Fort Dårlig Ulv

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Hermione's POV

I walked beside Professor Flitwick as we all made our way to the main office of the camp. The twenty books I'd brought for the trip banged against each other in my bag with each step, and I briefly noticed that Professor Flitwick flinched each time they did - he was a bit short, so the banging was right in his ears. One could never bring too many books, however, and besides, we were going to be here for two months - plenty of time to plow through twenty books. I regretted not bringing more, though, because with my new roommates, I had a feeling that I would be isolated from their conversations more than once.

"Hello!" a woman's Scottish voice called out ahead of us, and I studied her quickly. She was wearing a dark blue t-shirt that read "FORT DÅRLIG ULV!" on the front and had on a pair of white shorts - a bit too short for my liking - and had fiery red hair. "You must be Ottery St. Catchpole, the private school, yes?"

Professor Flitwick nodded as we all came to a stop in front of her, but spoke in his slightly squeaky voice, "The private school? Do you mean to say that there'll be another school joining us?"

"Ah, yes, I was just getting to that," the young woman who must've been in her early twenties said a little irritably. "There is another school that will be sharing the camp with you all for the next two months: Chiswick High. I do believe you were all given group numbers, and so the group number you're in will correspond to your cabin number. Due to lack of cabins for two schools, however, you will be sharing a cabin with another group from Chiswick High. I hope you don't mind, but hey, it'll be fun! Make new friends, explore new activities." She clapped her hands together and we all thought that she was done, but she continued to talk. "Now, let's get to it so you can all be at the mess hall for dinner on time! Chiswick High is already situated, so how about each group go stand next to their designated number?"

She pointed at the ground where numbers were loosely assembled of rocks and everybody began to shuffle over to their group number a bit shyly. The woman had an essence of lightness to her, but could enforce strict rules if she desired to. I slowly made my way to where the number 10 was and saw Harry and Ron looking worried until Ron's drifting gaze caught mine. He nudged Harry with his elbow and mouthed, "Over there!" and, much to my displeasure, they were standing next to me in no time.

"Wonderful," the camp worker said once everyone was in their correct spot, which took a while despite the fact that we were all seniors. She pulled out a handful of maps that had been in her back pocket and handed them out to each group while saying, "These will be the maps you'll share between your group, so don't lose them. Your cabin's location will be circled in red. We are at the entrance complex. All you need to know is on the map. Everything else will be explained to you during dinner tonight. I'm pretty sure that's all I have to say for now, so off you go! Oh, by the way, my name is Amy. I'm one of the directors of camp activities, so you'll be seeing me around quite often."

We all stood uncertainly, not moving to where our cabins were to be. It had all gone very fast, and I was certain that half of the people didn't understand a thing that she had just said. Beside me, Ron started to mutter something that sounded like, "She was pretty, wasn't she?" to Harry. Huffing in outrage towards Ron, I opened up the map and was the first person to break from the entrance complex, hurrying off to the cabin. I was anxious to get to the cabin and set up all of my belongings - and hopefully choose a nice bed before Harry or Ron took one.

"Hey, wait up!" I heard a voice that I quickly paired with Ron's as I kept on walking. The cabins were already in seeing distance from where I was. "If we're going to be with each other for the next two months, we have to at least communicate!"

"Fine," I said, coming to a complete halt so they could catch up. Since I had started the trek to the cabins, the rest of the school was following. Harry caught up to me with Ron close on his tail. Hoping that they'd grow to be less annoying, I tried to start conversation with them as we continued our way to Cabin 10. "So, who d'you think we'll share a cabin with? I don't know anyone from Chiswick High."

"My cousin, Dudley, has a friend that goes there," Harry said somewhat begrudgingly as if he couldn't stand him. "He's just like my cousin, so I'm hoping that it's not going to be with him..."

"Ah, cheer up, Harry!" Ron said sarcastically, although he didn't try to include me on the chat. "We're going to be spending our summer camping! Isn't that fun? No phone service, electrical outlets..."

We made it to Cabin 10 and I took a deep breath. This was going to be the last moment before we were forced to become friends with strangers from a different school. Placing my hand against the door getting ready to push it open, I jumped when the door opened from inside. I looked at who had opened it and caught my breath.

"I guess you're our new roommates?" a skinny boy with brown hair that stuck up in every which way asked. "Well, come on in, then...make yourself at home."

"Hi," I managed to say in a high voice, still staring at the boy without blinking. My head started to become dizzy and I realized that I still had to breathe. "Uh...hi."

"Yeah, you've said that already," the boy said with the slightest smirk and held out his hand. "I'm the Doctor. It's nice to meet you."

"Hermione...Hermione Granger," I said nervously, but in my mind, I was ever so quickly falling into lust with a peculiar boy who called himself the Doctor.

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