1. Getting fat

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"Martu!!" I heard Someone screaming from the outside. I looked through the window and i saw lodovica my bestfriend. I smiled to her and she waved.

"Martu! Are you ready" she screamed and i nodded.

"Almost i'll be outside in one minute" i took my jacket and my back. I looked in the mirror for my make-up.  "Ugh i'm so ugly" i Said to myself and then i went outside.

"Hey tini" lodo Said Before she Hugged me tight "shall we go to school" she suggested and i smiled. "Sure, let's go".

We went to school together as always.

"So how was gymnastics?" Lodo asked as i looked to her. "How do you think it's Goes? It was terrible Everyone looked to me when i changed clothes and one girl Said i have to eat more. They just have to shut up and live their own Life". "Owh tini they are just worried" i looked strange to her. "No they don't they didn't notice me al these years so why would they care about me? I hate that stupid girls" as i Said a bit mad and maked lodo shocked. "Martu, Please calm down a bit this is not good for you" she Said and i smiled a bit. "Okay you're right! Now it's your turn how is it between you and diego?".

She looked a bit mad as i laughed. "Diego and i are just friends" she Said and i laughed. "Yeah right if you are just friends then i'm an airplaine" i Said while i was laughing she pushed me a bit and looked mad. "It's not funny"

We arrived at my home and i Said good bye to lodo before she went to her home and i went inside mine.
"Martina Please eat something" i looked up as i saw my dad looking through my plate full of food i didn't took one bite. "I don't want i'm getting fat of all these stuff i want a salade or something" i Said and looked to my mum.

"But tini you can't eat an salade everyday you have to eat Some meat and patotoes too" my mum Said with a worried voice.

I don't want all this stuff it makes me fat and i already am fat...

"Just eat a bit more okay" my mum Said as i eat three spoons full of food.

"Now i had enough!" I Said a bit mad and i went upstairs

So hello Everyone this is my first jortini book on wattpad. I hope you like the first chapter and i hope you'll like my book. I also write Books at insta under the name @tinimycutie. I want to thank my best friend ino for help me everytime i have problems. I love you so much my bby 😘😘. My name is Julia but Everyone calls me Juul so please feel u free to call me Juul. I love you all xx

~Juul ❤️

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