How come we are now just learning about Outcome?" Nicky asks. 

"Outcome wasn't CIA, it was a private operation. After Pamela and I exposed Treadstone and Blackbriar to the media, this Byer must have shut it down as quickly as he could," Bourne explains.

"But Aaron Cross is still alive. Clearly, he did not do a good job," Nicky adds.

"Or Cross is stronger than we think. He may even be better than me, which makes me wonder what exactly they were working on in Outcome," Bourne responds with curiosity. Suddenly, the computer beeps. One of the facial recognition softwares has identified and located Eric Byer.

"Washington, DC. He was last seen visiting a hospital called Sibley Memorial," Bourne says based on the software. 

"A hospital?" Nicky wonders.

"Must be a relative. We have to move, I know someone who can fly us there," Bourne says to Nicky. Meanwhile, back at the MI6 headquarters, one of the computers sounds an alert. Moneypenny looks to see what it is. Next, Bond goes into M's office.

"Bourne's heading to a hospital New York City. He used facial recognition to locate an Eric Byer and tracked him there. He should be there by tomorrow," Bond finishes. 

"Make sure you get there, but I want you to be the only one on the scene. We can't risk exposing more of our agents in a crowded city like New York," M responds. Bond nods. Later that day, as the sun begins to set, Bourne and Nicky board a private jet. Nicky sleeps on the plane, while Bourne stays awake, remembering his life as a Treadstone agent and his brief relationship with Nicky. He has flashes of moments when he fired his gun and took a life. In these flashbacks, his face is blank, and his eyes are dead as if it was never really a human pulling the trigger. Bourne returns to the present day and looks at Nicky, who is still asleep. Many hours later, the plane lands at the Teterboro Airport in New Jersey. Bourne and Nicky get off the aircraft and head to a car prepared for them by Bourne's asset. While driving to the hospital, Nicky and Bourne speak.

"Manhattan is dangerous ground for you. How do you plan on getting inside the hospital?" Nicky asks him.
"I had my asset prepare some hospital uniforms for us. It's not usually my go to plan, but I can't get risk getting captured. Not now, anyway," Bourne explains.
"Are you sure you're okay? Ever since I met up with you in London, you've seemed different," Nicky says to him.
"I'm fine." Nicky looks at him with doubt in her eyes. Sometime later, they reach the hospital. They park at a distance where Bourne can see the entrance, but far enough so Byer can't notice him. They wait.
"So, you learn more about SPECTRE and other operations concerning enhanced super spies, then what?" Nicky asks him.
"Do what I do best. Expose it all," Bourne responds.
"What if that doesn't stop it? What if they continue the operations?" Nicky asks in a concerned matter.
"I don't know." Suddenly, they notice Byer entering the hospital with flowers.
"Let's go." They exit the car and evade to their trunk. They open the trunk and grab the bag with hospital uniforms in it, and then proceed heading into the hospital with their heads down. Bourne spots a camera about to turn towards their general area of view.
"There's a camera on my right, pretend we're laughing." They pretend to laugh, with the back of Bourne's head facing the camera while also covering Nicky's face from its view. They enter the building and immediately head towards the nearest bathroom while still keeping their heads down. They enter the bathroom and Bourne locks the door. They change as fast as possible. Before they leave, Bourne gives Nicky a surgical mask.
"We'll need them later." Nicky takes the mask and puts the mask in her pocket. "Pretend we just had a good time," Bourne says next.
"What?" Nicky says out of confusion. They quickly exit the bathroom and pretend they just had a good time, in order to keep their cover. They had towards the surveillance room as a guard exits to go speak with a nurse. Bourne sneakily heads inside and knocks out the other guard with a punch to the face, without the guard seeing it coming. He checks the feeds for Byer. He finds him on the third floor, heading into the last room at the end of the hallway. Bourne and Nicky head out and go towards the elevator, as the guard proceeds to go to a bathroom, presumably to have sex with her, buying Bourne some time. Bourne and Nicky reach the third floor.
"Now, put on your mask." They both put on their masks and head towards the room Byer is heading into. They enter the room and see Byer with Mark Turso, who appears to be a patient in the hospital.
"Doctor, if it's okay with you, I need some time alone with-" Nicky locks the door and Bourne reveals himself.
"Bourne!" Byer proceeds to reach for a gun from his jacket, but Bourne grabs his arm and breaks it. Byer screams. Bourne then notices Turso reaching for something under his bed, but Nicky injects him with a tranquilizer that was on a table next to him, knocking him out. Bourne turns to Byer.
"What the fuck do you want?" Eric Byer says to him.
"Tell me everything you know about SPECTRE. Tell me everything about Outcome," Bourne calmly commands him as he grabs him by his jacket.
"If you really think I'm going to spill all of that, you really are one crazy son of a bitch." Bourne punches him in the stomach, which shocks Nicky.
"I already have enough evidence to put you in prison for a long time."
"You're bluffing," Byer responds.
"You want to find out?" Bourne says to him.  Byer looks at him angrily. "Talk." Meanwhile, Brummer enters the hospital undetected, due to the fact the whole world is not looking for him. He asks one of the nurses for Mark Turso, who tells him the room and floor. He heads for the elevator, waits for a couple to get out, and heads in. While in the elevator, he takes out his gun, checks for ammunition, adds a silencer to the barrel, and then puts it back in his pocket. Back in the room, Byer and Bourne talk.

"Outcome was an upgrade from Treadstone and Blackbriar. The agents had two of their chromosomes altered-"

"What the fuck does that mean?" Nicky asks him.

"It means they're made faster, stronger, smarter than anyone, including Treadstone agents. We eliminated the program when you exposed Treadstone and Blackbriar to the public-" 

"Oh yeah, what about Aaron Cross?" Bourne interrupts.

"He escaped! We had a drone on him, but he shot it down with a rifle!" Bourne looks at him. 

"What did the CIA plan to do with Outcome?" Bourne asks him. 

"It wasn't CIA. It was NRAG, the National Research Assay Group. (He laughs) You think the CIA created men like you on their own? No, they had help. I was the brain, the muscle of the Beta programs. Treadstone, Blackbriar, Outcome, LARX? That was me and my organization's hard work, that you destroy-" Turso gets shot in the head, all of the sudden. Nicky screams, along with people outside the room on the floor they are on. Bourne notices a hole in the room door. 

"Oh sh-" Byer says as he gets shot in the heart. Bourne looks out the door window and sees Bummer, who is aiming the gun at him. Brummer fires at him, but Bourne ducks in time, hitting the now-dead Turso instead. Brummer runs. Bourne opens the door and sees Brummer heading towards a window and chases after him. Brummer shoots the rest of his rounds at the window and jumps through it, landing on a lower level roof. Bourne does the same, lands hard but safely, and then chases after Brummer. Brummer then slides down the roof onto the ground, and Bourne follows. Bourne proceeds to chase after Brummer. Meanwhile, Bond, who has just arrived, notices the two and chases after Bourne. A three-way chase begins, as Bourne goes after Brummer, and Bond chases after Bourne. The run through the parking lot, dodging and jumping over cars as they get in the way. Brummer finds a motorcycle, steals it, and drives off. Bourne stops as he realizes he can't go after him. Suddenly, he hears a gun click.

"Hold it right there, Bourne," Bond says to him while also pointing his gun at him. 

"You again? If you really think I'm going to come in, you could not be more wrong," Bourne says to him.

"Let's find out," Bond says as he walks towards Bourne with handcuffs. Suddenly, Bourne disarms Bond's handcuffs and throws them to the ground. Bond quickly grabs his gun but Bourne disarms him again. They brawl again. Bourne, despite jumping off of high grounds, manages to quickly defeat Bond. He knocks out Bond and cuffs his hands behind his back. He then proceeds to go back to the hospital for Nicky, who has just arrived at the main entrance. 

"We need to go." Nicky, who is in distraught, nods in agreement. They head to their car, get into the car, and drive off. Meanwhile, blood drips from Bond's head, as he lays on the ground unconscious. 

THE BOURNE BLACKSTONE FT. 007 Ultimate Edition (2016)Where stories live. Discover now