Chapter 12: 🙈A Blind Promise🙈

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Despite the lack of professionalism from my manager, I liked my office. I was a cheerful person, and I always greeted everyone. But nowadays, I dreaded going there. Needless to say that, he was the reason.

I yawned and opened the door to my cubicle. I could still hear my sister reprimanding me about not valuing the friendship with Vihar. Sometimes, I felt like she was stuck in the past and I wanted to relay the whole story so that she'd know how her favorite Vihar treated her sister. At the last moment, I surpassed my feelings. I didn't want her to be angry at him and worse, tell everyone what happened. As much as I loved her, I couldn't fault her there. She couldn't keep a secret even if her life depended on it. It was my life, and I was perfectly capable of handling it.

Thank God, I controlled my temper and didn't ask her to make amends with Neel first. I would never hear the end of it. Placing my bag on the table, I collapsed on the chair and sighed. I looked at the watch and groaned. I was late today. Well, there was first for everything. It was not like I came late every day. Satisfied with the explanation, I rose and stretched my body like a cat and walked toward the laboratory with an apron in hand.

I worked so hard ignoring everyone. My stomach growled making me look at my watch. It was already lunch time, and I removed my apron and hurried to my cabin. I shared this with my colleague, but she resigned a while ago. I was enjoying it by myself. I stopped short watching the intruder at my desk.

Vihar casually touched my bag which was on the desk while his gaze moved from the center of the room to the left where a cupboard had been placed. There were several cartoon pictures attached to its door. I cringed when he lazily smirked looking at the pictures. He moved slowly toward the cabinet.

Wait, I had his picture hidden somewhere inside the cupboard. I hurried toward him and exactly at the same moment, he opened the door, and it collided with my head.

God, he was strong. I'd give him that. Maybe I should have thought first instead of marching like an angry bull.

I scowled at him. "What are you doing here?"

He leaned against the cupboard clad in a blue suit and looked at me with concern. "Are you okay?"

I wanted to burn his beautiful blue suit for acting like he cared. He should have known better than that. I rubbed my forehead with my hands.

My venomous glare was the response he received. I stomped toward my desk and dumped the apron in the desk drawer.

"Seeing that you have the energy to throw your apron, I will assume that you are fine. Okay, come to my office then. We have to talk," he announced, adjusting his navy blue tie.

Again with the talk. What did he want to talk about now? There he went again. Issuing orders like I'd do his bidding.

Face reality, buddy. I had grown up.

His tie looked like it might crush his neck anytime, but I didn't point it out. Let people think that he had a stiff neck.

"No." I pinned him with a patronizing glare and retrieved a water bottle from the table. Well, having the upper hand gave me a boost of confidence, but drained my energy. I had to leave for lunch immediately. First, I'd quench my thirst.

His response didn't surprise me. "Okay then. I'll say it here."

My eyebrows rose. "As if you'd listen to me."

I took a big gulp of water and looked at him, daring him to talk. Talk he did.

He looked into my eyes. "Marry me."

I coughed and Vihar patted my back. I shook his hand and glared at him.

"Wow!" someone exclaimed, and I looked in the direction of the voice.

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