39. Little blanco

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Jorge's pov.

I woke up as Martina layed next to me. One day left... One day left till this angel Will be my woman.

The last month there happened a lot of things. Martina and I are closer then ever and we bought a house together with as we live there now.

I was still watching to Martina as she opened her eyes.

"Hey princess" I said as she smiled and gave me a morning kiss

"Good morning my hero"
She said as she sat on my lap and took my hands and hold them.

"I need to tell you something" she said as she looked to me.

"Well tell me" I said so curious as I was.

"Well.. Soon there Will be a little blanco" she said smiling as she took my hands to her stomach and I began to smile wide.

"Owh you kidding me" i Said almost crying. I'm just so happy..

"No i'm not in a few months there Will be a little jorge or a little Martina" she Said smiling as i smiled back and kissed her soft.

"You don't know how happy i am" I said as she smiled.

"I think I have a idea" she said as I hugged her tight.

"Owh I love you" I said as smiled.

"I love you too" she said smiling back. "But now I have to get ready for my day with the girls" she said as she stood up.

"Yeah right I should do that too" I said while I stood up too. I really can't wait for tomorrow.

Martina's pov.

I made me ready as I left the house and went to the girls, it
Twas at lodo's house so I went there. I knocked on the door as Lodo opened.

"Hey! You are early only mechi is here jet" she said as I smiled.

"That's good I need to tell you girls something" I said smiling as she smiled.

"Okay come in! I'm curious" she said as I laughed and came in.

I walked to the living room as I saw mechi.

"Hey tinita" she said as she walked to me.

"Hey mechita" I said hugging her

"Own I missed you!" She said as I laughed

"We saw each other yesterday!" I said as she nodded

"yes but still I have missed you" she said as I smiled

"Hm I love you but sit I need to tell something" I sat as they sat down and looked to me with curious faces.

"Tell it!" They said at the same time as we all laughed.

"Well.." I said beginning as they looked worried

"Martu do we have to worry?" Mechi said as I shook my head.

"No I'm" I began but Lodo cute me off.

"you are what?" She said as I signed.

"If you just be quiet and shut your mouth I can tell it" I said as they both closed their mouth

"Thank you" I smiled

"So I'm a pregnant" I said smiling as they both looked really surprised but happy too and began to scream.

"OH MY GOSH MARTU I'M SO HAPPY FOR U" Lodo screamed as she came to me.

"I'M GONNA BE AUNT!" mechi said as I laughed. They both hugged me as they smiled to you.

"I'm so happy for you Martu" mechi said as Lodo nodded.

"Yeah we will help you with everything" Lodo said as I smiled bigger.

"Thank you girls I don't know what I would do without you!" I said as they smiled we hugged each other but soon we backed off when the bell rang.

"I think the other girls are there" Lodo said smiling as she walked to the door and opened it, as Valeria, Caro, Emma, cande and naty came into the living room.

"Hey tinita!" They all said as they hugged them all. I'm so happy with this kind of friends..

"So is there something happened?" Cande said as I smiled.

"Yes I am..." I began but Lodo and mechi cutted me off.

"SHE IS PREGNANT!" They screamed as I looked to them.

"GURLSS" I said as they looked down

"Wait what?" Valeria said as they looked shocked.

"Is that true?" Naty said as I nodded.

"Yeah I am" I said as they all began to scream and hugged me as I fell on the ground. This girls are too crazy but I love them.

"Owh that's so amazing!" Cande said as they all said something like that.

"Thank you girls I really need your help with that little blanco" I said smiling as they all laughed.

"How long do you know you are pregnant?" Lodo asked as I smiled.

"Just a few days" I said as they all smiled.

"You are so lucky" mechi said as I nodded in agreement.

"Yeah I am" I said as I smiled. "Now let's have some fun!" I said as they all smiled and we went to the city.
Jorge's pov.

I came in my house as I walked to the bedroom and saw Martina, Sleeping. Quiet I changed clothes and I layed beside her as she cuddled into me.

"One night my princess" I said as she looked up with a sleepy face and smiled.

"Yeah one night" she said before she closed turned around and closed her eyes again. I held her close as I kissed her head.

"Good night princess" I said as I saw her smiling

"Good night hero" she said before I saw her felling a sleep.

So hey everyone,
so we are almost at the end of this book ❤️ we have only one chapter left and you all will know where that chapter will be about😉 soon there will come more details about my new book called "friends by accident" I hope you liked this cute chapter and that Martina is pregnant :) see you soon !

~ Juul❤️

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