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*She Moans my name...Rose~... As I Gripped her waist and bit into her shoulder, She Begs....More...please~*

*Wakes to an alarm Buzzing in her ear, she looks*

8am??!! *Flops back down into my bed* ...Fuck I forgot, Ms. Savannah doesn't like people being late *i get up and gets dressed, coffee in on hand and my trix yogurt in the other...finally arriving at Savannah's building, and steps out the car, breathing in the sweet but mysterious air* *Walks in and heads toward the elevator, Bing, it opens* Hello Ms. Roselover *I Stare then Smirks as I walk in* Hello Anastasia... I See waited for me...tell me where you looking out the front window near your desk or the side window near the girls bathroom *She blushes* ....the side *I turn around to her, she backs up, into the elevator wall, I Step closer, my heart racing* I know you feel it too... *Elevator Bings, then opens We Walk out* Welcome Ms. Roselover, Im Emily, We have been waiting and your Early that's a first... *I laugh* That's An Understatement.... ¿Anna are you Ok Your Red as a cherry? ...*She puts her head down* Yes... Ms. Emily... *Turn to face Anastasia* Anna? Make Sure You Pay close attention in this meeting I tend to wander off into what's it called... Fantasies... *Anastasia blushing and nods yes Ma'm, Biting her lip softly, as she looked down....At That Moment I Had No Choice...* Emily Can I Have A Moment Alone with Anastasia Please *Emily walk to the conference room* *I Pulled Anastasia into the executive bathroom, (somewhere surprisingly, she had never been in), Locking door behind Me, As She Blushed and Chuckled Up against the wall, I walked Up to her* Is Something funny? ....No Ma'm, it's just... I find you very interesting, Ms Savannah told You Were Different... not in bad way.. she told me how passionate you are about photography but... *Look at her in black stare* she didn't tell me you liked girls....or how were *As She bit her lip* Oh So You can talk... *She blushes, I look at her, my heart racing, my mind...paranoid of how she tasted, I Leaned in not connecting Us Until She Leaned in..We kissed, She put her arms around my neck as if she wanted more, I Pushed her off, as if I didn't want her, She Cleared her throat biting her lip hard, I could tell she was excited and wanted more but this wasn't the time nor place... We Walked out the bathroom noticing it had on been 15 mins I suggested she go home, She just stared at me, got a little closer looking her in the eyes* You Will Not Speak a word of this to Ms Savannah, You Understand ...Yes Ma'm...

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