A Night to Remember

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Still Laf's POV

I went back to the tailor shop, to see that no one was there just my jacket, new buttons and all, lying on the chair and a note sitting in that same chair that read

We're heading down to the ball were walking, as usual, Mulligan fixed the buttons on your coat and added epaulettes, to make you look a lot better for Y/N, Washington also asked him to do it so yeah, also Laurens just told me to right down this to tell you: Y/N is like a sister to me if you overstep your boundaries, boy will you be sorry, but still love you baguette. And coming from me, Alexander, I'm not going to be around others too too much I'll be with Washington almost all night, so, GO GET HER OUR LITTLE BAGGUETTE!!!


Great so now everyone wants us together, which isn't a bad thing, that means that if anyone hits on her, I can punch the guys, because well the person won't be Mulligan or Laurens or Alexander. Then again why am I being so overprotective, we haven't even really talked, it's not like she even likes me, but I'll try my best.

I walked to where the ball was being held, I walk in to see mis mon amis, talking and having a good time. Mulligan was talking with a group of girls, Alexander was with Washington, and before I knew it Laurens was walking over to me.

"Looking for Y/N, I take it," "well yes and no" I say. "Yes I want to talk to her but not for that reason, I have to for Washington, he's making Y/N his right hand woman." "Really, you must be kidding, oh Y/N's gonna be stoked she's always talked about helping her country and to be able to do her favorite thing writing." "Okay mon ami, before things get too how you say, hick tic?" "Hectic" he corrected me I was very grateful "ah yes, before things get too hecktic I need to talk to Washington." "Okay I'll see you around." "See you soon mon ami."

~~~~~~~your POV~~~~~~~~

The second the rider yelled 'we're here', my heart at the same time stopped and started pumping harder, this would either be an amazing night or a night I'll never want to think about again.

"Time to go hey my girls some love," Angelica said. "You don't need to do anything for me, Y/N's got me all converted with John." Peggy said "unless things go wrong, but if they do I'm sure I'll find a way to beat him up," said Eliza. Right as she said that, we entered a large ball room with tables of food, everyone was talking and having a grand time, some were dancing some were sitting down talking and some were in their own little groups of people.

I look around and I see Laurens coming our way. I looked around to see none of the sisters by my side they were off doing their own thing, that fouls be who knows what, I was going to introduce him to Peggy right away but, guess not. "Hello Y/N," "hello John, have I missed much?" "Just the fact that a certain someone is looking for you, he's actually quite interested in you." I could feel my face getting red he couldn't be talking about, Lafayette could be couldn't be possibly, I thought I was going to throw up "o-oh?" "Y/N, are you alright you look very red and pale at the same time," "i-i-I'm f-fine, j-just feeling a l-little light headed is all," I could feel myself getting ready to pass out.

"Y/N, I think you need some water, ummm, uh-" 'please don't do what I think you're going to do' is all I could think "HEY LAF!!!" Lafayette's head spun around and saw me John's one arm around me and me holding on to him for dear life even though I was quite taller than him. Lafayette came to where John and I were and he said "hey, Lafayette, Y/N's not feeling too well, I'm going to go get her some water can you stay with her and make sure she doesn't pass out on me," he said, I think he knew exactly why I wasn't feeling too well, before he left I had to tell him about Peggy. "Of course mon ami, I'll help her as much as possible."

Before John left I had to "John, before you go there's a girl here who wants to meet you, Peggy Schuyler ring a bell, well she's pretty interested you should talk to her tonight," "alright Y/N, I'll definitely talk to her after I get you water you need it," "okay, thank you John." And he walked off, well more like run.

"I guess I haven't properly introduced myself, my name is, well honestly it's really very too long, just call me Lafayette," he bent down and kissed my knuckles, I felt myself getting redder, "mon cheri," 'wait did he just-' my thoughts were interrupted by him continuing, "your hands are freezing, are you getting sick?" My face had to be a deep shade of red by now. "N-no just a bit, I don't know, overwhelmed, I guess," "by what? If you don't mind me asking of course," "I'm not too sure" I was lying I'm overwhelmed by him being so nice and dashing and him being FRENCH!

"Would you like to go outside for some fresh air, I do have some good news to tell you, and I would like for you to be in a good state of mind and health when I tell you." Oh my lord what would he need to tell me, ummm I'm not okay what's happening WHAT'S GOING ON!!! "Um, sure that sounds nice." He offered his arm to me and we walked out side arms looped.

"Are you feeling better mon cheri," "much," being by his side in the crisp cool air was amazing. My cheeks were less red, I felt like I had life and energy in me, I had never l felt better in my life. "Mon cheri" "hmmm" "would you like to hear that good news now," "I'm not sure if anything could make this better," 'shoot did I just say that' I hear him chuckle, his laugh was amazing, heavenly almost.

"Well, I'm going to tell you anyway," we both stopped he unlocked our arms and placed his hands on my shoulders. "I talked to Washington this morning, and well he asked my opinion before I even knew that it was you who wrote it," I interrupted him "my letter the one 7 letters I gave to him asking for me to-" "join the revolution, yes, and well after reading it several times he's asking you to be his right hand women."

My heart stopped "Washington himself is asking me to assist him and to help him, during the revolution, I get to help the revolution like I wanted and get to write, my favorite thing, this night went from terrible to better to the best," without even thinking I wrap my arms around him and hold him tight, I felt him tense up and then hug me right back.

"Well you may want to go talk to Washington he's the one who made the final decision," "well" I kissed his cheek, again barely thinking "you were the one who said that it was a good idea, weren't you?" "Well y-yes," "exactly, thank you, now if you'll excuse me I need to talk to Washington." I walked away and out of the corner of my eye I saw him standing there in almost shock.

~~~~~time skip to finding Washington and Alexander~~~~~

I approached Washington "sir" I tapped his shoulder, "Ah Y/N" Washington said "Sir, I think you should be giving her, her proper title of right hand women," Hamilton said "Y/N, I trust you've talked to Lafayette and he has told you already," "yes sir, yes he has." It felt amazing to know that I've made such an achievement, "Y/N!" Angelica said "Eliza and I have been looking for you and well, Peggy and John have been talking the night away," I turn around to see Peggy and John kissing "a little more than talk, don't you think?" Angelica turned around and just laughed and said "well that escalated quickly," "I'll say" I replied.

I started talking to Washington about plans and where I would be staying and what I would be doing for him. At one point I turned my head to see Alexander and Angelica talking one moment and then the next walking over to Eliza, Angelica had found Eliza her suitor. Before I knew it, the party was over, I hadn't seen Lafayette the rest of the night, but I couldn't change that I needed to talk to Washington.

On the way back to the Schuyler estate, Peggy and Eliza were raving about how amazing John and Hamilton were while Angelica and I just listened. We all went to our rooms and slept but as for me I couldn't sleep so I did what I did best I wrote till my heart was content.

A/N: the next part is just going to be the long letters you wrote which will play an important part in the story later on so be sure to read the next part no matter how unimportant it may seem, hope you enjoyed this, bye guys! ^_^ <3

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