18.stay with me

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Jorge's pov.
I woke up as i saw my little princes laying in my arms. I closed my eyes again but Someone Came in so opened them again.

It was the doctor he pointed to me to come so i replaced Martina care fully and Walked with the doctor to his office.

"Sit down Please" the doctor Said as i sat down.

"Okay jorge you're the boyfriend of Martina, aren't you?" He Said with a frown.

"Yes i'm" i Said smiling.

"Okay we talked about Martina and we think she isn't safe here" he Said seriously

"Huh what do you mean? Isn't this an hospital?" I Said frowned

"Ofcourse she is safe here but in the moment Martina is alone her imagine comes up and there can happen worse things" he Said worriedly

"Okay but what do you want then?" I Said

"We think it's better if you take care of Martina but she still habe i go to this school and we Will come to your house each week"
He Said while my eyes went wide open.

They want me to take care of Martina? WoW That's not nothing..

"You think i can take care of Martina?" i Said surprised.

"Yeah you're almost 18 and Martina needs Someone she really trust and where she feels safe and i think you are the only one who can do that for her" he Said smiling

"WoW this is a big thing you asking for but i think i can do it" i Said smiling. "But Before we Say it to Martina i have to ask my parents,okay?"

"Yeah ofcourse, till that time you can stay here as long as Martina need you" he Said smiling

"Well thank you doctor i go back to her now" i Said while he nodded and i went back to Martina.

She sat up in her bed and stared to the wall.

"Hey Princes" i Said quiet because i don't want let her schock.

She lookup to me and smiled.

"Hey jorge" she Said.

"So princes how are you know?" I Said while i sat down and took her on my lap.

"Good but a bit affraid" she Said with a worried face.

"Don't you worrie Martina i'm here" i Said while she smiled and play with my almost long hair.

"I know but once you have to go and then she Will kill me" she Said with a tear.

"I talked with diego and he Said i can stay here as long as you need me so don't worry okay" i Said while she smiled.

"You really wanted to do that?" She Said smiling.

"Ofcourse princes and now go back to sleep, you look tired"
I Said while she nodded.

She cuddeled into me closed her eyes and fell a sleep.

Martina's pov.
I woke up while i layed om something hard and warm. I smiled as i already new what it was. Jorge's chest.

I looked up as i saw he was awake.

"Hey princes are you better now?" He Said smiling

"Yeah Thanks" i Said smiling

"The doctor was here he asked if we could go to the supermarket to choose Some food for dinner. He Said you prefer to Get it by yourself" jorge Said while i got up

"Yes finally i can out again!" I Said Excited while he laughed.

"What?" I Said smiling

"You're to cute for words martu!" He Said while i began to blush.

"I'm gonna change now and you stay here!" I Said laughing while he laughed to. It did me think of a flashback.


"What are you gonna do?" Jorge Said curiously

"Gonna take a shower, i Will be fast" i Said as he smiled.

"Can i come to?" He Smirked

"WHAAAT? No ofcourse not" i Said in all the panic

"I was Joking Martina" he Said while i looked mad. I looked around me and took the first thing i saw.

"Catch!" I Said while i trew Socks to his head. He wasn't fast enough so the Socks bumped to his head.

"And now i go... And you you stay here" i Said while i Walked in the small bathroom and closed the door.

*end of flashback*

I smiled for myself as i went to the little bathroom and closed the door.

"Owh this is tasty!" i Said while jorge smiled.

Jorge and i were at the supermarket choosing something for diner.

"I hate vegatables" he groaned.

"Owh come on try it Hero jt's really tasty i swear" i Said laughing

"Okay okay but only for you princes" he Said while he layed the vegatables in the Shoppingcar.

Then he took Some potatoes as i took it from him and lay it back.

"What are you doing? I like patotoes!" He Said while i groaned this time

"Patotoes are not healthy jorge... We take fish okay?" I Said while i Walked to the fish.

"What fish? I want meat..." He protested while i signed.

"Dear jorge patoes and meat are not healthy but fish is healthy so we Will eat that or i eat nothing" i Said with a frown.

"Okay good.."

We Payed for the food and went back.
It was already late and i and jorge lay in my bed. Again.

"Good night princes" he Said while he pecked my head.

"Good night my Hero" i Said Before i closed my eyes and fell asleep.

So hello honeyssss
How are you today? I'm really happy because today i'm finally gonna FaceTime again with my sugar squirrelll❤️❤️ i hope you liked this chapter and thank you all for ever 600 reads and almost 150 comments. I love you all and have a good day❤️


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