The Party

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Dipper didn't say anything about the break up, just like when he first started dating Pacifica at the start of the summer. Mabel and I didn't say anything either, we didn't want to make things worse than they already were.

I knew it was all my fault.

First of all, Dipper was being an idiot and I shouldn't have listened to him, which also makes me an idiot.

Second of all, I kissed Pacifica to prove it was me. Who does that?? It's not like it was some Cinderella story where in a twist of events the guy gets the girl and they all live happily ever after.

It wasn't gonna end like that.

But at this time things were going slow. Mabel was helping Soos and Melody with the final touches on the party.

I put on my skeleton hoodie and headed outside to take a look at the decorations, which were amazing.

There were glow in the dark streamers and confetti everywhere and Soos had rented a DJ booth, which Candy and Grenda were toying around with.

Mabel, who was wearing a witch costume, happily skipped over to me and looked me over.

"Wow, Ty! You're lookin' pretty good!" She exclaimed happily. "Still, it would've looked better with that skeleton makeup I had in mind. . ."

I laughed. "No trying to guilt-trip me, Mabel. There is no way I'm letting you put makeup on me."

Mabel smiled, grabbed something off a table and showed it to me.

"Okay, then what about a mask?"

I sighed. But I had to admit I appreciate how much work she always put into stuff like this.

"Whatever," I said, snatching the mask out of her hands. Mabel stifled an excited squeal.

"Thanks, Ty!"

"No problem," I replied with a wave as I headed to the snack table to grab a drink.
I chose a Pitt-Cola, opened it with a snap, and sat aside to watch everyone arrive.

Later when it seemed the entire town was there, I still hasn't seen Dipper come out yet.
I looked up at the attic window. The lights were out and the blinds were drawn. I looked at the living room window to see the TV was on.

Dipper was probably hiding away watching Ghost Harassers and sulking over Pacifica. I couldn't help but roll my eyes.

I turned away from the window, slid on the skeleton mask, and tossed my empty soda can
before grabbing a fresh one from the cooler.
While my back was turned, I felt a light tap on my shoulder.

I turned to see Pacifica wearing a sweatshirt with the hoodie pulled over her head like a spy or something.

I fumbled with my soda and nearly yelled in surprise.

"Sorry!" Pacifica whispered, her eyes widening with worry.

"What're you doing here!" I hissed angrily, flipping up my mask.

"I'm sorry, I just wanted to talk to you."

"Well you're talking to the wrong triplet! You really hurt Dipper, you need to talk to him," I said quietly, trying to make sure that no one overheard us.

"But. . . I think that I- I like you, Ty. . ." Pacifica said with a small, strained smile.

That familiar feeling of butterflies in my stomach came back. I wished they'd shut up.
This wasn't right.

"I know what you're feeling Pacifica, but I don't think it's real. I like you. . . I liked pretending to be Dipper so I could be with you, but we need to think about this. We have nothing in common! I don't even know you!"

Pacifica looked down at the ground and wove her fingers together, looking ashamed.

"I think I understand," she mumbled. "So I guess we should say goodbye then?"

I nodded stiffly and stuck out a hand. Pacifica stared at it, then looked up at me. Instead of shaking my hand, she hugged me.

The butterflies fluttered faster until they seemed to beat in sync with my heartbeat.

I gripped her tightly, then pulled away, wondering if I would ever feel the same about anyone.

While I was lost in my own thought, Pacifica pecked me on the cheek, then leaned in again.
I shoved her away.

"Woah there, this was supposed to be goodbye!" I exclaimed nervously.

Pacifica's face flushed pink.

"Sorry! I just thought that if this is goodbye, I might as well take one last chance. I thought you might feel the same."

"I do, but things are already bad enough between Dipper and I," I said.

"I didn't mean for any of this to happen," she said.

"Me neither," I replied.

Pacifica swallowed a choking sound before muttering a saddened goodbye and running away, just like the night I told her the truth.

I stared at the leaves that rustled in her wake before turning back to the snack table.

As I turned, I looked in the window.

In the window, there wasn't a sound. Dipper held the TV remote tightly, staring at me with a hollow glare.

I felt a terrible feeling gnawing in the pit of my stomach as Dipper turned off the TV, extinguishing the bluish glow of the television screen.

I knew.

He knew.

Dipper knew everything.

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