Anna~... I'm!!

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I dressed in purple lingerie waiting for artemis to get out the shower, my hearts racing and I can't stop blushing .... the door opens she steps out in her boxer with no bra...Hey,
Babe can yo-...she stares at me motionless, I blush hard, then I walk over to her grabbing my left boob hard as I grab her hand with my right.. pushing her down hard in the seat, tieing her hands up, *She Laughs* Are you... serious...Babe I turn on some slow jams and blush as unbotton my lace cover to my bra and panties, Mmmhm...You Know you dont have to do this....Well y-your always making the first move rose, She stares at me confused, A-and... I want to show you I can be grown up and make the first moves as well...I blushed, and sat on her lap, as i kissed her this watch...I start to grind on her slowly, to the music....she focused hard on me..and my heart racing, I felt as if it was going to run out, I put my arms around her neck, Moaning her name...Rose~...Ah~ Please... Wreck Me~!! as I blushed holding her tight, teasing her, she bit her lip hard, I knew she wanted me bad was her turn to be loved..i Swayed my hair to left, and continued grinding slow to the music as I kissed on her neck, licking it, and kissing it..She moans... Ahh~Mmmm~ Then.. I bit into her neck...B-babe~ Ahh~ was heaven hearing I know how she feels when I'm moan, I Smirk and lead her to the bed, Pushing her down on it, I take a look at her....aww, i giggle, she looks so helpless, i almost feel bad she has to stay tied up but I know if i was to untie over...I kiss her lips then her neck as I blushed, her face all flushed and red, Then...i blind folded her...Anna..I can't....I know, bear with it rose..please for me..she silenced herself, i smiled as i kissed her down.. first, her chest....then her nipples...She let out a soft...Ah~ when I finally did lick them, i blushed hard knowing I shouldn't be teasing her When... She's so sensitive, I move down kissing her stomach she let's out a quiet moan...Anna..~ i Lean up and slide off her boxers I look....She's dripping??! She shuts her legs... Anna don't stare it's embarrassing...Blushing hard though her blind fold, I come up and kiss her lips.... Now you know how I feel... Artemis...I go back down, opening her legs,...Rose always licks my pussy slowly first?..I slowly lick roses pussy, Ahh!!~, Her hole body tenses up, B-babe D-dont!! I Smirk and continued, then i started to suck on her clit Ah!! Fuck!! She aches her back, I lick her clit up and down slowly, Ahh~!! Ughhh~! I slowly lick around her clit, playing with her, as I smirked....Does my Tongue Feel Good?? A-Anna~!?! I Could tell she was Red in the face..Deciding to use my, first and middle fingers, I slowly stick my fingers in her, Fuck!! Ugh~!! ..Your So Wet Artemis... she bites her lip hard, I'm going to move now...i blush as she nods so obediently, I start to go in and out, Ugh~ Her toes curl...I giggle, I can't believe I'm seeing this side of rose...i start to go faster as She let's out her moans, Anna~!! Ahhh~ Ah~ Fuck~!!, Her Back Arches and her pussy tightens around my fingers... Anna~!! Im!!.. I'm!! *Her body tenses up and She squirts* CUMMING~!!!

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