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     Washed up near a large abandoned building, coughing and bleeding, and having flashes of previous events, Jason Bourne is relieved of his escape from a mysterious suited British man. However, he hears footsteps nearby. He hears a man, a slow, cautiously moving man, armed and clearly calculated, moving towards him. Bourne realizes that it is him, the British man. He gets up and goes to a nearby bush to hide behind it. The armed man looks stiff and stylish, like an agent. The man catches sight of him and says, "Jason Bourne, don't move or I will shoot." Bourne runs away from him and the man follows, running into the factory and out the other end. They go through the woods, dodging logs and tree branches. The man tries to shoot him, but he misses. Bourne dodges and attempts to throw a rock at the man, only to have the man dodge it. Bourne continues running while the man follows. As Bourne turns around to look, the man has vanished. Bourne takes a deep breath, turns around, and gets a blow to the head from the man's gun. Half an hour later, he wakes up, tied to a chair. The man is in the shadows, with a gun. He sighs and says, "I'm sorry about hurting your head but you gave me no other choice. Hell, you wouldn't let me introduce myself."

"Who are you?" Bourne asks the man.

"Bond. James Bond," The British man responds.

"What do you want?"

"We need your help, Bourne!"

"I'd rather leave. I'm better off on my own," Bourne responds quickly.

"Leave?" Bond laughs. "Out of the two of us in this space, who is A, not tied to a chair and B, with a gun?" Bond sarcastically responds. Bourne looks at Bond.

"You have no idea what I am capable of," Bourne warns Bond.

"We know everything about you," Bond responds.

"Do you, now? No, you don't know anything about what I've done," He says to him.

"I know about Marie Kreutz. I know what happened to her. She died while you were in retirement as a CIA agent, shot by a Russian named Kirill. I'm here because we have a common enemy. We could use your particular set of skills, Mr. Bourne," Bond requests of him.

"Why should I work for you. Better yet, why should I even trust you, after you chased me and attempted to shoot me?" Bourne pleads to Bond.

"You wouldn't cooperate, so we took necessary action," Bond calmly replies. "I can free you at your will and we can just talk, man to man. No fists, no weapons, just a talk," Bond negotiates. Bourne agrees and Bond takes out a pocket knife. He cuts the ropes and gives Bourne the knife.

"Start talking," Bourne says to Bond after he's freed. Bond puts his knife away.

"We recently uncovered that the Beta programs never met an end. They may be being funded by a very dangerous organization that doesn't give a damn about anything but world domination. They have multiple agents scattered across the world. We need your knowledge and skills, Mr. Bourne," Bond finishes.

"No, it should be me who puts an end to it, and me alone!" Bourne responds, quickly.

"Bourne, we need you. You know more about the Beta experiments than anyone. Hell, you even worked for them."

"What I signed up for was nothing but a lie. I'm going to end it all on my own, so stay out of my way!" Bourne finishes and starts to leave the area.
"(Over the communications) 007, we have word that they've taken Nicolette Parsons as a hostage," M informs Bond.

"Bourne, they have Nicky Parsons!" Bond yells out to Bourne. Bourne freezes in place as if he suddenly changed his mind. He turns around and looks at Bond, with determination in his face.

THE BOURNE BLACKSTONE FT. 007 Ultimate Edition (2016)Where stories live. Discover now