Bake & Wake

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It was somewhere around 5 when my mom came home. The installers finished up around 2:30. I remember laying out on her couch in the den and watching Divorce Court.

Damn. Did I really smoke that much? I mumble to myself as I groggily reenter consciousness.

I heard Momma rustling around with what sounded like grocery bags and dishes and figured she was in the kitchen. I stood up & stretched letting out a good yawn as an empty chip bag & a mess of crumbs fell off of me onto the plush carpet.

Shit! I wasn't trying to hear her mouth...

I sighed & rolled my eyes as I headed to the kitchen to find Momma setting plates from her China cabinet into plastic bags. I saw a few bags filled with what looked to be trays of food from the local grocery store. I knew Momma was having them cater the wake & she and her siblings & cousins would be cooking for the funeral.

"Hey Momma. What's all this?" I greeted her with a question.

"Hey P." She looked up momentarily greeting me with a smile. "I thought you were back there 'sleep." She continued moving her priceless plates.

"I was." I answered hazily, my voice crackling as I tried to wake it up. "What are you doing?" I asked again.

"Well this stuff's gotta go to the church before the service this evening," she pointed at the bags on the floor near the counter. "And I'm getting the plates out for Mama's sisters. You know Ain Alma Jean & Lucy Pearl & them don't like paper plates." she chucked at me as she tied the bag shut then placed it into a cloth grocery bag. "Help me get this stuff in the car would you?"

I mentally shook my head at how much she cared about what these old dinosaurs thought or liked or didn't like...She had plenty of paper plates for everyone to use and still insisted on making special arrangements for people she wasn't likely to see again. I didn't question it. I simply grabbed the food & paper goods and head out to my mom's car. She checked the time & I hear her cuss and smack her lips. "Shit!"

"What's wrong Momma?" I stopped and furrowed my brows in concern.

"It's already 6 o'clock and I'm nowhere near ready! I still need to shower & clean up. I have to set up for the dinner. I don't even know what my new flooring looks like! I-"

"It's ok Momma," I cut her off. "Go shower and get pretty. I'll take this stuff & go set up for the service." I offered my assistance to my frantic mother.

"Ok yeah." she shook her head agreeing to my offer.

"Thanks P." She sighed in relief as she hugged me. I leaned in to her hug as best I could with my hands full & kissed her cheek.

"Of course Momma. Whatever I can do to help."

With that she exited to her bedroom. I heard the shower start as I left her house, loading the items in the back seat of my car. Just as I'd finished loading up the car, I feel a vibration in my back pocket. I retrieved my phone to see Janelle's face flashing on my screen. I answered the call.

"Hey Dollphace!"

"Heyy Baby!" she sweetly cooed in response.

"Where ya at? I thought you'd be off by now.." I inquired remembering our conversation this morning.

"A meeting ran late this afternoon and I fell a bit behind on my quartley inventory analysis summaries," she explained. "I'm still here finishing up. I should be home in an hour or so."

"Ok Love. Be safe. See you soon."

"I love you Daddi!"

"Love you too Dollphace."

With that we ended the call. I hopped into the driver's seat, buckled up and pulled off in the direction of the church. It's typically a good 35 minute drive from my mom's house but I made it in 20 taking back roads.

I pulled up to the big white church house and park around the back. I saw two other vehicles & the church van parked nearby. I got out and knocked on the door. A church mother opened it with a kind hello. I introduced myself as Aujeanette's grand daughter & let her know I had come to set up food as she propped the door open and proceeded to walk with me -slowly- to my car.

"Oh you don't have to-...There's not a lot to get really...just a couple of trays and bags," I said gently placing my hand on the elderly woman's back more in an effort to pat her away than help her along.

"Nonsense," She asserted herself as she wrapped her slender, trembling arm around mine & push on. "I plan to eat tonight so I might as well help get it in here." She chuckled at herself as she grabbed one of the food trays and a bag of napkins and cutlery. I watched her shuffle back to the church.

"Well. Are you coming inside or not?" she turned back noticing I had yet to follow her.

"Yes ma'am! Here I come." I answer as I gather everything else & catch up to her.

After about 25 minutes, everything was set-up for both dinner services as well the santuary. By now they had brought the casket in for early viewing. I saw my granny from a distance but I wasn't ready to really face her yet.

Instead I thanked Sis. Beverly -the church mother from earlier- for her assistance and informed her that I was headed home to change for the service.

I saw that Janelle texted letting me know she was home & wondering where I was. I texted back telling her to meet me at my mom's house & we could ride to the church together before pulling off. I saw the parking lot filling up as I left.

I got back to my mom's house & quickly showered & changed clothes. Janelle pulled up just as I was finishing up. She knocked lightly at the door as I stood next to it checking myself in the mirror.

"Hey Daddi." She greeted me with a hug as I let her in the door.

"Heyyyy Lil Mama. You ready? Cuz we late." I chuckled.

"Yes I am." She answered.

I took her hand & spun her around to take in the view. "You know you're beautiful right?"

"Thank you Baby!" she blushed . You're pretty gorgeous yourself." She returned the complement.

We continued our lovey dovey banter along with the events of our respective days as we headed to the church.

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