chapter 15

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Sorry about the last update. School is taking a toll on me and I don't think I can update frequently but I will update every weekend once in a week if I close early. But won't give up on the book. I love you too much guys.

"Miss Amelia, can you please let go of the wall." The professional who was hired to teach Amelia how to walk said kindly.

James didn't trust his sister one bit, although she can teach me. But he instead went to hire someone else.

Sapphire was a bit furious with her brother but he bribed her with the latest channel hand bag.

"Move your left foot to the front, and please open your hands like you are about to fly. Don't hold the hall and let the books balance on your head." The professional whose name is CeCe said to me in a scolding manner.

I only groaned as I thought i was been tortured instead of been taught. But have to endure it for the sake of James.

"Can't we take a break please,  my feet's are killing me and I'm tried." I gave CeCe one of my puppy eyes trying to get my way out.

"No dear! Beauty comes with a price and pain., endure the pain for now. And you don't want to disappoint James and his family do you?" Cece asked me.

I guessed she has been briefed on the matter. If not how will she know I'm doing this for James and his family.

"No I don't want to disappoint him, in fact I want to impress him and his family." I said with a knowing smile on her face.

"Now let get back to work since we have a lot to do." Cece said clapping her hands like a kid.

When I was introduced to CeCe a week ago I didn't like her, on our first day of practice she made me work my ass out and only spoke to me in a  professional way.

But as the days went by she warmed up to me. And since then we've have been  friends although CeCe is in her late forties.

I was brought back to reality when CeCe pinched me on the arm.

"Ouch that hurt, why did you do that?"
I asked CeCe trying to sound mad but I couldn't as a million dollar smile broke out on my face.

"You zoned out that why I pinched you."  Cece said smirking.

I was determined to impress James that when it was 2pm for us to end our lesson i told CeCe to continue and now it 4pm.

"Woah! You did an amazing job, I'm so proud of you love." Cece beamed at me showing her pearly white and straight teeth. Brushing her midnight hair back.

I just returned a tired smile back to CeCe but deep down i was proud of myself.

" This is just the beginning, wait till we get to the end." Cece said to me.

Cece did a wonderful job creating me into a wonderful woman, thanks to CeCe I can walk in all types of heels and wedge's without wobbling.

Not did CeCe only taught me how to walk and dress but she also taught me table etiquette. which  came in handy.

The house hold of the Anderson's is quite busy. The welcome party for me is in two days. Today is Thursday and they are beautifying the house into perfection.

Not that the house needs any decorations. The house is already beautiful and stylish.

"Haha, James thinks he will get rid of me so easily but no. I can't wait to see the surprises on their face when they see me there. He is going to pay for dumping me and taking that bitch instead. " Emily thought to her self evilly.

As the dying sun fulfilled it duty and made way for the glowing moon, I was so anxious, today is a Friday and the next day is my party.

As i was standing at the balcony and enjoying the fresh air, my  thoughts wondered too far to my parent's.

"What could they be doing now? Do they think of me as much as I think of them,Do they even miss me, Did they ever searched for my whereabouts, Are they dead or alive, What made them dump me in that orphanage and why was I born blind." So Mary questions with zero answers.

So many questions where running my head without answer's. How i wished my parent's where here.

I didn't hear James enter my room i squealed when i felt his hairy hands around my bare waist.

I was only in my frozen pajamas which was quite short with it matching top.

"What are you doing here all alone." James whispered in my ears biting my ear lope in the process. I shivered in a pleasurable way.

"No_no_nothing, just taking some fresh air" I stammered and   blush although my back was against James chest and he could not see me.

James turned me around and buried his face in the crook of my neck inhaling in my scent.

When he raised his head, he bent down to look at me since he was taller than me. He captured my  lips in  his and gave me a gentle and tender kiss.

When we broke apart from the kiss I  was gasping for air. I blushed again when James kept staring at me as if memorising my face in memory.

James glance at the watch on his wrist and told me it was getting late so I should go inside.

I obliged and entered my room James on my trail. I sat on my bed waiting for James to walk out. James had other plans as he walked to me and kissed my forehead for the last time.

"Good night snow flake." James whispered and gave a Peck on the lips.

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