12.crazy girls

368 22 18

Martina's pov

Today it's Monday and i'm gonna tell the girls about me and jorge..

I woke up with a smile i'm just so happy. I made me ready for school and then i went outside where stood lodo and we Walked to school.

"Why are you smiling all the time?" Lodo Said as i still smiled

"I Will tell you when all the girls are there" i Said as she looked disappointed.

"Martu... Tell me now" she Said while i shook my head

"Wait wait i already know it! Ypu and jorge are together right!" She Said very happy while she was jumping up and down

"H..h.how do ypu know?" I Said

"What it's true? FINALLY JORTINI!" She jelled it out while the people in the park looked strange to her.

"Jortini?" I Said frowned.

"Yeah jorge and tini, JORTINI" she screamed again.

"Omg you already SHIP us right?" I Said schocked

"Ofcourse i do you are meant to be with each other" she Said while her eyes became big and she looked like she was in love

"We are almost on school, but calm down i want to tell the girls by myself" i Said as she nodded.


We went in the school and i saw all the girls standing in the cantine. I and lodo went to them and they smiled.

"Hey girls i need to tell you something" i Said with a big smile

"Tell us!" They all Said curiously

"Jorge and i" i wanted to talk further but Someone cuted me off and i felt arms around my hips. I turned My head around and saw jorge.

"Are together" he Said while is smiled to him and pecked his lips.

"Awhh" the girls Said at the same time.

"Congratulations martu!" Alba Said

"You two are so cute" cande filled in.

"I Said ya they Will be together" mechi Said to alba.

"JORTINI" lodo Said as i frowned and laughed at the same time.

This girls are so crazy but i love them.

"Jortini?" Jorge answered as i turned around to be Before him.

"It's our SHIP name. Jorge and tinj, jortini. Lodo made it" i Said while i smiled.

"Hmm i like it but you girls are crazy, and now i want Martina for me alone" he Said as he looked to the girls

"Okay okay we Get it" mechi Said

"We'll go have Fun lovebirds" lodo Said Before they went

"So how are you princes?" He Said with a big smile

"I'm good my Hero" i Said while i flattered.

"Do you want to meet my parents tonight? You can join us for dinner" he Said while my smile only became bigger.

"I would love it jorge" i Said too fast

Dinner owh no... I have to eat.

"Good let's go to the lesson now" he Said while we Walked to our lesson and we interlocked our hands.

Hellooooo honeys,
How did you sleep?
I slept really good because i dreamed about meeting ino. But the best of this morning was when i opened wattpad and i was totally spammed by you Guys. Thank you for being so active and for over 100 comments. I don't know if i can upload a new chap today because i go to one of my bestfriends and i Will have a sleep over there. I Will Maybe make one Before i go to her but i don't know if i have time.
I love you all and i hope you love the chapter. I have a important question to you.
Do you want longer chaps (like 1000 words every chapter)  but not so much updates or just how it is now? Let me now🤗.
Have a Nice day❤️❤️


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