A Secret Told

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"So what's up with you & that stud?...What's her name again?..." She asked as I pulled out on to the gravel road.

"Huh?", I was caught off guard by her
question & unsure how answer it.

"You heard me. Don't play. You and her...what is that?"

I looked at her strange. "Whatchu mean?"

"I mean you've ditched me like twice now to kick it with her. Yet this is the first I've heard about her. I know you not creepin' on me wit' another stud so-"

"Hell Nah! I'm not for that stud on stud shit!" I snapped, cutting her off.

"I know I know," she huffed, "That's why I'm askin instead of assuming. So what's up?"

I sighed admitting to myself that she was right & did deserve an explanation.

"Welp it all started back in preschool...." I said as I began the history between Kyng and I -well most of it.

I spent the drive recounting for her memories and adventures with Kyng, from the first time she took up for me when we were little to the time she tried to copy my final & almost kept me from graduating. I told her we lost touch after she left for LA & I left for school.

I didn't tell her about our secret stud for stud love affair, nor how she was the whole reason Janelle found me the way she did, and I certainly didn't tell her about Kyng repeatedly confessing her undying love for me. She didn't need to worry about that.

By the time we made it home I was beyond ready to blow a tree. Then I realized that she had no idea I smoked.

"I do have something I need to tell you Dollphace."

"What is it?" She leered at me.

"Well I know how you feel about drugs like crack, meth & heroine...But how do you feel about marijuana?"

She shot me a perplexed look. "Iono. It's like alcohol I guess...It's Ok in moderation...Why?"

I didn't answer immediately. Instead I reached into my stash in the center console and retrieve the blunt I'd left in there and held it up to her.

"What is this?" She questioned shocked that I had illegal narcotics in my possession.

"It's a blunt fulla space queen. You wanna hit it?" I asked with a mischievous grin. She smacked her lips & huffed,

"No Prynce! I don't smoke, nor do I knowingly associate with people who do!" With that she got out of the car grumbling about me under her breath as she made it to the door.

"And you betta not bring that shit in the house!" She warned as she walked in slamming the door behind her.

"Well damn. That wasn't the response I was expecting." I mumbled to myself as I sat alone probably looking dumbfounded in my Lexus. My buzzed with an incoming text from Denni.

D-Boi: Ay Playboi. You busy?

Me: Nah..just got home from my granny funeral...Wdup?

D-Boi: Shytt bored asf. Smoke dat shyt!

Me: Match that shyt!

D-Boi: Cum thru.

Me: 15 mins

D-Boi: Bet. 👌👌👌

I got out and up to the door to find that Janelle locked me out. "Petty ass," I mumbled while I let myself in. I found Janelle lathering up in the shower.

She side eyed me then turned her back to me. I watched suds cascade down her back and drip off of her juicy cakes.

"Baby. You really mad at me?"

I stepped into the steamy bathroom. She paused just long enough to peek at me over her shoulder and roll her eyes before continuing to shower and ignore me.

"C'mon Dollphace. Don't be like that."

She finished her shower turning off the water & stepping out on to the bath mat, still saying nothing to me.

"Ok look. I smoke weed. I'm not a pot head but I do toke occasionally. I'm not on crack & I'm grown & successful & and if you don't like it, that's fine I won't use around you. I'm sorry I kept this hidden from you, but I'm not sorry fa' smokin. And you not finna judge or act funny towards me about it ya dig." I ranted walking up to her as she bent down to towel herself dry.

She remained silent as her gaze crept up my body. She stood slowly & crept closer to me, I should've seen what was coming next.

Her blank stare changed to rage as she rared her hand back and slapped the dog shit outta me. I nearly fell over from the shock. Her hand was so forceful & heavy as it struck my jaw. The world slowed down as I watched saliva fly out of my mouth while struggling to keep my balance & ease the sting.

"I can't fucking believe you Prynce!" She screamed. "After all we've been through, you been keepin' this shit from me?! You know how I feel about the shit. About drugs period! What the fuck else you been hiding Prynce?" I hear her rage as the world returns to regular speed.

I hear her but say nothing. I just look at her blankly as my mind recounts & realized what just happened.

She hit me because I told her I smoke weed..??

"Fuck this." I state as I turn on my heels and walk out of the bathroom.

"Fuck what? Fuck ME? Nah Fuck You Prynce!" She yelled after me as I headed into the bedroom into my walk in and grab the box then head out of the house. "Where the fuck are you going PRISCILLA?!" She yelled as I hopped in my lexus.

I cringed at the way she said my birth name. I knew she did it to get a reaction out of me but I refused to give her the satisfaction. I peeled out her yelling out the front door. I sped to Denni's apartment arriving less than ten minutes later.

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