35.stay strong

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Jorge's pov.
I sat in the Airplaine as I looked  outside. The only think I could think about is Martina. I don't know what I would do if there happened anything with her but I do know that I would never forgive myself for letting her alone. How stupid could I be?

"I don't think you are stupid" I lady beside me said as I looked to her.

"Oeh wait what did I say out loud?" I said as she laughed

"Uhm something about a girl named Martina and that you won't forgive yourself if there will happen something with her" she said As I became red. I said everything out loud..

"Hum yeah" I said awkwardly

"I don't know what is happening that girl and if she is alright but I am sure she will be alright" she said as I nodded.

"Thank you.." I said not knowing her name.

"Carola" she said smiling

"Thank you Carola" I said as she smiled.

"If you don't mind I'm gonna close my eyes now before we will arrive as she nodded.

I'm gonna save you Martu please stay strong" I Wispered as I closed my eyes.
I opened my eyes as I heard a voice.

"We are going to land, please take on your seatbelt and stay relax" I heard as I took my seatbelt and put it on.

"I'm coming Martina stay strong" i Wispered once again. I hope she will survive..

Martina's pov.
My whole body was in shock as the man stepped back and walked away Soon. I guess it was not his meaning that I will see his face. Because this.. This will change everything.

"Do you know him?" Valeria said as I nodded.

"Yeah i know him" i Said looking down.

Valeria's pov.
Wait what? How? Is that good ? Or bad? I really want to know ..

"Who is he?" I Said but she didn't Said anything back.

"Someone i know" she Said still looking down

"WoW really i thought it was a stranger for you" I said sarcastic as she still looked down.

"I don't wanna talk about it" she said as I came closer and hugged her.

"Sorry I didn't wanna push you" I said while she nodded

"It's okay" she said

"Martina?" I said there was one question I have left.

"Hmhm" she mumbled as I tried to look in her eyes there was I a weak light here now.

"Is there a chance we will be free again?" I said as she looked up.

"I don't know that but I don't think he will hurt us bad" she said as I took a deep breath.

"Okay good to know" I said as she nodded.

"I'm gonna sleep" she said as she took the two little pillows who we discovers a while ago as she gave me one as we layed down on the cold floor.

"Good night Martina"

"Good night Valeria"

Hey babes,
I know I know this chapter is not long at all.. But I really can't make it longer now you will understand later why❤️
Hope you liked it

~Juul ❤️

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