I Love Her...Who Exactly Is Her?

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*Pushing Her against the wall, Taking Her Up, Sliding My Hands Up Her Dress, As i kissed on her neck, Trying my best to leave a mark, Her voice letting out a quiet moan as she bites her lip saying she....Wants Coffee?

*Wakes up, To Her Younger Sister Making Breakfast, Yelling Do Want Coffee?*

Yasmin "The Flash" Roselover A.k.a My Younger Sister, Since She got a 18,000 Dollar scholarship to UCLA For Being A Young Track Star, I decided to let her live with me (Mom Made Me)...Yes my condo it an hour away from her school and We have to leave 2 hours and 30 minutes early to make sure she's not late to practice but in the end she doesn't have to worry about financial aid...
*I sit up, Rubbing my eyes not realizing what time it was, And i didn't care, I just wanted to lay back down, finally recognizing that I had passed out on the sofa from drinking with fellas The night before, I got stretched and headed to the kitchen table as my breakfast awaited me*

So tell me again...? Yes Or No On Your Coffee? Ah Yes!! With vanilla Creamer and Milk *Shes looks at me then She Makes my adjustments and set it in front of me* Thanks sis i appreciate, Mmmhm sure if your trying to catch Diabetes, anyway I'm going to get dress. You eat then come on I'm Going to be Late, Noticing my headache went away fast, Whatever the hell you put in this, I need it everyday *Looking down in my cup* O.M.G Sister Come On I'm Not The One With A License To Drive!!
*....Pulls Up* Make Sure you call Cousin Emily to pick you up, that's if you don't plan on walking at 8 o'clock at night by yourself *She stares with a blank face* I kid, I kid damn do you have a sense of humor *smiles* anyway I do have to stay late at work tonight so I won't be home for dinner *She (yasmin)smiled with confidence* No Need to Worry about that sis. Me And Austin have a date tonight So Hopefully I'll get lucky
*Remembering That She's 19, and grown, I Smiled and said: just make sure to use protection, Laughing, can he Even Keep With You Energizer Bunny? She Stared and blushed, ...I Think So... I Smiled don't worry if he doesn't do the job you can always use your fingers, I laughed and started up the car* ...Artemis,  ...Yes? *As I Looked Up At Her* I love you, .... I love you to little sis, Have a good day and Burn them girls for me K? *She Smiled* Will do Big Sis!! *I drove off seeing her wave though my rear view mirror*

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