24. Forever yours

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Jorge's pov.

"No" Martina Said

"Come on it would be Fun" i Said smiling

"Fun? I don't call a fight match Fun.." She Said while she looked to me.

"Please martu i'm begging you" i Said while she frowned.

"Can't you go with Fede or something.." She Said while she signed.

"No.. he is going to the movie with cande" i Said while her eye became weith.

"Whaaat? Do they have a date?" She Said standing up.

"I don't know" i Said while i shook my head

"Omg cande Told me nothing about it! I'm gonna call her"she freaked out and ran upstairs.

"But tini do you want to come.." I Said but she was already gone i guess i have to wait for her answer...

Martina's pov

"Why didn't you Told me?" I Said while i called cande

"What do you mean?" She Said confused

"You know about what i'm talking" i Said through the Phone


"Yes you do.."

"Martina Please tell me what you mean" she Said while she signed.

"Why didn't you Told me that you have a date with rugge?" I Said

"What? Me and rugge?" She Said confused

"Yeah don't play stupid jorge Told me you would go to the movie together" i Said curious as she began to laugh loudly

"Martu don't let me laugh.. Rugge and i are just friends" she Said while it was my turn to laugh loudly

"Yeah right.." I Said with a sarcastic voice.

"Believe me Martina and go with jorge to that match it would be fun" she Said while i began to be suprised.

"Huh? How did you know?" I Said surprised.

"I know everything my Dear" she Said laughing. "And now go back to your prince" she Said And Before i could say something more she hang up.

Ugh do i really have to go to that match? People fight with each other for Fun That's so unbelieveble why would i like that? Ugh i already hate it but okay. Maybe i just have to go for jorge... He did so Many things for me and he still does. Okay Allright i Will go...

I went downstairs as jorge was playing something on the tv.

"Jorge" i Said while i Walked to the couch. No answer..

"Jorge.." I tried again but no answer.. Again.. Ugh boys and video games...

"Princeeeeeee" i Said this time but he was still in his game. Playing soccer or something.

I Walked to the tv and stood Before it.

"Hey sweetie i can't See anything now" he Said while i signed and put the tv off.

"I hope you Will See me now.." I Said while i looked mad.

"What do you wanted to say?" He Said Rolling his eyes.

"I wanted to tell you that i'm in for the match but i guess you aren't intressed.." I Said while i Walked away.

"Wait Martina ofc i'm intressed" he Said while i turned around and smiled a bit.

"Owh yeah?" I Said with a curious voice.

"Yes i would be the happiest boy when you would go with me" he Said smiling

"Hmm then i have good news my prince i Will go with you" i Said smiling while there grew a big smile at his face.

"I love you Martina" he Said smiling while he hold his hands on my waist.

"I love you more my prince" i Said smiling holding my hands in his throat.

"That's not possible" he Said while i laughed a bit

"It is"

"No it's not" he Said

He Came closer and leaned in to Kiss me but Before that i hearded the door so i backed off.

"Owh.. Did i interrupt?" Someone Said as i looked up and saw jorge mother.

"No mum nothing happened come tinita we Will go to your room" he Said while he winked

Gosh why is he so cute...

"Have Fun love birds" jorge's mother Said Before we went upstairs as i began to blush.

We Walked upstairs as we went to my room and sat on my bed as i smiled to jorge who was looking to Some photos.

Then he took my Photobook and Before i could took it from him he saw the photo i never wanted him to See..

"Who is this?" He Said looking confused to the photo

"Uhm it's Peter he was my boyfriend in spain.." I Said looking away. I didn't wanted him to See me kissing an other Guy. He is Maybe hurt now..

"Ah" he Said gosh he was hurt..

"Jorge look tp me please" i Said while i took the book from him so he would stop starting to the photo.

He looked to me. I looked into his eyes. Gosh he was hurt..

"Look jorge i know it's not Fun for you to See this photo. But i want you to listen to me. Peter and i broke up a while ago and we broke up because we didn't had feelings anymore. I don't love him anymore. I did a lot but i love you way more then i ever loved Peter and i'm pretty sure i would never love anyone more then i love you. So stop looking sad because that photo and Lets make our own memories" i Said while i smiled as he smiled too.

"I'm so happy to hear that princes. You are so important to me and i just don't want to lose you. That's why i might be a bit jalouse.." He Said looking down as i smiled.

"Owh bby boy jt's so sweet you care about me that lot but don't worrie okay i Will be yours. Forever and ever" i Said smiling while he looked up and smiled too

"I love you princes" he Said while he put his hand on my cheek.

"I love you too" i Said smiling he smiled back as he leaned in and kissed me.

Slowly pur lips were conected and it felt so wonderfull i love it so much too Kiss him i just feel al the passion and love between us and i know it Will never go away...

So hello Luviesss
Yesterday i had my dance class and my dance teacher was there for the last time. It was much Fun because Everyone had brought food with them and it was wayyyy to much😂 under this a photo of my dance group (try to Find me ahaha, but ino if you read this you are not allowed to do this too because you Will See it in 0.000003 seconds 😂)
Hope you had a Nice day
Love you all

~Juul ❤️

(The middle one with the black shirt is my dance teacher❤️)

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(The middle one with the black shirt is my dance teacher❤️)

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