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Millard's like that really adorable yet awkward third wheel

•he and Hugh are like the best friends ever

•they have such a bromance and act soooo gay with each other in a totally non gay way

•Fiona thinks it's actually the cutest thing and would often tease Hugh about it when they were alone

•after a while Millard started to act super gay to mess with Hugh

•Fugh is Millards otp

•he honestly probably has like a section in his notebook labeled 'Hugh and Fiona' where he writes something whenever they do something cute

•in Hollow City when they all cuddled up and Millard was left out he kinda just went with it at first

•but then he got like so absolutely freezing he couldn't take it

•so he cuddled up with Hugh and Fiona but like mostly Hugh obviously

•and at first Hugh was like ?????

•but then he realized it was just Millard

•and he shuffled around a bit so he could snuggle with Millard and Fiona so all three of them would be warm

•and Hugh felt rlly rlly guilty for forgetting about Millard

•he was determined to make it up to him even tho Millard was like 'eh it's chill I'm invisible it's easy to forget'

•but Hugh's like 'fuck no i love you and I will make it up to you'

•and after LoS they have a really gay guys night every week

•cause like they both need it but obviously Hugh needs it more

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