chapter 3

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Amelia's POV

If you don't feel comfortable with rape scenes just jump off when you see this ••••••• continue when you see this •••••••• you wouldn't miss much.

Do not read if you do not feel comfortable with such scenes

The guy paid no heed to my pleas and began to pleasure himself while he continued undressing me.  He opened the tore the buttons of my dress apart and took one nipple into his mouth.

Twist the other one painfully. He bit my nipple so hard that I bit his calloused palms but he still didn't remove his hand from my mouth. I guess I didn't bite him hard.

When he  reached down to my panties, he ripped them apart. The pant was already weak. Since I have used it for almost 3 years now.

He began rubbing my clitoris in a circular motion making a painful moan escape my lips. His calloused was still clamped on my mouth.

He chuckled at my pain, still rubbing me. He then tore his pants off and entered me. I screamed even louder, this time knowing this was my first time and also that I lost my virginity to someone I didn't even know.

He slapped me harder, my the tears where streaming down like water fall, I was crying because of the unbearable pain. My cheek sting and my lower region hurts more.

Oh God, what have I done to deserve this punishment from you? I thought to myself. I lost hope of someone finding me. But I kept on praying for divine intervention.

That swine on top me continued to grunt and moan as he fumbled with my sore breasts. I know he will leave bruises on my skin because of the way touching me.

As if God heard my prayers I then heard a melodic voice asking the guy what he was doing. I felt the weight on top of me gone, the next thing I heard was someone throwing punches and the cry of the man who abused not far from where I was.

I kept on falling in and out of consciousness. The pain was so unbearable, I tried keeping my open but I couldn't, not that if I open it, it will be any use to me.

I was so vulnerable lying on the floor, I felt cold and so used. I couldn't even cry as much as I wanted to. No sound came.

I heard the angelic voice again, talking on the phone saying it was an emergency.

"...... please come here."

"Yeah, the alley, it an emergency the person is losing consciousness." the voice said again.

I felt something wrapped around my lower section.

I assumed it was the ambulance or police, that who he was calling. The last thing I heard before total darkness engulfed me was the same voice asking me if I was OK.

James POV

I couldn't believe what I saw before my eyes. A well built guy raping a helpless girl. I think she was the one who was screaming.

I did the first thing that came to my mind. I ripped the guy off of the terrified girl and began flinging punches in his face.

After I decided the guy had gotten enough, I released him and threw him on the cold hard floor knowing he was too weak to move or fight back.

I made my chauffeur twist both his hands at his back so he couldn't run. I better take precautions, he might pretend to be weak so that I leave him alone.

I called an ambulance and the authorities. The girl looked so fragile and weak, all her clothes had been tarnished by that jerk.

I did the only thing I could do as a gentleman and I removed my suit jacket and wrapped it around her fragile body. I noticed she was slipping in and out of consciousness. I asked her if she was okay but no response came and she fainted on me.

As I was waiting for the ambulance I made sure that jerk had lost consciousness before going back to the fragile girl. My chauffeur tried holding me back but i achieved my goal before.

The last thing I noticed was that she was beautiful. Before I could get a better look at her face the sound of the siren broke through my thoughts.

I helped them carry her to the ambulance but I couldn't let her go there by herself, so I followed the ambulance all the time holding her hand and praying to God she would be okay.

I called my driver to take the lead home, cause I wanted to make sure the girl was well taken care off.

And if possible she could give me her parents number to get them notified of her current situation.

We got to the hospital safely but she was still unconscious, I was asked how I was related to her and I told them I saw her like that. She was still unconscious and they couldn't get any answers from her.

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