Another Again

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I hit the unlock button as she scuttled to the passenger's side and got in. She buckled up & proceeded to flame up but I stopped her.

"Yo hol' up Man. We still on church grounds," I reminded her. "Lemme pull off first."

"You sho' right." She said as she took the blunt from her lips. "My bad."

She sat back as I pulled out of the lot and on to the gravel road. I turned down another country road about half a mile away from the church then nodded to Kyng.

"Iite. We should be good now."

"Cool." she muttered as she lit the blunt and put it to her lips.

As she inhaled she pointed to the car stereo where Kirk Franklin & The Family sang through the speakers.

"I'd rather not listen to church music if that's cool.." She sputtered on her exhale.

"Oh yea. I gotchu." I respond as I use one hand to hold the wheel and the other to browse through my playlist. I settled on John Legend's So High album as Kyng passed me the blunt.

"Ahhh Man," She sighed easing back in the seat. "I remember when this first came out. How you used to play that song...Again I think it was...all the friggin' time!" She chuckled at me and I scoffed while puffing.

"It's called Another Again & it's a good song. So what?!" I exhaled my response as I changed the music to that particular song and watched her react.

She stale faced me and I couldn't stop the snickering as I grooved & bobbed my head to the beat. She passed the L back to me about halfway through the song and I noticed her beginning to get into it.

I pulled off the gravel road into what looked like a random section of farm land or pasture. I hadn't seen anyone else on the 10 minute ride over here, I figured we were good. Parked my car and cut the ignition but continued to play the song as I sang along.

"...So dramatic again...
After we go at, We get mad
Then go at it agaaain...
Oh I love it, Then I hate it
She's my faaavorite....Again
Wastin' tiiime...
Can't help it She's so fiiine...
Oh I like Her style...
And I like the waaaay
She talks and I smile...
As much as we may tryyy
Can't quite see eye to eye...
So in the mean time, I guess we say Bye-Bye..."🎶🎶

I sang and gestured to Kyng as she mindlessly stared out the window vibing to the song. As I took my next couple puffs I was surprised to see Kyng come in with the last verse.

🎶🎤"...So I got a new friend...
I wish I could forget you
But I miss you Wanna kiss you agaaain...
Oh she like you, But she NOT you
Gotta find you again...
So we remember again
The middle of December and I take you out to dinner again...
Oh I love herrr...It's not overrrr...
Jus anotherrr Again..."🎶🎶

She pointed and gestured to me as she sang the lyrics and suddenly my heart skipped a beat & my stomach fluttered. I turned the music down and she glared at me with the "Wtf" face.

"We should probably head back. I bet they're headed to the grave site if they haven't made it already."

She nodded but still looked offended. "Yeah but I was listening to that though."

She grabbed my phone and restarted the song increasing the volume. I took my phone from her and snatched out the aux cord as I hit the power button on the stereo.

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