Chapter 3: Don't go...?

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"Hello? What is your name? Can you hear me? Don't go

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"Hello? What is your name? Can you hear me? Don't go..." I heard his voice fade as another got louder.


"Honey? My baby girl why are you here? Oh Mathew!" My mother's tears sparkled and faded when they left her face.

"Mom? Dad? Uncle Charles? Where am I? Why can't I move?" I saw the sadness in their eyes, they were free yet broken. "am I in heaven."

Uncle Charles spoke up when my mother and father choked on words, "Is Isabelle and Isaac alright? Is they still ignorant as they use to be?"

"Yep she acts as if that incident never happened, but she misses you so much. And Isaac is calm but quiet and almost agrees with everything , he is so different, you wouldn't believe. And Jordan is the same but off like he is ice that is slowly melting off the pain I guess." I start coughing.

"Honey please relax you have to go back, for Brady tell him we miss you guys and love you" My mother cried choking on her own words.

"Tell Isabelle I'm fine, tell her I will look out for her." My uncles voice faded slowly as the sun shined onto me. His face hovered over my his hand softly moved my hair out of my face.


"Mom!" I sat up and bumped my head into his by accident. He sat back rubbed his head and giggled softly to himself.

"I was called many things but mom is a first. Anyways you are one lucky girl, if I didn't know CPR then you would be a goner. I'm Lucifer but call me Luke?" His voice was soothing and deep I wanted to hear him to call my name over and over never letting me go.

"Ow... I'm sorry but it is your fault I fell in you startled me, I stood up and slipped. I'm Alexandria you can call me what you want." I say I get comfy on the ground rubbing my own forehead. "And what do you mean CPR, do you mean mouth to mouth?" He nods his head and I blush and look away.

"My fault you didn't even try to swim Alexandria. If you swam you would have been fine. Let's get you to campus to change and warm up, I don't want either of us catching a cold." He says standing up gracefully and holds out a hand for me.

I grab his and stand up, "I can't swim alright!" I turn around and run toward the campus holding the tears that threaten to spill any second. I could hear him call my name down the trail, I want to stop so hard just to be in his arms but I refuse the urge and keep running. I get to my room and swing open the door and slam it behind me. Isabelle has headphones in and sitting at her computer not even noticing me. I head straight to my closet grab a pair of fuzzy pajamas pants and a Yoshi t-shirt. I get into the bathroom and start a shower. The water was burning to the touch but it eased my pain. The water followed the tattoo that is entangled swirls that runs down my right arm to the middle of my palm.

The tattoo I had it since I can remember, my mother said it was a dark burn scar from when I was 2 years old. My brother has one as well but his is more of a dark blue and I looks like blurry blades stabbing a line.

After the shower I put one of my other sweaters on and headed to the dorm living area. There were a group of guys playing video games, a group of girls painting their nails and me standing alone making hot chocolate. One of the boys looks back and walks up to me. "Hey Alex want to dominate the others with your skills? Or are you chicken today?"

"Jordan... Only if you join the fight so you can taste the feeling of being crushed by 15 year old? Or are you chicken today?" I smirk and take a sip of hot chocolate.

"Oh hell no I am up to it every day. Hey guys the queen of games is back in business! Who wants to join the competition her me and two more?" Two boys I don't recognize raise their hand and another boy stands up and turns around and smirks mischievously.

"The king versus the queen? Sounds like a better fight then some boys versus the queen." I look at him and almost drop my mug and realize it is Luke, the guy who saved me.

I mirror his smirk and put my cup down and moodily walk over to him and put a hand on my hip. Silence heavily wrapped around us as the girls stopped painting their nails and they watched in awe. "You think you can beat me then fine, lets battle, no cheats, no rules just war." I take my sweater off and everyone eyes darted to my tattoo. Luke eyes rested on my tattoo and he held in whatever emotion he had and cracked his knuckles and sat down. I followed and sat beside him. I pull my hair elastic out of my hair and my auburn hair lay on my shoulders like flames on ashes. I could hear people whisper about the biggest game in history and other boring things.

After the first round I was ahead 3 to nothing." Round two or are you going to give up in this war? If so then how many rounds do you want to play?" I smirk and flip my hair behind my shoulders.

"I never give up and lets do five rounds." We played and after all the rounds I won 18 to 7. His face was stern and emotionless.

"And that my fellow friends is how the queen works." I stand up and smirk then bow to prove my victory. "If you need me now I will be drinking my hot chocolate at peace at the counter." I stride off proudly and lean against the counter and grab my hot chocolate which is much cooler than before so I could gulp it down without hesitation. "came to ask for another round?" Luke leans against the counter beside me quite close.

"If you really but if you want we can tomorrow. I came to see how are you feeling? About almost drowning?" He voice sounded like he rubbed sand paper against his voice box and just drank tar. "If there is anything I can do to help you out then please tell me."

"fine there is one thing, don't stand so close please I can feel your breath lightly on my shoulder." I look down at my empty mug and walk over the sink and lightly put it down. Luke laughed very quietly that only I could hear it. His uneasiness rested hard on my chest I couldn't breath. "Want to go for a walk?" I turn and smile lightly and his face yelled yes but he shrugged and we headed for the door behind the girls.

The wind was chilly and I forgot my sweater. I rubbed my palm against my forearm and I could see Luke looking at me by the corner of his eye. He took his leather jacket off and handed it to me. "Won't you be cold?" I asked looking up at him. He must be over 6 feet tall and for me I'm only 5 feet. His smile was a shot of sadness and happiness.

"If I get cold I will just hug you till I'm warm." His eyes seemed like something was wrong ahead of us on the trail. All I could see was darkness which made shivers crawl on my spine. "stay here," the sternness made me frozen in spot. He ran off into the darkness and he left me alone choking on darkness and air.

The air around me was heavy and there a gross stench of something, blood. The blood made senses through my body ache, I wanted to see it, smell it, touch it, drink it ? My feet started moving forward into the darkness toward the fork in the trail. I went right toward the river my body couldn't move, hear anything the only thing she could do freely was smell the blood grew stronger. My feet touched the edge of the water, I could here Luke yelling out my name but I didn't listen, I couldn't. My feet started moving once more and the water got deeper and deeper till I was drowning in it. The water grew thicker. 

I was drowning in blood the taste of it made me hungry but pass out.

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