Anna your amazing!..

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*The Models Leave, I wanna say something to Artemis.. but she's handling business... she probably doesn't wanna talk to me anyway I'll just cloud her brain, Looking down at my heels*
*Emily whispers in my Hear* oh forreal?! *I look over and see*...Anna!? Oh um Hi Rose!..*I Blush slightly*
You look amazing Anna... I wish i knew you getting all dressed up I would have dressed better... Oh No your Fine, I Um Haha i think got overly dressed.. Anna we have to go, Oh Right coming amber, Um Bye Artemis...Bye.. Oh! Anna?!... *I Look down embarrassed* do mind if i catch a ride with you home? or you can come to my place with me?... Yeah sure.. um we can go to her place.. bye Artemis... Bye Anna *She walks off, as stunning and elegant as they come, I Wanted her so bad right then and there* Hey....Hey!! Rose Pay Attention.. Oh Right sorry! We have to make our meeting. *We Walk in, There I see Anna standing next to Savannah... I didn't know how to exactly feel... I just knew I didn't want Anna anywhere near her..., Could it be that I am jealous of Savannah or selfish about my Anna...My Anna?... well She Does look very Sexy today* *i Stare at her from across... damn it I can't stop thinking her!! she so pretty today....quiet and beautiful... just my type...* Ok Anna Will You Please, Yes Mr. McFarland *She Steps forward and the crowd of people who where just talking, ceased all their noise* ok this is the lay out for then Young Majesty's Ball, its going to be 4 teams The Flim and Photographers group, Which Consists Of Reggie, Emily, Mike and Artemis...*Hm? Why did she Blush after staying name? ...Man she can really speak clearly when it comes to being professional* Amber, Myself and Antonio will be journalist for that night... Please keep Mind, There will be alot of stars there, If Can't get them alone take your other best shot... Ok? *Crowd of people in the room: Ok* ...Furthermore, I am aware, it is a ball, so Ms. Savannah has decided to let Her employees bring a date or a plus one to a company you, now since you have to finish your work first, and we will still to set up tables and chairs for the V.I.P area, we need to know who you are taking by tomorrow morning at 10am sharp. Ok? *Crowd of people in the room Ok!! Got It!!* Any Questions? Yes I've got one! *I Look Down at Tyler* Are You single and can I take you to the ball? *Anna blushes Red* Um Someone has already Asked me *He Cusses I laughed but then stopped when I realized someone else had already asked anna...Who Asked my Girl Out?? Ok good this meeting is Over *Walking out of the room, I spot anna talking to amber* Hey Anna do you mind if I have a minute? *she's walks over* Yes? I just wanted to say you did good talking to everyone... I mean I know you told me that you are shy but that right there... Haha it was.. just...Lol Anna Your Amazing!! You where so confident and I was just amazed at you... *I Blush* Hehe Well thank you I did practice my lines 3 times before I left the house this morning.. Haha well it paid off...¿Hey Anna are you..taller then me? *Looks Down* Oh Yes *blushes* it's the heels..  lol Well don't let me stop you... *Lean in, whispering* Make sure you wear those Tonight at my place...*I Blush wondering what exactly she plans on doing to me... Ok! *She licks then bites her lips as she walks off to join friends in conversation, Walk to the bathroom, about to use it when I notice that my panties are wet....*

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