Chapter 16: Struggle

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     Gray clouds rule the sky in London. It is a normal day immediately following Brummer's video message to MI6. Bourne and Bond await their go-ahead to enter the foreign sovereign soil of Paris. They seem to be having second thoughts on their upcoming mission. Despite being able to bring down an entire terrorist organization, risking Bourne's life for another doesn't sit well with either one of them, despite Bourne reluctantly agreeing to do so the day before.
"What can you tell me about Ernst Stavro Blofeld?" Bourne asks Bond and M.
"He is the single most dangerous sleeper terrorist since Gerrit Helderman. Blofeld was Bond's step-brother after Bond's parents were killed. After an accident, he went on to become an influence among various governments and war criminals alike, becoming more and more dangerous overtime. Soon enough, he had founded SPECTRE and began his quest for a new world," M explains.
"Wait, you mentioned Gerrit Helderman. Where have I heard that name before?" Bourne asks him. However, suddenly, an agent walks into M's office in a hurry.

"Sir, we've just received the go-ahead from the French Prime Minister to operate in their country. Operation Blackstone is a go," an agent tells M. M nods to him and they both walk out of his office. As M enters the area most filled with MI6 agents, everyone in the room stands and pays attention to him.

"Agents, we have just received the order to operate within French borders. This day will be remembered as the final day of SPECTRE. We will not fail, we will not falter, and we will not surrender to Ernst Stavro Blofeld. I wish everyone on board this precarious mission good luck," M finishes. Hope fills the eyes of Bond, Moneypenny, Q, Bourne, and other agents alike. M then walks up to Bond and Bourne. "You two, especially, will need all the luck in the bloody world," he tells them. They both nod at him. M puts his right hand on Bond's shoulder. "We'll meet you up there, just like we planned." Some time later, Bond and Bourne get into the Aston Martin DB11 and drive off and head towards one of MI6's private airstrips. Once they arrive there, they board a readied private jet. On the plane, they sit opposite of each other.

"You know you don't have to do this. It's too risky and dangerous," Bond pleads with Bourne.

"We can do this, I know you'll have my back," Bourne tells him. Bond shows doubt. "Look, I know what I said back there about you being an imperialist, but I was wrong. You are an agent, front and foremost. Despite your actions, you have never failed to complete your mission and follow your given orders, because that is your job!" Bond chuckles upon hearing that. "Besides, our backup won't be too far behind," Bourne finishes.

"Let's finish this, together," Bond says with pride. Some time later, they enter French airspace and soon arrive in Paris. It is a cold, dark night in Paris. The skies are clear and the stars are visible and the city is lit up as beautifully as ever. They land and exit the plane on French soil while escort awaits them. They get into the backseat of the limousine. In the car, Brummer is seated opposite of Bond and Bourne. Meanwhile, Q is tracking their position from MI6.

"The signal is still strong, sir. They're heading there now," he tells M, who is standing behind him. M then walks into the room that contains Bond's strike team, who are awaiting their orders.

"Alright, listen up, we are ready to go. The British military has already sent a squadron towards the target base. Jason Bourne and our own 007 are on their way there, as well. They need us to watch their back. Let's move out!" He tells them with pride and honor. They soon board their escort chopper and take off. In the meantime, Bourne and Bond arrive at the hidden SPECTRE base of operations. They exit the car and are forcefully escorted inside. They then enter an elevator after being checked for weapons and Brummer proceeds to speak into his earpiece.

"Sir, we're bringing them up to you," he tells Blofeld. Blofeld is on the top floor with Nicky, whose wrists are tied.

"Good," he responds. He then looks at Nicky. "Your saviors have arrived." Nicky doesn't react to Blofeld. Blofeld puts on a smug expression on his face and then faces the elevator. About five men surround the back of Blofeld and Nicky. The elevator doors open and Brummer enters with Bourne and Bond behind him. "Welcome, gentlemen!" Blofeld says to them. He then spots Bond. "Ah, brother James, good to see you again!"

THE BOURNE BLACKSTONE FT. 007 Ultimate Edition (2016)Where stories live. Discover now