His Little Baguette

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A/N: I added something random in because I needed something to start love. Fluff tee he he he ^_^

~~~~~~~~~Your POV~~~~~~~~~

I woke up it was the middle of the night it looked like I couldn't tell if everything that happened was a dream,no, a nightmare or not. I woke up to see a sleeping Lafayette, in the bed across the tent from mine, everyone else for some reason wasn't in their beds I wonder why. I really wasn't thinking bit I said "hey Laf," his cute eyes sleepily opened up, he turned to face me, "mon amour you're up, why," wait did he just call me his love? Anyway I replied "just what happened with Lee, w-w-was that, d-did that really-" before I could continue I broke down in tears, before I knew it Laf was at my side wiping my tear with his thumb hand on my cheek, "mon amour, I was stupid to let you out of my sight, yes I regret to tell you it is true, it did happen, I'm so sorry," he was being sincere was he giving me pity or did he genuinely like me?

"L-Laf, it wasn't your fault, your not the one who, w-who, w-who," "mon amour, don't even finish your sentence, I may have not have done it but I let you out of my sight, I'm sorry, can I make it up to you, in any way?" Before I realized what i was saying I asked him to lay down down with me, he happily said yes.

My bed was much smaller than the everyone else's, so when he got in bed he, pulled me close to his chest, I felt safe, I felt, I felt invincible. I think he thought I was asleep, because my eyes were closed and I had stopped talking but before I fell asleep, I head him whisper "mon amour, no one will ever harm you again, I will take care of you," and then he kissed my head. My face was bright red I could feel it.

~~~~~~~~~Time skip to the next morning, man I love time skips~~~~~~~~~

I woke up to hear, Mulligan and Laurens talking. "Okay, are we sure they hooked up, Y/N doesn't seem like the kind of girl to do that and plus after what just happened I don't think she did," Laurens said. "Yeah I think you're right," Mulligan said. The conversation lasted a while I looked at a sound asleep Lafayette for about five minutes he was still holding on to me, until he started to move, I closed my eyes and pretended I was sleeping. Laf opened his eyes I could tell he was looking at me, he turned around letting go of me, and whispered, "you guys realize Y/N, is still sleeping and I swear if you wake her up, you're dead, she's probably exhausted enough as it is with everything that's been happening."

He was defending me umm, was he still having pitty on me? Laurens then spoke in whisper, "okay, but did you?" "No of course not," "would you," Mulligan chimed in I could hear Laurens hit his arm, I think. "I would, but only if she was okay with it, of course, but then again she's way too pure to have anything like that done till she's married," he would, he just said that he would, and that I'm pure, does he like me, I feel like I'm being stupid, but I don't think he does.

"Man, you're going to have to tell her you like her sooner or later," mulligan said. Okay well that answers my question. Acting like I was still asleep, I turn to my side and grab Laf's side cuddling with him. He then turned around and hugged me. I opened my eyes and yawned "morning," I nuzzled into his chest, feeling safer than ever. "Morning mom amour, did you sleep well?" I just nodded yawning and closing my eyes, again before Mulligan said "OKAY SO YOU GUYS ARE THING, CAUSE IT SURE SEEMS LIKE THAT AND IT'S KILLING ME, ARE YOU???"

Crud, my face was now DEEP red, luckily Laf couldn't see because I was now buried deep in his chest. "No, no we're not," it was crushing to hear him say that even though it was true. "SERIOUSLY! NOW DON'T TELL ME YOU GUYS HAVEN'T HOOKED UP EITHER," Mulligan said "nope," Laf said trying to be as calm as possible. "I think you need to let little Y/N there, answer that," 'shoot' I'm dead. "I think she's sleeping," Laf said, oh thank God for Laf he was trying his hardest to get the guys off of the possibility of us.

Then Alexander walked in "Hey, woah what happened here, did you two-" before he could finish anything I stood up and walked over Lafayette over to Alexander whom I was now towering over considering I'm 5'7 1/2". "I'm done with everyone asking if we're a thing I'm not a chill person, so let me say this once and for all, No we did not hook up and no we are not a thing, if anything is to happen or was to happen we would have told you at our own will now if you would excuse me I would like to talk to Lafayette alone, and don't think about sticking around, we need to talk in private."

Immediately all three of the guys exited, leaving me and Lafayette alone, I stepped out to make sure they weren't there, they weren't. "Mon amour, listen I need t-," "I need to tell you something too," I interrupted him and then continued "I'm weird I'm awkward I speak my mind yes but, there are some things I don't like talking about like my feelings, usually I would let all of these feeling just go away, I would tell myself 'Y/N, it's just another guy he's not worth it, he's probably just as scummy as the last one' but with you I feel-," "different." He finished my sentence.

"I'm sorry I'm rambling again, it's just what I do when I'm nervous, it's just umm, yeah, maybe I should go, I'm sorry to waste your time-," he grabbed my wrist before I could walk out of the tent, he grabbed it not harshly but not too gentle at the same time, he was holding my wrist just enough that I could've continued walking if I really wanted to, but I stopped, and I could tell that he planned this in his brain he knew if I kept walking it would mean I really didn't care but I cared.

He then turned me around and placed one hand around my waist and one hand cupping my cheek, I was red I was as red as red could be, "Mon amour, I know it was not right of me to be reading through your notes-," he said hesitantly "you read my notes," I said calmly "you read the first-," "paragraph, yes I did," I tried to pull away from him I felt embarrassed, but that just made him pull me closer and his touch became lighter

"So you know, about the Winter's ball," "yes, and honestly I'm quite flattered, Y/N," I looked down, "why didn't you tell me, mon angie," tears were now prickling down my face I couldn't tell him of my past, could I? "Laf, I thought I loved someone when I was 18, they we're my everything they cared for me and I cared for them,I thought," I said and I paused "it wasn't Laurens was it?" "No, no, no, no, we've already discussed that he's more of brother and that I'm more of his sister, anyway, I thought I loved this person but he betrayed me, I caught him with another girl not doing anything but, talking he was going to marry me than steal as much money as he could from my father and I and run away with that same girl," I now had a waterfall of tears flowing down my face, Laf wiping each tear that fell off, "I didn't want that to happen again, I've had trust issues, since that-," he gently yet firmly took my chin and said "Mon Angie, don't think I will ever betray you, I would never hurt you," "that's what he said," "but Amour, I'm not him."

As he said that he came closer and closer to me he kissed me with almost a hunger yet he was gentle, I wrapped my arms around his neck and his arms were around my hips. I could definitely say that was the best kiss of my life. "So," I said "so?" He repeated back with a confused tone, "are we a thing because I think if we are the guys should get an explanation and a summary," "except for the kiss because mon amour that kiss was too good to tell anyone about," He said, which made me giggle "you have a beautiful laugh, beautiful Y/E/C eyes, Beautiful Y/H/L Y/H/C hair, and a gorgeous smile, to sum it all up your beautifully perfect."

He kissed me again. This time being interrupted by three guy voices coming from outside, Alexander walked in and said "okay we were, gone for ten minutes and you two are a thing?" Laurens then whooshed in saying "if you dare hurt her or lay a hand on her I swear," Mulligan was next "John, are you not looking at them right now," John then looked at me and Laf who were holding each other. "I'm mad but-," John said "you're both too cute to be yelled at," "Thanks John," I said hugging him.

"But seriously are you two a thing," Alexander said "Oui," I said which made Laf smile "Oui, Oui we are," he then kissed me again making Mulligan aww, Alexander Chuckle and say 'too cute', and Laurens just gag and then aww.

"You're mine you little baguette," and then he kissed me again. "Okay, I think this calls for some drink," Muligan said, "Hell, yeah," I said making everyone laugh, and Laf just smile. "what are we waiting for, ITS SHOW TIME," I said "you heard the girl, lead the way," Laurens said. And so we walked out to get a drink, or two, or too many.

A/N: yeah this isn't the end of this series but I need some ideas so please ideas, you will be credited submit as many ideas as you want. You guys are awesome, ^_^ hope you enjoyed <3333 also some of you may not like the next part that I have in mind so just bare with me! Bye,


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