Operation Get Frenchie His Bauguette

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A/N: idk what's going on in my story I know it sucks but like, bare with me please. Okay enjoy, Fluff and Lafayette.

~~~~~~~~~Laf's POV before you were found~~~~~~~~~

I walk to our room where Mon Amis and Y/N, were staying to just see Mulligan sleeping there, I assumed Hamilton was talking to Washington as all ways, Laurens most likely at the bar, but where was Y/N, I had been to every table in that bar looking for her, sure it sounds a little creepy but I want to talk to her. Something caught my eye though I could've sworn I saw my name on a piece of paper, that was lying on Y/N's bed .

I walk over to her bed to see three paragraphs of Notes and more lying on her bed, I decide it won't hurt to read the first note, it's not like she was trying to hide them it was out in the open so I opened the first note it read:

I can't sleep, I'm awake, I don't think I've ever been like this before, too many thoughts running through my head what better way to clear my thoughts than jot them down. Tonight was the winter's ball it was amazing, I got acquainted with a rather amazing, no amazing is too bland, I can't think of any words fit to describe him he was BETTER than amazing. He was so sweet and caring, at the mention of his name I got red. John wanted to get me water because he thought I was sick but in reality it was just about that I started thinking of the possibility of the person he was talking about who wanted to talk to me was Lafayette. When Lafayette arrived he took me outside to get fresh air I couldn't have felt better, I felt free but at the same time safe, it was one of the most amazing feelings in the world.

She was writing about me, she couldn't sleep because she was thinking about me? I had to put the notes down I needed to find her and talk to her. I stood up, to see Laurens standing in the doorway, clearing his throat.

"Ah, Laurens," "don't ah Laurens me, why were you reading through Y/N's notes? "Well, you see I swore I saw my name in one of her notes and I saw right, Laurens can you read this and make sure I'm not dreaming?" I said "that good huh?" He said he read it and when he was finished he let out a huge "God damn," which woke up Mulligan "what, what happen, what'd I miss," Mulligan said still in a sleepy daze, "Y/N, has a thing for our little baguette," Laurens replied my face started getting red, DEEP red. I didn't think it was possible for me to turn that red.

Then all of a sudden Alexander bursts in "GUYS, WOAH, why's Laf so red," 'shit', "well our little baguette just found out that our good friend Y/N, has a thing for him," Laurens replied, I got TOO RED, "Well then Y/N, must be the talk of the hour because she's missing," My heart sank, she was missing, I wasn't going to loose her, after I just found out her feelings, "we're finding her, NOW, put anyone who isn't drunk on the look for her," I said I needed her back. I loved her and I couldn't afford to loose her.

"Laf, it's not that easy, you know this i-" Alexander said before I cut him off, "I DON'T CARE, I LOVE HER AND EVEN IF SHE DOESN'T FEEL THE SAME WAY, I WANT TO KEEP HER SAFE," I said shaking Alexander. "Okay Laf, we're going to try out best, but you need to calm down." Alexander said, "fair enough," I replied, "but we start looking tonight."

We searches for two days finally after many lectures mon amis persuaded me to get some sleep I hadn't slept for two days straight trying to find Y/N, and trying to get her out of my head I couldn't. I slept for about 5 hours before I woke up. It then hit me Alexander said that Lee and Y/N walked out of the room while he and Washington talked. Lee had to have her I couldn't tell what time it was but it had to have been close to noon if not a little later than that. I got out of bed, and walked out where the other tents were, by now we had all been moved to tents and we were set up for a fight.

I saw Lee, he had a smirk on his face, I walked up to him and held his collar, "Where is she," I said "who, where is who, I know you're French bu-," "Goddamnit, Where is Y/N, I know you have her don't play dumb." "I already told you and Washington if I found her I would tell you and bring her to you," "God just because a woman went missing I'm accused by every single person." "Just go Lee," I said with disgust in my voice "thanks Frenchie," I wanted to kill him when he said that.

I immediately reported to Washington saying that Lee had been acting very peculiar as of late, and he said that he would talk to him in an hour, that he had much to do, and write, including missing posters all over camp and town. I walked into out tent, ours meaning mine, Laurens, Alexander, Mulligan, and Y/N's when she returned, and I told them of my suspicions and how they agreed, we devised a plan if Lee was I there with Y/N, Mulligan Laurens and Alexander would tackle him and hold him down, if she was decent, because we had no idea what he could be doing to her, I would pick her up and take her out if she wasn't we would wait for her to become semi decent. Then Alexander would get Washington, and our plan would just play our however it would play out. And Mulligan decided to call it operation get Frenchie his Baguette and at this point I didn't care

~~~~~~~~~Time skip to operation get Frenchie his Baguette~~~~~~~~~

We stood outside of Lee's, Tent for a few moments before we heard a squeal, it was Y/N, he was doing stuff to her without me saying a word the three ran in and tackled Lee, I saw Y/N take this time to cover herself, I ran up to her and hugged her and cradled her and tried to calm her down, but who would after what happened. She was holding on to me for dear life, I didn't want this to be how and why she became close to me but unfortunately it was, she hugged me and cried into my chest I felt so bad I couldn't undo any of what just happened.

Before I knew it Washington came in and yelled "what the heck is going on here," he saw Y/N and immediately decided to come hug her and he asks what happened, she tried to say what she wanted to explain but all she could say was "L-l-l-Lee, h-h-he," and then she grasped me again cried, Mon Dieu I felt so bad.

Washington without her even finishing knew exactly what happened, he said "Lee a word," Lee got dressed and walked outside. Everyone but me and Y/N were left I asked if she would like to get changed she said yes and she asked if I could turn around, of course I did, when she was about to put her boots on she said that I could turn around, she put her boots on stood up and before she fell to the ground I caught her she had passed out. I picked her up, one arm under her knees and one to support her back, she must have been somewhat conscious because she wrapped her arms around my neck.

I brought her back to the tent and to my surprise no one was there, weird. I put her on her bed and she fell asleep in felt so nice to know that she was there she was alive, operation get Frenchie his Baguette was a success.

A/N: okay MORE FLUFF WILL BE NEXT CHAPTER, WHICH WILL COME OUR WITHIN 30 minutes of this being posted ^_^, love y'all bye.

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