Chapter 7: Heathrow

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     At the MI6 headquarters, Bond is staring at Jason Bourne's profile on the big screen. Q spots him and walks up to him.
"We'll find him. The mission? It's not over," Q assures him.
"I've gotten slow. My old age is finally catching up with my abilities as an agent," Bond responds. He doesn't look at Q.
"No. No, I think you're just getting started," Q says in a comforting tone. Meanwhile, M is on his computer, reading a file regarding an unknown mission. He suddenly gets a pop-up notification indicating that he has received a new message. He opens it and realizes that the message is from Bourne. Moments later, he has the team, including Bond, gathered for a debriefing.
"In this email, Bourne has asked to meet one of our agents at the Waterloo station. We don't know what he wants or why he wants to meet. As you can see, the conditions set by him are that the agent must be alone," M finishes.
"I'll go," Bond declares with confidence.
"Absolutely not!" M immediately responds, "You will stay here!" He declares.
"Sir, I'm the most capable of the team," Bond tries to change M's mind.
"It's not about being capable on the field, it's about being capable in negotiations, and that is why I am sending Moneypenny," M announces.
"Yes, sir," Moneypenny responds. She looks at Bond. Bond looks frustrated but pulls himself together. 

"Sir, if I may, you just told me earlier that I need to get back out there and bring Bourne in. Now you're telling me to stay put over a bloody meeting?" Bond questions M.

"You are piss at negotiations. Your first response to anything is violence and we cannot risk losing this opportunity!" M explains. Bond grows increasingly frustrated. M then looks at Moneypenny, who is just standing there and looking at Bond arguing with M.

"Move!" M commands to her. Moneypenny gets her firearm ready and heads out. The surveillance team gets ready to track Moneypenny, and get access to every camera in the Waterloo station. In the meantime, Bourne heads out of his hideout on a motorcycle, a 2016 Triumph Speed Triple R. At the same time, a British Airways plane lands at the London Heathrow airport. As the doors open, Nicky Parsons exits the plane. She's carrying a small backpack and is wearing a cap. She smiles at the air hostess, who is thanking the passengers for flying on British Airways. Meanwhile, Moneypenny is heading towards the Waterloo station in Bond's car. 

"Better not scratch my car," Bond says to Moneypenny over the communications. 

"Don't worry, 007," Moneypenny responds in a humorous tone. She makes an immediate left turn while speeding through the streets. "Your car will be just fine," Moneypenny says to Bond. Concurrently, Bourne arrives at the airport. He takes out his phone and dials a number. Back at MI6, M's phone rings, showing an unknown caller. M picks it up.

"Hello?" M says.

"This is Jason Bourne," Bourne says over the phone.

"Bourne? I thought you wanted to talk to one of my agents?" M asks.

"I wanted to speak to you first," Bourne responds. "I know you're investigating the CIA. You're looking into the super soldier programs. Why is the MI6 involved?" Bourne asks.

"Why don't you come in? We'll have a discussion about it?" M attempts to lure Bourne.

"Thanks, but I can't do that," Bourne responds. Meanwhile, Moneypenny arrives at the Waterloo station. 

"Bond, I've arrived but I don't see him," she says over the communications.

"He's there, he called M," Bond responds. 

"What, why?" Moneypenny asks in confusion.

"No bloody clue, but we're attempting to track his phone, but he should be there," Bond responds. Moneypenny gets out of the car and heads towards the station. In the meantime, Nicky is sitting in the terminal, waiting for Bourne. She checks her phone for any messages. Bourne, who is slowly walking around the airport, is still talking to M.

"I think you can be a worthy beneficial ally to our investigation, Mr. Bourne. You know more about the operations than anyone else on our radar. With that in mind, why don't you tell us where you are at that train station? One of our finest agents is there, looking for you," M attempts to plea.

"They'll never find me."

"And why would that be the case?" M asks.

"Because I'm not at the train station." Bourne hangs up the phone. M looks confused and realizes that Bourne hung up. 

"Damn!" M says in frustration.

"007, I can't find him," Moneypenny announces.

"Because he's not at the train station, it was a diversion," Bond responds.

"Diversion for what?" Moneypenny asks in confusion. Meanwhile, Bourne spots Nicky and she spots him. They walk up to each other.

"We need to go, now," Bourne tells her. They move quickly through the airport. As they close in on the entrance of the airport, he spots two suited men enter the airport with handguns, one of them being the leader of the squad that helped Blofeld escape prison, indicating that they are in league with SPECTRE. They aim at Bourne. "Emergency exit, now!" Bourne yells at Nicky. Shots are fired at Bourne's direction, but the bullets miss him and Nicky. Everyone at the airport starts to scream in horror over the shots fired. People hide behind cover or run away from the SPECTRE assaulters. They run through the panicked crowd and head towards Bourne's motorcycle. They get on but before they ride off, Bourne takes out a gun and fires at the SPECTRE shooters, but he misses. They drive off. An armored Jeep arrives with more SPECTRE loyalists, who open cover fire at incoming security and police officers. The two assaulters get into the Jeep and chase after Bourne. They ride through half-crowded streets, firing a sentry gun at Bourne's direction. But Bourne is maneuvering, dodging the bullets. He hands Nicky his gun and she fires rounds at the Jeep. She manages to hit the passenger next to the driver before running out of ammunition.

"I have more in my jacket pocket!" Bourne tells her. She reaches into his pockets and finds more ammunition. "Aim for the wheels!" Bourne informs her. After reloading the gun, she aims at one of the front wheels of the Jeep. She fires three rounds, with the third bullet managing to hit the wheel. The Jeep crashes into a pole, knocking out the driver and the other passengers. However, one of them, the squad leader from the prison breakout, gets out of the Jeep. He gets a call on his cell phone. 

"Mr. Brummer, did you get them?" Blofeld asks over the phone.

"No, sir, they escaped," Brummer responded. Later, Bourne and Nicky arrive back at the warehouse. They get off the motorcycle and Bourne heads to his laptop.

"Who were those guys? And why'd you call me to London?" Nicky asks him. 

"They work for SPECTRE, a secret terrorist organization. They were after you," Bourne responded.

"How did they know I was coming?" Nicky asked.

"I don't know," Bourne responds. "I brought you here to keep you safe." 

"Why is this SPECTRE after me?" 

"Because they're after me. They want me because of what I am," Bourne responds. Nicky looks worried. She grabs a water bottle from a fridge and drinks some water. 

"So what now?" Nicky asks.

"Well, besides SPECTRE, MI6 wants me to come in so I can fill them in on the NRAG operations, but I don't want them involved in this," Bourne explains.

"There is another way you can help them," Nicky says to him.

"I'm not fighting for them. This is my mission and my mission alone," Bourne declares. Nicky nods in agreement. 

"So what the hell is SPECTRE?" Nicky asks him.

"It's an secret terrorist organization. I may have killed one of their agents during my Treadstone days," Bourne explains to her.

"So they were after you too?" Nicky asks.

"Yeah but not to kill me, I don't why they're after me. But I need to find out and out an end to this," Bourne declares.

THE BOURNE BLACKSTONE FT. 007 Ultimate Edition (2016)Where stories live. Discover now