Good Morning

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I woke up the next morning to the smell breakfast & the sun beaming down on my face. I jumped out of bed realizing I didn't hear my alarm & panicked about being late for work. I hurried into the bathroom & rushed through my morning routine.

I hopped into my work clothes -a pair of fitted black levis, a powder blue button up and black converses along with my black & gold Rolex.

I grabbed some files out of my study on my way to kitchen. I check my phone that I'd left in the bathroom overnight & saw it was 7:35. I was going to be late. I walked into the kitchen to find Janelle washing a few dishes while bacon and eggs where cooking on the stove.

"Hey Baby," she greeted me as I came & hugged her.

"Mornin' Dollphace. You got it smelling good in here!" I planted a passionate peck on her lips.

She blushed & smiled, "Don't I though!"

"Yeeeeesss you do!" I concurred. "Too bad I can't sit down & enjoy it with you.." I said with disappointment.

"Why not?" She scrunched her face and furrowed her eyebrows.

"Cuz I gotta go to work. I'm running late now."

"Oh. No you don't. I called in for you." she informed me.

"You what?" I looked at her confused.

"Pete called your phone about an hour ago." she explained, "I answered & told him you had gotten sick last night. He actually suggested you take the day off -since you have the funeral & stuff."

I stood there as she spoke absorbing what she was saying. "So I don't have to go to work today?" I felt a smile crawl across my face as my excitement built.

"Nope. -Well you still gotta bring whatever files you were s'posed to for whatever project-" her voice trailed off as she gestured with one hand while stirring the scrambled eggs with the other. "But I can drop those off on my way to the store." she offered.

"Awwwhhh Baby!!!" I wrapped arms around her & kissed the nape of her neck. "You're the best!"

"And you know this," she retorted as she turned to face me. She dropped the fork she was using on the counter top as I lifted her petite frame in my arms & spun her in a circle & she held onto my neck. I put her down & she went back to the food on the stove.

"Is there anything I can help with?" I ask as I go into the cabinet to retrieve plates.

"Not really. I'm done now."

I watched in silence as she took the pan of scrambled eggs & evenly distributed them onto two plates. She did the same with the bacon and grits before retrieving a stack of waffles from the oven.

I went into the fridge and grabbed the orange & apple juice then two glasses from the cabinet and set them on the dining room table where Baby followed me with the plates. I grabbed syrup & butter for my waffles & nutella for Babes'. I brought the hot sauce for the eggs & sugar for my grits before joining my love at the dining table where she is already seated.

"So..How ya feeling this morning?" My love asks as she stirs hot sauce into her eggs.

"Oh I'm ok actually." I answer as I munch on a crispy piece of bacon.

"How about yourself?" I return the question. "You must be feeling pretty good this morning," I said hinting at the full breakfast she's prepared.

She blushed "Well I knew you had a long day ahead of you...& after last night..I just wanna make sure my baby's taken care of..." she peers at me over her way farer frames & bats her wispy eye lashes.

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