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Alrighty so here are some trans! boy & trans! girl Horace headcanons cause jvgdfydufdufdyud omg MessyTheAuthor (btw will be enorace stuff too)


•had really nice wavy hair before but when he cut it everyone was like 😱 because it looked so vv nice

•he has really soft features (obviously) but it really works for him

•he won't go shopping for clothes alone because he's afraid too

•was bullied when he was younger but now if anyone even glances at him wrong Enoch will murder them

•he's still into some more feminine things, like painting his nails. It just works for him and he likes it

•loves bow ties. Like he's obsessed with bow ties and has like 5 million

•that's really all I've got for this one hmmm. Have any ideas please comment I love this so much


keeps her hair shorter because she finds it easier to keep neat

•usually wears cute lil clips in her hair

•is a shy lil bean. almost always clinging to Enoch

•had Millard help her research a really nice, fitting name for herself when she first figured out who she was and wanted to be (I feel like it would be a very beautiful Victorian era name because ya know it's Horace)

•doesn't wear a lot of makeup but loves mascara cause her eyelashes are naturally very light colored and thin

•wears a lot of nice dress shirts and, again, bow ties. She also loves wearing cute lil plaid skirts with high heeled boots

•she was always shy but became even shyer when she came out. Enoch is basically her voice at school and if she needs to say or ask anything important she'll whisper it to him and he'll ask/say it

•she met Enoch in grade school and liked him since middle school. He liked her too and is now a vv loving and adorable and caring boyfriend

•she was honestly the most scared to tell him because she didn't want to loose him (at the time they were just friends)

•he took it very well. Didn't question. Didn't try to talk her out of it. He was extremely accepting of her

•he asked her out a week later

•she cried when he did

•this turned vv enorace-y sorry but I honestly love this trans!horace and Enoch omg I should write a fic

•oh also she loves to paint Enoch's nails. He doesn't mind at all if he gets to pick the color

•that's all I've got

•I'm gunna write a separate page just for trans!horace and Enoch headcanons oops

Bye guys I love you!

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