chapter 4

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"God please let her be alright." James silently prayed. He feels he has to protect that child no matter what the consequences may be.

James kept on pacing around the corridor for quite some time—approximately thirty minutes. There was no news yet and it was starting to get to him.

He was still pacing when he heard the door to the room where Amelia was sent to  being opened.

He approached the doctor, bombarding him with questions and asking for news about the girl he had rescued prior.

The doctor told him what was happening. It seemed that she was shocked about tonight's event thus she fainted—it was nothing that needed a serious medical attention. She was still unconscious and hopefully by tomorrow she would regain consciousness.

"Am I allowed to go in?" James asked the doctor after he told him the condition of the girl.

The doctor was reluctant to let him inn since he wasn't related to her but he found her. So he has to give him that chance. And more over He looks like a good person.

"Yes you may," the doctor replied as he left the scene. James went to her room saw her figure that was sleeping peacefully. He sat beside her, bruises covered her porcelain face. Her lips was swollen, her cheeks where red also and dry tears trail where on her cheeks.

He didn't want to frighten her so he didn't get that closed to her. He sat on chair not far from her bed. But will be able to reach out to her anytime he wants.The beeping of the monitor lured him to sleep.

Amelia's POV

My hand was clasped with someone else's hand. This hand felt different from the hands I had come in contact with. Or was it Mrs. Davis'? No!! Mrs. Davis' hands were smooth and soft.

But this hand is calloused and warm. Could it be that the guy who abused me is here to do what he did to me again?

I began to panic. There was some beeping noise on my left side while my heart rate picked up the beeping sound increased.

Please don't hurt me. I tried to get as far away as I could from the unknown hand but it held me down not to gently not to tightly.

"It's all okay." A more peaceful and soothing voice responded.

I have heard that voice before, although I couldn't see, I was good at identifying voices. He was the guy who ripped that monster of me yesterday.

I heard some female voices telling my angel he has to leave, but that was not what I wanted. I want him near. I need to at least thank him.

I tried and calmed my racing heart a bit. I asked the nurses to let him stay. They grumble an okay and left.

"Who are you? And what do you want with me? I don't have anything, I'm a poor orphan. So please don't hurt me." I pleaded with him.

"I won't hurt you, if you just tell me your name," the voice replied. It was now closer to me than ever because I could smell his peppermint breath on my face.

I began to stammer, "Am---el---ia.My name is Amelia" please don't hurt me I don't have anything to offer you.

"Calm down, I won't hurt you. You have a beautiful name. I want to know where you reside so that I can tell your family about your whereabouts..," the guy said. "They might be probably worried about u. Since you've been here since yesterday." He said.

I burst into uncontrollable tears. I couldn't stop the waterworks even if I wanted to. They just wouldn't stop flowing.

"Did I say something wrong?" the man asked—concern clear in his voice. And I could detect something else which is worry.

"No! you said nothing wrong, just that I don't have a family. I turned eighteen  yesterday and the orphanage where I used to stay asked me to move out." Have never seen my parents before.

"I don't have a place I can call home, so I was going to a motel when you know what happened to me." I said trying not to let the tears brim.

"Hmmm.. I see, you mean you are an orphan who doesn't have a place to stay. Quite interesting. Are you sure you are not deceiving me to get my attention." The suspicious in his voice was so clear and the warning there didn't go on noticed by me.

"That outrageous! Why will I want to get ur attention, I don't even know you, I'm just great full you saved me last night. Like I said there is nothing I can repay u with but my gratitude." I was beyond furious with his accusations.

" I didn't mean to make you angry. I was just curious. Do you mind staying at my place for the meantime before you find your own place." The stranger asked in a lighter tone.

"No I don't want to be a burden to you neither do I want you to think that I want to take advantage of you. And I think I can manage on my own." I said to him trying to seat up on my bed.

That was the same way that bastard tricked me and took my innocence. Amelia didn't say the last part out loud.

"You can call me James, and no, you are not going to be a burden on me. I live alone so come on, you can stay at my place for the meantime if you are comfortable," James said—composed.

Something within me urged me to trust this man. But with what happened yesterday I can't let my guard down for the second time.

This world is scarier than I thought it was. Bad people everywhere. You can't differentiate between the good and the bad.

My instincts are always right. If I should have followed my instincts this wouldn't have happened to me.

"Don't worry I won't do anything to you. You can trust me. Let me sign your discharge papers, before I return, you should be ready," James' voice pulled me out of my thoughts.

What do I do now, i don't even know where my duffle bag is.

James still didn't know that I was blind, so after he came back to escort me out, that was the moment when it happened—where i had mistakenly walked into the wall and hit my head pretty bad.

"Ouch!!" I made an uncomfortable sound, gaining James' attention and before I knew it, he was by m side holding my shoulders.

I wasn't comfortable with the close proximity,I tried wrinkling out of his hold and he allowed me. He took a few steps away from me.

"Are you alright? Are you dizzy?" He gently asked.

"No I'm fine. It's just that I'm not familiar with the environment. I can't move freely when I'm in an unfamiliar environment." I explained to him.

"What do you mean by you are not familiar with your environment?" James questioned.

"Actually I'm blind. So you see I can't see anything or anyone." I told him..

"What? You are blind? And you never told me?" James asked in a shocked tone—anyone nearby would think he was angry. May be he was.

"It's OK if you don't want to take me to your house. I'm used to it. My own parents abandoned me when I was an infant. So why wouldn't you. Thanks for the help, I must get going." I said feeling the-wall for the entrance of the room.

"No don't worry, I will take you to my house, it's just that you don't seem blind to me. If I may ask, where is your cane? Or may be you we left it at the scene of the crime.

"No I don't have a cane, this my first time been outside the walls of the orphanage since I was a baby." All my life I have been within the four wall of the orphanage.

"Okay, will get you one first thing tomorrow. Now let go my chauffeur is waiting for me." With the help of  James I didn't pump into anything till we entered the car.

A saviour in the chapter. Should Amelia follow James's. Please don't forget to vote, comment and share

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