32. Goodbye my love

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Jorge's pov.

Today is the day.
Martina is going to Canada.
And i have to miss her.
For three months I have to miss my little princess.
But the most important is that she have to live without me for three months..
And I hope she will survive that.

"Heroooooo" I heard Martina saying as I woke up from my thoughts

"What were you thinking about?" She said while I smiled.

"Nothing I'm just gonna miss you" I said while I hold her tight.

I'm gonna miss you too Jorge but together we can handle this." She said while she looked into my eyes.

"You are sure? I mean it's three months" I said while she nodded.

"I love you Jorge and our love can survive this" she said while she smiled as I kissed her slowly.

"I love you too Martina" I said after I let go of her.

"I'm gonna get ready now" she said while she stood up as I hold her arm.

"No don't leave me" i Said while she smiled.

"Just for 20 minutes" she Said while she took her arm away as she Walked to the bathroom.
"So we have three hours left" she Said while she sat beside me.

"Three hours Before we have to go to the AirPort" i Said as she nodded.

"So what do you want to do?" I Said while she looked up.

"I don't know.. Something what I can remember, for a long time" she said while I looked to her as I tought.

Something she can remember for a long time.. So it have to be something amazing...

"Okay come with me" I said while she frowned.

"Jorge.. What are we going to do?" She said while she looked amazed.

"Something you will never forget" I smirked while she laughed.

"Owh I love you Jorge" she said while she laughed as she hit my arm playfully.

"I love you too Martina, now come on" I said while I dragged her outside.

Martina's pov.
We walked to the car as we drove to a place. I really don't know what Jorge wanted to do but I totally trust him.

I'm gonna miss him so much.. How can I survive 3 months without him..

"Martina we are there" I heard as I wake up from my thoughts.

I walked out of the car as Jorge took my hand.

We walked further as I saw the beach. And then I saw it the place we had our first kiss, it was our first beautiful memory together and now we are here again.

"It's still so beautiful here" I said while I sat down on the grass as Jorge said beside me.

"Do you remember this place?" He said as I looked to him.

"Ofcourse I remember, it was our first kiss, we got together here. How can I forget that?" I said while I layed my head down on his shoulder as I looked to the beautiful sea.

"I love you Martina" he said while he hold me tight.

"I love you too Jorge" I said as he came closer and kissed me, I kissed him back as I smiled.

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