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Harry's POV

"The wheels on the bus go round and round, round and round, round and round!" Ron burst into song and I groaned. He hit me with his elbow lightly. "C'mon, Harry, join in! Let's get the whole bus singing!"

I shook my head as my redheaded best friend kept boasting out the verses of the song, singing quite obnoxiously. He was only like this when he was extremely bored, and we were only 1 hour into the ride to get to Fort Dårlig Ulv. As I conjured up situations of what else he'd possibly do for the remaining two hours, I felt a harsh tap on my shoulder. Twisting around as much as I could in the uncomfortable bus seats, I awkwardly faced the girl that had caught my attention.

"Could you please tell him to stop?" I instantly recognized the girl as Hermione Granger, the smartest girl in the school. "It's awfully difficult to concentrate on reading when he's singing his heart out over a childish song."

"Yeah, okay." I nodded and quietly told Ron to stop. He threw me a glare and I shrugged, nodding in the direction of the seat in back of us.

"Oi, you're Hailey, right?" Ron asked suspiciously as he craned his long neck over the seat so he could glance down at whatever book she was reading. "You're in our group."

"It's Hermione," the girl said so softly that I had to strain my ears to hear her, "but yes, I'm in your group. I suppose the other person is Harry, right?"

Ron nodded and I felt extremely uncomfortable, being talked about when I was right there. "Hey, what's the book you're reading?"

"Hamlet," Hermione replied, this time with an edge to her voice. "This is the fourth time I've read it. It's a wonderful piece of literature - I'm sure you haven't read it. Although, it was a required book to read for our finals last year. I wonder what score you got?"

I rested my head in my hands, closing my eyes tightly as if it would change things. The two of them couldn't even sit in the same proximity as each other, let alone share a cabin together. Perhaps this trip wasn't going to be as great as it had seemed when Professor McGonagall had announced it two months ago. Just yesterday when she had rallied all of us in the auditorium to remind us all of what to bring and had given us our groups, she had told us that there was a possibility that there was going to be another school sharing the camp with us throughout the full eight weeks. At first, I hadn't wanted there to be another school going, but now the idea seemed quite intriguing to make new friends.

I was struck out of my dreaming, however, when a book was firmly slammed shut and Hermione got up and out of her seat, striding over to Professor Flitwick who was sitting at the front of the bus. I watched as she leaned down to him and started animatedly talking, every so often peering over at Ron and me.

"She's got to lighten up," Ron whined. "We've all gone to the same school for twelve years, and she still thinks that she's better than everyone else." He raised his voice to a tone that was much more higher than Hermione's and imitated, "'This is the fourth time I've read it.' Harry, was I being rude to her? She didn't have to be all snotty about it, and now she's trying to get her way out of our group. Good! I don't want her in our group, either."

"Maybe you could get off her tail a bit," I suggested hesitantly, not wanting him to start getting upset with me. "If she doesn't want you talking to her, then...maybe you shouldn't."

"She's the one who's-" Ron started, but stopped as his eyes followed a flustered Hermione walking back to her seat. She threw herself down onto the seat behind us - a bit dramatically - and was silent, most likely delving back into the world of Shakespeare. Even I couldn't quite understand why she insisted on repeatedly reading the book when she only knew that pretty much everyone died in the end including the title character.

"I think our group is still the same," I whispered into Ron's ear and he let out an elongated sigh, pulling out his iPod from his pocket and putting in his ear phones to block out the rest of the world. It was going to be a long two months.

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