Chapter 13

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When we broke away from the kiss standing in front of was a nurse blushing beet red.  She kept on opening and closing her mouth like a fished dopped out of the water. When she got her voice back, she composed herself and apologized.

"Oh sorry, I didn't know you guys where busy. I'm sorry for interrupting your moment I will come back later." She apologized casting her eyes down.

Before she left James retorted angrily, " next time knock before you enter into a private room." He was furious.

" I knocked the door several times no one responded so I entered.I'm really sorry it won't happen again please pardon me my mistake." The nurse apologized profusely.

My face was flushed so I buried my face in the crook of James neck inhaling his sweet cinnamon scent .

James on the other hand had a blank face. He just stared at the Nurse with an unfathomable expression, free of any  emotions except anger which was clearly written on his face. He is not the type to abuse women like he would have strangled the nurse for interrupting them.

"What do you want?"James asked the Nurse angrily raising one  eyebrow and patting me on the back.

"Mrs Anderson asked me to fetch you two."
The nurse replied in a quite voice casting her eyes down. She feared the reaction she will get from James when she looks at him.

James groaned internally "can't she leave me alone with the woman that I love". He thought to himself. "Does she always have to fucking interrupt every moment I have with Amelia." James pouted like a baby.

" Tell her we would be out very shortly." I spoke for the first time since the nurse interrupted us.

The nurse only nodded her head and flashed me a grateful smile before leaving the room and closing the door quietly behind her.

"You shouldn't have been rude to her. She is just doing her job. And it wasn't her fault we got caught in the moment that we didn't hear her knocking the door." I tried reasoning with James, I carefully untangled my hands and legs from his body.

"She interrupted our moment can't you see?" James replied calmly. I let go of the issue and made my way towards the door, James hot on on trail. Immediately we got to the corridor James mum approached them.

" What took you two so long? What where you doing in the room? When the nurse came out her face was flushed. Oh my goodness don't tell me you did the thing in the room. Poor nurse has to witness it."  Mrs Anderson said laughing at us.

Passers by and those who where around turned to look at them. I was blushing hard, James on the other hand was trying not to laugh.

"No mum, we didn't do the deed. But I thought you wanted us to give you grandchildren, so what the crime in we doing the deed?" James asked his mum pulling me closer to him

It was James mum's turn to blush. Mr. Anderson cleared his throat to get the attention of his family.

"Eva will you stop disturbing the kids, James is no longer a kid so stop meddling in his affairs." Mr. Anderson reminded his wife. James couldn't help but to smile and send a mischievous smirk towards his mum for been reprimanded by his dad.

"Eerm son, go and sign the necessary documents so that we can go home. I'm really tired and hungry." Mr. Anderson said.

I need to change out of my hospital gown. I excused my self and went to change into the clothes Mrs Anderson brought.

James went to sign the necessary documents and when they where leaving, I couldn't help but to ask James questions which if it was to be someone else asking he would have been bored.

Because it was my first time seeing, i couldn't help but to ask about anything that catches my eye or attention.

When we got home, I couldn't help but gasp at the huge house in front of me. So I lived in a huge mansion with three stories, and several rooms.

The was a huge pool at the side of the house and a gigantic garden with trees in it. Some trees had fruits on them and that swing I always seat on.

"Is that a fruit tree over there? I asked James.

" Yes that an apple tree and you see that small hut over there, it called a summer hut." There was a big round table in the summer hat with four French chairs around it.

In the middle of the table, there were different kinds of fruits arranged in a basket.

Under the apple tree was a swing. At the far corner of the garden there where chairs and different types of flowers decorating the garden.

I couldn't take my eyes from the garden. When I entered the garden, the grass was soft under my feet. James followed quietly behind me.

" Beautiful isn't it?" James asked me. I jumped upon hearing his voice from close behind me.

"Yeah it is beautiful." I replied not turning round to look at him.

"Good, I'm glad you like it. Because mum is gonna throw you a party in a months time and we need to prepare you." James said to me giving me his best smile.

"Prepare me how? I'm fine nothing is wrong with me and there is no need for you to waste your money." I tried reasoning with James.

"But my mum insists, and since you can't dance and walk in heels, we are getting you a teacher to teach you such basic things. Sapphire could teach you but I'm afraid my kid sister will not only injure herself but you as well." James explained i snickered at the last part.

"So my mum is contracting the teacher. Get ready the teacher will be here tomorrow morning." James concluded.

"Tomorrow morning!" I couldn't hide the surprise from my face and voice. "And why are you telling me this now?"  I asked anger clearly written on my face.

"It's my life and I choose the way I want to live it. You can't just sit and plan things that concerns me and break the news to me just now." I was at the verge of crying.

But i wouldn't give James the satisfaction of seeing my tears. So I turned my back to him. I moved two steps away from him.

"Amelia," James tried calling me. But i didn't turn around. "Look what we are doing is for your own good," James continued pinching the bridge of his nose. "Please trust me, you know I will never let any harm come to you. So just trust me if it wasn't for your own good, I wouldn't have agreed to it." He pleaded but I refused to turn.

"Then why are you telling me now? You could have told me before the operation." I yelled at him and run to my room and locked my self-there.

The tears I was trying hard not to let out came flooding like rain drops.

James wasn't quick enough to catch up with me because when he got to my room, i have locked my door.

He banged the door several times but I didn't open the door. He spent his night sitting in front of my door, trying to earn my trust again because I feel so betrayed.

Please don't forget to press the little empty star there at the corner

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