It Wasn't Suppose to be like this

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A/N: really quickly this has implied and the use of the word sexual harassment and then a happy ending so like, if this triggers you, be prepared.

~~~~~~~~~Third person POV~~~~~~~~~

You got up in a great mood, you told the girls all about your night and how you were going to be Washington's right hand woman and how you left in three days with the rest of the troops, all of you hugged and talked for what seemed for hours. You had supper and this routine repeated for two days, all of you tried to make the best of the time you had left, but then that day was there it was the day you had to join your troops, sure you didn't leave for another day but Washington said that you had to get aquatinted with all the other soliders. You Angelica Eliza and Peggy said your goodbyes there were tears laughs and mini talks before you left, many of them were them telling you any guy who tries to hurt you, you just tell them you have Washington in your pocket and then kick'em in the nuts (idk how I came up with that XD).

You arrived at the camp sight where you were greeted by John and Alexander. They introduced you to a few of the soldiers that they had been working with. You sat at a table and talked to them.

~~~~~~~~~Your POV~~~~~~~~~

"So why did you join the revolution?" Jonathan (*cough cough* groffsauce) said he was fairly tall, brown hair and he was very sweet. "Well, I never liked England in all honesty, I grew up being told some day we'll be free someday we'll get the chance to break away from these idiots who think they control us, and so I've always agreed with that I've debated many times with people who oppose that, I've just kind of just wanted to put into action my ideas, to defeat the British and become free."

"Wow, that's pretty awesome, growing up with hopes and dreams of something and getting the chance to work towards it, that's a pretty amazing goal," this coming from another friend of Hamilton's his name was Oskar, he was pretty short sharp nose and beard and long slicked back black hair like Alex. "Well it should be amazing she's pretty amazing and that's why she's Washington's right hand women, and that's also why Washington wants to see her, now," said Alex trying to make it clear that I was needed.

"Alright, alright Hamilton, I coming. It was nice meeting and talking to you guys," they said same here in unison and just laughed, as Hamilton and I walked to Washington's.

We made it to Washington's room, where he was set up before we left to resume the war. Hamilton knocked and we heard Washington call a come in.

"Ah, Y/N, Hamilton, this is Lee, he is our new general here, I wanted to talk to all of you about some plans," Washington said. We talked plans and strategies for the any upcoming attacks, I could tell that every time I have input Lee just silently scoffed me, I knew Washington and Hamilton Couldn't tell what he was doing and I had no intentions to tell them either. When we were done Lee and I walked out, Hamilton had to talk to Washington for some reason. As soon as I walked out I felt someone hit me on the head everything went black, I didn't know where I was going or what was happening all I knew was that it wasn't good

~~~~~~~~~Time skips are AWESOME~~~~~~~~~

I woke up in tent I was tied down to a bed I couldn't move I couldn't yell either there was cloth covering my mouth, I thought I was captured by the British till I saw, a blue jacket, it couldn't be mine I was still wearing it. I heard talking I couldn't tell who it was until, I heard a different voice, different from the ones that were previously talking it was Lee, he said "if I find her I'll be sure to you report straight away, Washington sir," the thoughts going through my head: I'm missing, Lee took me and lied to Washington about it, also why was I taken, out everyone, oh wait duh, I'm a female.

These thoughts and more were interrupted by Lee "oh, you're finally up,you know everyone is looking for you such a shame that you ran away," then he chuckled, what a disgusting laugh, but when he laughed I tried not to think about it, I tried to replace it with Lafayette's laugh but nothing will ever compare to his laugh. "How long," I said, "so she does talk, and what do you mean how long?" He said with a mocking face and when saying how Long he stroked my cheek. "Get off of me," "sweetheart, you don't have a place in this revolution, you're just a woman you can't tell me what to do I'll do whatever I want." He then got on top of me, becoming dominant I couldn't do anything.

"I wanted to know, how long I've been out," "three days sweetheart," he said caressing me again, he then kissed me why, why, I didn't ask for this I didn't want this WHY? Those were my only thoughts, tears started flowing down my face I hated this I wanted no part in this I wanted to fight in this revolution not be sexually harassed. He then untied me and held me down undressing me.

He did things I never wanted to be done till I was married, this was not what I wanted I kept crying I tried calling out for help but when I did he covered my mouth with the cloth again, then I met my savior, I couldn't tell who it was all I saw was someone knock Lee down, I immediately took this chance to wrap myself in the blanket that was on the bed, before I knew it Laurens and Mulligan and Hamilton had Lee strapped to the ground and Lafayette was cradling me and rocking me back and forth whispering nothingness into my ears as I cried, I felt safe.

Lee started shouting at the top of his lungs for the two to get off of him, wait where had Hamilton gone, sure enough he got Washington. "What the heck, is going on here," he saw Lee strapped to the ground by the two and me being cradled by Lafayette, I was still crying. "Y/N!" He came straight to my side and hugged me, "what happened?" "L-l-l-Lee, h-h-he-" I broke down in tears clinging to Lafayette, I felt so defenseless I had just been dominated in the worst way possible. Without me having to finish Washington understood exactly what I meant. "Lee a word," Washington said, Lee quickly got dressed and Washington talked to him.

I was still clinging to Lafayette, I hadn't let go and neither had he. By now everyone had left besides Lafayette, "mom cheri, would you like to go change," he said "I would yes, but would you please turn around," I really didn't want anyone to see me I felt dirty enough as it is. He turned around as I changed as soon as I stood back up, after putting my boots I felt light headed Lafayette caught me in time and before I knew it I had blacked out again.

A/N: idk what I just write I just needed something to start the real fluff, trust me the fluff will start next chapter, as well as some Laf POV from the past 'three story days'. Love y'all, See ya round, bye!!! ^_^ <333

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