chapter 14

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James didn't know the time he fell asleep in front of my room.As he was about to stand up I opened my door.

I was wearing a hot pink short with a white thank top and a white sandals. James gulped as he looked at my freshly shaved legs.

He felt uncomfortable in his trouser's. As his cock twisted. He was still wearing the dress he wore yesterday.

When he made eye contact with me i could see the dark circles under his eyes. My hair was in a messy bun and was face was natural. Free of any makeup's not that I know how to do.

We where both staring at each other like guns have been pointed our heads to keep eye contact, James looked away first.

"Amelia we need to talk about yesterday." He tried to break the uncomfortable silence that has settled between us. But I raised my hand to silence him.

I walked out on him to the kitchen to find something to eat. I baked pancake for two and brewed coffee. I knew how to do this because I used to help the at the orphanage. As i was serving the food on the dining table James made an appearance.

I don't even know why I'm angry at him. It might be my mensural homonyms, I'm not sure thou.

He was wearing a basketball down and a black tan top that fitted his body and showed of his abs. Any girl will cum when she sees him.

I couldn't keep my eyes of him but I didn't make it obvious that i was staring at him. I stole a quick glance at him.

His hair is messy like he has passed his hands through it several times, just like my eyes his eyes also had dark circles indicating he also had a sleepless night.

I turned and toss the whole night thinking about James. I slept early hours of this morning.

We ate breakfast in silence and the tension in the room is so thick as the cloud that you can scoop it with a spoon and eat it.

The only noise in the room is the cluttering of the fork and knife we where using.

I was the first to finish eating so i went to the kitchen to wash her bowl.

I was lost in my thoughts that I didn't know the time James came to stand behind me.

He placed his face at the crock of my neck and inhaled my scent. At first I was tensed but when James placed a chaste kiss on my shoulder I relaxed a bit.

James turned me around to look at him but i wouldn't have any of that. I refused to look at him, so he titled my chin to look at him in the eye.

"I'm sorry I yelled at you yesterday. You don't have to learn if you don't want to. I'm OK with anything you wear and I don't care what people think. Amelia I wish I'm like a rain because I will always fall for you." James said to me holding my face in his hands.

I blushed as i listened to James trying to flirt with me. I couldn't keep the grin of my face as i brought both my hands to his face and caressed him.

He closed his eyes involuntary at my soft touch. I brought his face to my level and brushed my lips against his.

James wasn't a patient man and couldn't stand the tease in front of him so he picked me by my waist and settled me on the counter.

A surprised yelp escaped my lips when James picked me up.

James then settled himself between my legs and kissed the living day out me. I was the first to break away from the kiss, needing some air.

James on the other hand had different plans as he began to trail kisses from my jaw to my neck and collar bone.

He took my ear lope between his lips and sucked on it earning a throaty moan from me. He gave me a last kiss on my swollen lips and hugged me.

"I'm sorry for running off like that, I know I'm been childish but I'm really sorry for yesterday and this morning." I pleaded with him giving him my best puppy eyes.

"It nothing Amelia, I understand you. Like I said earlier you don't have to do it if you don't want to." James replied.

" I want to do it. Have thought about it since last night and this morning and I want to do it, I also want the party." I told James. He was grinning from ear to ear.

He has done a lot for me, I couldn't do anything for me. Me accepting this makes him happy then I will gladly do it. Anything for James.

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