It Started With Keys...

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The Doctor's POV

"As I'm sure you are all aware of, tomorrow will be the day that you all will be heading to Fort Dårlig Ulv," Headmaster Rassilon spoke to the crowd of eager seniors that were sitting on the gym bleachers. "Please remember to look over the handbook that you received - school rules still apply on the trip! You must be here at school by 6:30 AM, or else the bus will leave you behind. Fort Dårlig Ulv is expecting us at precisely 10 o'clock AM, and it's crucial that we cannot be late. All of your belongings will be brought on a separate bus unless you choose to keep them with you. Are there any other questions?"

"We are allowed to suits, yes?" one of my classmates asked from the other side of the gym. His friends snickered and the girls giggled in their tightly-knit groups. I rolled my eyes - people were just so immature.

"Yes, Mr. Harkness," Headmaster Rassilon said in annoyance. "It's all in the handbook, so I greatly suggest that you dedicate some time tonight to read it. Any other questions that aren't answered in the handbook? No? All right, here are the groups. Write it down somewhere, I don't care, but just don't forget who you're with."

He started reading off names from a binder as everybody was completely silent. The groups had been chosen by the secretary, so it was likely that we'd all be put into a group with people we weren't exactly friends with. I wasn't friends with anybody, much - people thought that I had a strange name and envied my intelligence. I figured that it was going to be a good way to make friends, even if the trip was going to take place during the summer when everyone was preparing to branch off to different colleges.

"Group 10," Headmaster Rassilon started, "Jack Harkness, Rose Tyler, and the Doctor. Group 11..."

My eyes immediately jumped to the blonde girl that was sitting in the middle of her big group of friends and then to the boy that had spoken out earlier. They were going to be in my group? My heart filled with dread - they were the most beloved people in the school. I wouldn't fit in at all, let alone share a cabin with them. Come to think of it, I wouldn't have fit into any group, but I didn't have to get put into the one with the people that were the most above my level.

I turned my gaze back onto Rose, who was waving furiously at Jack with a broad smile. He winked in return and she got up from her friends, going to sit next to Jack. They gave each other a quick hug and started to talk with each other, seemingly very excited. Never once did they look for me. It was as if they had turned off their hearing after they heard their names announced at the same time. I was already a nobody.

Shaking my head, I got up from the bleachers and left the gym. Nobody would notice I was gone. I could completely not show up tomorrow morning and nobody would notice - not even Rose or Jack. Pushing the door open, I exited the school and rummaged through my pocket for my car keys. They were always in the side-left pocket of my coat, but all I felt was the fabric of the coat. I felt my heart beat faster - If I had lost my keys, I'd have to interrupt my mum and work, and that wouldn't be a good thing to do...No, the keys had to be here somewhere. I set down my backpack onto the ground and took of the coat, searching through every pocket but finding nothing.

"Looking for these?" a voice said teasingly behind me and I whipped around. Rose was standing a few feet away, holding up a ring of keys in one hand and another hand propped loosely on her hip.

"Why do you have them?" I asked shortly, getting up from the pavement and walking over to her. I swiped my keys out of her grip and she gave me a slight smile.

"You dropped them when you were storming out of the gym," she said matter-of-factly, chewing on a piece of gum. "I don't know why you left. We were going to come over to you, but when I looked over, you were dramatically leaving the gym and I saw something fall out of your pocket. You're welcome." She beamed kindly and straightened out her tight, hot pink jacket.

"Thanks," I replied quickly and then turned back around, heading off to my car.

"If you want to make friends, then you've got to open up a bit, mate!" she called after me, but I ignored her and got into my car. Forcefully slamming the door shut, I drove out of the lot and when I looked at the rear-view mirror, she was still standing there, watching me leave. I shook my head and kept driving until she was only a blur of pink and yellow.

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